Dead Man's Trench

From Pikmin Fanon
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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
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To do: Update the page's layout to match the new cave article layout.
Dead Man's Trench
Location Ancient Wetland
Sublevels 9
Treasures 13

You'll spend many days exploring the massive area that is the Ancient Wetland. Even so, the Dead Man's Trench is a very elusive dungeon, its entrance only appears in a certain spot on every day with a multiple of three, so plan ahead so you can find the way to this faraway dungeon ahead of time and find a way to get all your Pikmin to reach it. This is really tough, so it might take you a while... but it gives you plenty of incentive not to lose all your Pikmin down there! All Pikmin types are necessary, and the toughest things about the dungeon are situations utilizing Black Pikmin and Green Pikmin. The boss itself is a difficult enemy with a cruel twist which could potentially ruin your strategy if you rely on sacrificing White Pikmin to poison enemies to death. In other words, lose that habit.
