Bloominous Stemple

From Pikmin Fanon
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Bloominous Stemple" article for more official information.
Bloominous Stemple The icon used to represent this plant.
P3 Bloominous Stemple.jpg
Scientific name Unknown
Family Dandelion
Areas Distant Tundra, Twilight River, Formidable Oak
Caves None

Bloominous Stemples are unique plants that are always found in caves and will appear in a dormant state when first seen. They will bloom if a light is shone on them from a nearby light source, such as one produced as a result of an activated electrode. Once they bloom, they will not wither back to their dormant state so long as the light continues shining on it. They can also bloom if they receive light from the sun or enemies that produce light, such as Widemouthed Anode Beetles. If the source of light disappears, the plants will wither back to their dormant state. Once they bloom, they act as a path to access previously inaccessible places.