Iron Hall

From Pikmin Fanon
Pikmin 3 (Flish version)
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Iron Hall is the final cave in Frigid Peaks, and the final cave in Pikmin 3 (Flish version). The Iron Hall is reminiscent of a boss rush. Every even-numbered floor in this dungeon is a rest floor.


Getting to it requires all 8 Pikmin types.
The dungeon entrance is in a corridor with loose soil blocking the entrance, where you will need Brown Pikmin. There is a pool of water behind it with a few Wogpoles. There is a drain in the center of this pool, and Blue Pikmin must be used to drain the water. Afterwards, there will be a fire gate with an Electric Gate behind it. There will be a muddy lake behind that, which you will need to build a bridge across.
Behind that is a poison gate. You need to use Purple Pikmin to deflate a bag that needs 1000 carry strength to deflate. (this is actually easier in Pikmin 3, since Purple Pikmin have an Onion now allowing for faster collection of Pikmin.) Behind this, the cave entrance is in sight, BUT, a series of smoke emitters stands in the way. If you destroy these, you can enter Iron Hall.

Sublevel 1

Floor 1 is a rusty old pipe with several smaller pipes branching off to pools or gravel beds. In the largest pond, you face a horde of Purple Wollywogs and a Sucking Blowhog. Occasionally, if you disturb the shoots lining the edge of the pool, some Albino Wogpoles will pop out. When you kill a random one, the Crawling Stick will be uncovered. However, when trying to bring it back to the onion, Caustic Dweevils will fall from the ceiling and try to take it back. The exit is in the gravel pit. There are two other treasures on this floor, but how to get them is not worth noting.

Sublevel 2

This floor has many eggs and several Iridescent Glint Beetles that will scurry out of dead plants. The only Candypop buds here are Sandy Candypop Buds.

Sublevel 3

You land on a small, rusty platform surrounded on all sides by muddy water. You should continue with caution, as the surrounding water has Sand Dumples, Sandy Dweevils, and the occasional Maced Bloyster. There is an arena at the back of the floor, where you fight the Hermizad. Unlike the normal fight against this beast, you will not be able to use bomb rocks.
Normally, Pikmin are unable to walk on the Hermizad's pit. However, Tan Pikmin can. You will want to throw a Pikmin into the pit and call it back quickly. If you do it fast enough, the Hermizad will fail to grab the pikmin and instead crawl out of its pit. It will realize the danger after about 2 seconds, so attacking now is crucial. Stay away from the center of the pit, since once it gets back into the pit, it will almost immediately be able to attack again. On the original fight with the Hermizad, this is impossible thanks to clever coding to make this battle even more difficult.

Sublevel 4

Floor 4 is a small floor. Here, there is shallow water trickling into a small drain that the pod lands over. There are Violet Candypop Buds near the sources.

Sublevel 5

Floor 5 is a large square room with a metal floor. Armored Dweevils and other Purple-needed enemies can be found here. In a random corner, you will find an Emperor Bulblax.

Sublevel 6

Floor 6 contains a trio of Golden Candypop Buds and a geyser.

Sublevel 7

This floor is a metal box with pipes that have various electric and acidic hazards. Enemies include Vomiting Blowhogs, Anode Beetles, Anode Dweevils, and an Electric Blowhog that contains a treasure known as the Superconductor.

Sublevel 8

This floor contains a pair of Crimson Candypop Buds. There is also a Mamuta.

Sublevel 9

This floor looks like a metal box that gradually gets a redder color as if heated. There are many fire geysers and Fiery Blowhogs. This floor is more of a maze; it consists of a bunch of tubes that all connect to each other and all eventually connect to the central box. A Fiery Bulblax holds the Worthless Treasure.

Sublevel 10

This floor contains a group of Ivory Candypop Buds. It also has a Doodlebug that will occasionally pop out. This floor looks like a clean, sanitary sphere of metal. It also has a geyser.

Sublevel 11

This floor has various Poison hazards. There is a Smoky Progg that will fall from the sky if you enter the center of the map. This map looks like five spheres connected to each other. You can also find a few Munge Dweevils if you find treasure and attempt to bring it back to the ship. All the treasures on this floor are underground except for the Metal Jaw.

Sublevel 12

This floor has an Umber Candypop Bud and a few Unmarked Spectralids.

Sublevel 13

This floor looks like a large, rusty metal bucket with dirt covering the way out. If the dirt is broken, there will be a pair of Decorated Cannon Beetles. There are Mandiblards scattered throughout these rooms, which have all their entrances blocked off by dirt. The exit is also in a dirt pit.

Sublevel 14

This floor has three Ebony Candypop Buds. On occasion, Choking Spectralids will flutter out of plants.

Sublevel 15

This floor looks like a sewer. There is slow, trickling water as well as Paranormal Blowhogs, Choking Dweevils, and a few other choking enemies.

Sublevel 16

This floor contains a geyser, three Queen Candypop Buds, and a pair of every other type of candypop bud.

Sublevel 17

The last floor of the dungeon is a huge metal dish, similar to the Titan Dweevil arena, but larger. When you enter a sound similar to a Gatling Groink (only deeper) can be heard, and one of their ammunition will fly from off-screen and grow into the Gargantuan Groink. This boss will flash different colors depending on its means of defense. It has 20,000 health, twice as much as the Raging Long Legs. It will shoot bullets at you, but its immense size means that it cannot move from its spot. When killed, it drops the Mysterious Grail, which is worth 5,000 pokos.