
From Pikmin Fanon
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Wollyhop" article for more official information.
Pikmin 1 icon.pngPikmin 2 icon.pngPikmin 4 icon.png
Wollyhop The icon used to represent this enemy.
P4 Wollyhop.png
Appearance in Pikmin 4.
Scientific name Amphicaris albino
Family Amphituber

Wollyhops, formerly known as Wollywogs, are a species of amphituber that live in the bowels of subterranean areas such as caves, usually in or near water. Generally passive, their only attack is to leap into the air towards nearby leaders and Pikmin to land on them; upon doing so, any Pikmin on it are thrown off, and any underneath it are crushed. Such an attack can be prevented if the Wollyhop is weighed down by enough Pikmin. Compared to their counterpart, the Yellow Wollyhop, Wollyhops jump with less vertical movement but greater horizontal movement, and can notice prey from any direction.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Wollyhop.

In Pikmin 4: The World to Free

Pikmin 4: The World to Free
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 4: The World to Free, a fanon game created by New Pikminjp.
Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Amphicaris albino
Family Amphituber
Areas Trash Kingdom, Emperial Shrine
Carry weight 6
Max. carriers 12
Seed worth 7
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 120
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

The Wollywog appears in Pikmin 4: The World to Free.


Tike's notes

Such eyes... it gives you the chills to know its body is filled with poison. Thankfully it just uses the poison to prevent getting eaten. However, these guys are great jumpers and should be taken with caution. They fall a bit faster too. Since they're weak... they can't handle as much pressure. They mainly prefer interior areas.

Alice's notes

This guy here is the perfect example of a bloodthirsty killer. They look so creepy... The truth is that they are... When I think, why do they just squash Pikmin without care? Well, now you realize what I'm saying. They get pleasure for killing those helpless Pikmin and... umm, I think I should think this out privately.

Captain Pikmin's notes

As a warning their great speed in the air can cause problems. Make sure to bring Blues, with Greens the choice on land. One thing to do if you lack Blues is to trick it to go on the surface and then swarm it. Since they can't shake, they won't be able to lift into the air again.

In Pikmin Evolution

Pikmin Evolution icon.png
"An Evolution Revolution."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Evolution, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Evolution icon.png
Albino Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Amphicaris albino
Family Amphituber
Habitats Jungles
Diet Insects
Rarity Common
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 10
Seed worth 8
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 8
Collectable resources Wog legs
Attacks Crushes Pikmin
Resistances Acid icon.png Water icon.png
Weaknesses Earth icon.png

The Albino Wollywog, also known as the Albino Wollyhop, is a species of amphituber appearing in Pikmin Evolution. For the most part, it retains its signature appearance, but the bottom of its body has gained a green tint, signifying its new habitat: acid, which it has developed a resistance to. Likewise, they retain the same behaviors and capabilities, their jumps having more range than height in contrast to the Yellow Wollywog and being slower as well, but can also immerse themselves in mud to hide. Its position is indicated by a steady stream of bubbles rising to the mud's surface. When approached closely enough, they suddenly leap out onto their victims in an ambush maneuver. This behavior is best shown when in the presence of the Albino Masterhop, as its loud call can trigger Albino Wollywogs in its territory to perform their ambush attacks.

Attacking an Albino Wollywog is often a simple undertaking, with a little care. Simply toss Pikmin on it or swarm it with a horde of Pikmin, preferably Alloy Pikmin because of their immense weight and blunt force resistance, to prevent it from jumping in the first place. If it breaks free, call Pikmin off and repeat the process until it dies. The Wollywog's flat body is a major weakness of the creature as it quickly becomes weighted down by any dirt or grime covering it. This presents the opportunity to expose it to a gray syrup, which rapidly hardens liquids into heavy crystal. Afterward, the Wollywog will be utterly unable to leave the ground, and will comically flip over onto its side in its struggle, allowing it to be freely attacked by any Pikmin type. Despite its newfound characteristics, the Albino Wollywog is still the same pale amphituber as it ever was and is therefore still prone to the same strategies.

