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The wiki where fans share their original Pikmin ideas.

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5,998 articles in English since November 1st, 2008.
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A screenshot of Sandbox mode from Pikmin Forever, showing the player placing down a Red Bulborb from the objects menu.

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July 16th, 2024
We've reached 6,000 total content pages!

June 16th, 2024
Courtesy of Trig Jegman, our wiki's "monobook" theme has been refreshed. Check it out at some point!

June 12th, 2024
We've added an important new point to the beginning of our privacy policy regarding user age.

April 27th, 2024
Please welcome A Friendly Amprat to the staff team!

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Pikmin: Wide World

Pikmin: Wide World is a fan-made Pikmin game concept created by Cheepy-Cheepy. As well as introducing new ideas and concepts, Pikmin: Wide World features and expands upon many used and unused aspects of all three mainline Pikmin games and Hey! Pikmin, some features of Pikmin Adventure, and a hint of inspiration from Pikmin 4. Chronologically, it takes place immediately after the events of Pikmin 3.
As the S.S. Drake approaches Hocotate, Captain Olimar and the Koppaite trio of Alph, Brittany, and Captain Charlie exchange their goodbyes. The ship lands on the desolate lot of Hocotate Freight, which Olimar chose as its landing site due to its familiarity. Olimar steps out of the S.S. Drake and onto the sunbaked asphalt macadam and turns to face the spacecraft to wave farewell to his saviors as they blast off into the sky. After turning his back to the dissipating pillar of smoke left in the S.S. Drake's wake, Olimar is suddenly met by the President of Hocotate Freight, Shacho.
Distressed, Shacho pesters Olimar about the company still being in its mountainous debt of P3 Poko icon.png × 55,505, which he sent Olimar and Louie to pay off, and caused by recklessly spending the company's funds on a failed business venture and taking out a massive loan at Happy Hocotate Savings and Loan to reimburse his losses, recalling what happened with the All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks. He demands to know where the pokos and treasures are, but he stops to realize that no messages were received by or sent from the Freight Voyager in days, Olimar didn't return to Hocotate in it, and Louie was once again absent. Olimar begins to explain all that happened with himself, Louie, and the ship and how he got back to Hocotate. After understanding that the vessel was totaled and knowing that the company has no other usable ships nor the funds to pay for a replacement, he pleads to Olimar for a miracle. Unsure of what to do, Olimar informs Shacho that he must return home to see his family before he can ponder the solution to the company's problems...


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