Crushblat Larva

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 18:34, 29 December 2023 by Jody (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Dummy enemy icon.png" to "Enemy dummy icon.png")
Crushblat Larva
Family Crushblat

The Crushblat Larva is a juvenile crushblat that hides within a small crystal.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Crushblat Larva.

In Pikmin 44

Pikmin 44 icon.png
P44 logo.png
This article or section pertains to Pikmin 44, a fanon game created by PurpleHeadache.
Pikmin 44 icon.png
Crushblat Larva The icon used to represent this enemy.
Crushblat Larva.png
Scientific name Durotesta longuscrus (larva)
Family Crushblat
Areas Blustering Tributary
Caves Crystalline Cavern, Illuminated Tunnel
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 3
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 5
Attacks Crushes and eats Pikmin

The Crushblat Larva is an enemy appearing in Pikmin 44. It is found all throughout the Blustering Tributary, and in some caves, namely Crystaline Cavern and Illuminated Tunnel. It is a juvenile form of the Calcified Crushblat, and hides within a crystal rock that is inevitably thrown by Skutterchucks. It usually stays still but will occasionally roll over to crush nearby Pikmin. If the crystal it hides in shatters, it will attempt to eat Pikmin.

In Pikmin E: Remastered

Pikmin E: Remastered
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin E: Remastered, a fanon game created by PixelThistle.
Crushblat Larva The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Crushblat
Carry weight 2
Max. carriers 4
Seed worth 3
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 10
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

The Crushblat Larva is a species of crushblat that appears in Pikmin E: Remastered. It rolls around aimlessly due to not having grown eyes yet, crushing any Pikmin it happens to roll over onto. Besides that, the creature is harmless.


Olimar's notes

By far the most harmless larva species I've encountered so far! Others seem to be just as aggressive as their adult counterparts, however, this one merely just rolls around without care! It could still crush my Pikmin though...

Louie's cookbook

Peel off the calcified shell, and bake in an oven at 300 degrees. Once done, you will have a meaty, yet bread-like... thing, to put it best.