In Pikmin: Antarctic Survival

P4 Porquillion.png
“Welcome to ze Revolution, mon ami!”
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Antarctic Survival, a fanon game created by A Friendly Amprat.
P4 Porquillion.png
Bully The icon used to represent this creature.
Species Wollywog
Gender Male
Initial location Trampled Tundra
Elements None
Housing size 1
Blood type Cold-blooded
Carrying capacity 3
Hit points 13
Clothing types Standard Coat
Starting skills Search 0, Build 0, Quarry 0
Potential skills None

Bully is the Wollywog that appears in Pikmin: Antarctic Survival. Bully is fierce and aggressive, having learned to be tough in order to survive in the harsh Trampled Tundra. He has a strong sense of hearing, allowing him to sense surrounding creatures that he cannot see. He also has the ability to sense vibrations in the ground, which can warn him of approaching underground predators.

Bully loves to sing, and tries to get the other Wollywog residents of the Diamond Settlement to start a singing frog group with him once he is Awakened. His frog call is striking and deep, and he often practices his singing at night, to the annoyance of the Diamond Settlement's other residents who are trying to sleep.

Bully is named after the bullfrog, a large and aggressive type of frog. His name may also reference the bullywug, a violent race of frog creatures from Dungeons & Dragons.

In Pikmin: The Bulblaxian War

General Bulben.png
The Bulblaxian War
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Bulblaxian War, created by AlmightyCreeperLord.
General Bulben.png
Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Amphituber
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

Wollywogs appear in Pikmin: The Bulblaxian War, and retain the appearance and behaviors of their Pikmin 2 incarnation. One appears on a switch box in the Temple of Ice, which is dangerous as it can press the device's button to activate the Whistling Terror while Pikmin are carrying it, resulting in them being crushed by the object.


Olimar's notes

This wollywog is white from sunlight deprivation. Ever since the first wollywog ventured underground, their eyes couldn't stand the natural sunlight outside, so they stayed in caves until they developed this pale complexion. It has obtained its stocky appearance from jumping in the confined spaces of the caves we explore.

Ship's notes

This creature never stops staring at my camera. IT DOESN'T EVEN BLINK. I can never win a staring contest against one of these guys. Olimar is telling me that that is probably because it's dead. Yeah, right, as if.

In Pikmin: Decayed Leaf

P2 Olimar icon.png
"You… your evil subordinate, your greedy boss, and this invasive Pikmin infestation will all die here TODAY!!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Decayed Leaf, a fanon game created by Soundwave.
PDL Overlord banner icon.png
Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Amphicaris albino
Family Amphituber
Carry weight 7
Max. carriers 14
Seed worth 8
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 5
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

The Wollywog is a returning species of amphituber in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The creature retains its original appearance, however, its eyes glow in darker areas. The Wollywog will sit idle until it spots Pikmin from afar. It will then jump on them to try and kill them. If attacked, the frog will attempt to shake Pikmin off.


Olimar's notes

The Wollywog prefers darker areas, like caves. Due to the lack of sunlight, this creature's skin has become much paler than other species. Strangely, the Wollywog will consume Glowcaps, which causes their eyes to glow. Due to the Hocotatium 111 inside of the Glowcap, it triggers a chemical reaction that illuminates various of its organs, including its eyes.

Louie's notes

After removing the eyes and legs, fry this creature over the grill. Put it on a bun with cheese, lettuce, onion, mayo, tomato, mustard, and pickle for a delicious Wolburger!

President’s notes

This frog seems to have an extremely sharp eye. Perhaps I could use this guy to scout out treasures! Granted, I’d have to teach him what treasures are.

In Pikmin: Redemption

Nuvola warning.png
WraithOmniverseLogo.png PR Logo.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Redemption, created by Sir Pikmin.
Nuvola warning.png
Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Amphituber
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

Wollywogs in Pikmin: Redemption are identical to their Pikmin 2 incarnation but have a minor difference in coloration.

In Pikmin: Treacherous Treasures

Pikmin: Treacherous Treasures
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Treacherous Treasures, a fanon game created by Neocraftz1553.
This section is a stub. You can help Pikmin Fanon by expanding it.
Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
PTT Neocraftz1553 Wollyhop.png
Scientific name Amphicaris albino
Family Amphituber
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 10
Seed worth 8
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 5
Health 1,000
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

The Wollywog appears in Pikmin: Treacherous Treasures.

In Pikspore

Nuvola warning.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikspore, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
Nuvola warning.png
This section is a stub. You can help Pikmin Fanon by expanding it.
Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Amphituber
Areas The Walkway
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

In Pikspore, Wollywogs are found in the Walkway.