User:Cheepy-Cheepy/Red Boloroborp

From Pikmin Fanon
This article was created as an April Fools' joke by A Friendly Amprat. It should not be taken seriously, nor does it relate to the rest of Amprat's content.
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Boloroborp" article for more official information.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Appearance in Piglin 18000000011.
Scientific name Oculolorobus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Note: all or most of this information may be fanon information.
Kingdom Amongusia
Phylum Kidicarus
Class Vegetoid
Family Grub-pog
Genus Oculolorobus
Species Pastrami

Red Boloroborps, also known as Potty Boloroborps or simply Boloroborps, are nocturnal creatures that sleep in open locations during the day. Once awake, they become aggressive and run towards you in real life and eat you. If their eyestalks are attacked, they will panic and break off whatever they are doing to shake away their assailants.

In Hai! Piglin, a Red Boloroborp acts as the zerost boss. It is always awake, yet pathetic as ever, and will constantly try to bite leaders and eat Piglins. It can't be snook around unless its eyes are attacked while it prepares to eat Piglins, and it occasionally runs into the nearby tall grass in an effort to find a Lucky Pal. Additionally, it may charge Piglins and leaders to try to rob their money.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Cheepy-Cheepy/Red Boloroborp.

In One Piglin

One Pikmin
This article or section presents information pertaining to One Pikmin, a fanon game created by Piki1.
Red Boloroborp
Health 15
Attack 3
Defense 0
Experience 4
Drops 3 seed dollars

In One Piglin, Red Boloroborps appear as regular enemies in Forest of Cope, Road of Boloroborps, and Gestahlborp City.

In PNFworld

Nuvola warning.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikimon, a fanon game created by Lazer.
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Cheepy-Cheepy/Red Boloroborp
Type(s) Normal-type
Family Grub-pog
Areas Unknown
Locations Grass, dark grass
Ability Feet Feet

Move list

  • Start - Butthead
  • Lv. 7 - Dash
  • Lv. 10 - Sussy Face
  • Lv. 15 - Bite
  • Lv. 20 - Slam
  • Lv. 25 - Yawn
  • Lv. 30 - Crunch
  • Lv. 50 - Roar of Time
  • HM01 - Strength


  • Fire Stone -> Fiery Lorax
  • Lv. 50 Male -> Emperor Lorax
  • Lv. 50 Female -> Empress Lorax


  • Bite-Sized Bolorobip (Bolorobip) -> Lv. 25

In Piglin 3.9

Piglin 3.9
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin 3.9, a fanon game created by Goldfish8008.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Garden of Glory (wof referenc???), Lazy Town, Grub-pog Metropolis
Caves Boloroborp Bastion, Grub-pog Kingdom
Challenge Mode stages Grub-pog Bathroom
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 7
Health 750
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp, in Piglin 3.9, behaves and looks exactly as it does in Piglin 2, but is a lot less common, perhaps as an effect of the global worming on grub-pogs. Repeatedly throw Purple Piglins at its tasty toes until it dies.

In Piglin 4 (BigChungus version)

Pikmin 4 (BallsAngus version)
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 4, a fanon game created by BallsAngus.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Vast Plains (they're so Vast they literally never end, seriously I've been walking for hours, I haven't seen anything but more Vast Plains, someone please send help, sorry this message is so long but that gives you an idea of how Vast these Plains are), Yellow Lake, Paradise Forest, Bulbous Armpits, Thirsty Dessert, Pikpik Cannon, Sandy Birch, Iron Mines, The Secret NightWing Island, Attitude Valley (Of ReposE!!)
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in every area in Piglin 4 (BigChungus version) except for That Area Without Red Boloroborps.

In Piglin 4: The World to Fee

Piglin 4: The World to Fee
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin 4: The World to Fee, a fanon game created by New Piglinjp.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Forest of Begging, Blooming Joke, Secret Fatty
Challenge Mode stages Cove of the Boloroborps
Battle Mode stages Rocky Warthog
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 15
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 30
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin 4: The World to Fee. In addition to appearing in many areas and one Challenge Mode level, Red Boloroborps are found in Rocky Warthog, a War Mode stage, Rush played it and said it was bad.


Yike's notes

After I got here, I discovered I landed on PNF-404, so yeah, this has been an already explored sign. I started to get messages from a friend of mine from Hocotate, saying that his grandfather told him stories of every creature here, some I can't name. One of those creatures was the so-called man-eating red Boloroborp. He said that red Boloroborps are quite common, and they eat Piglins as well. Well, I believe him, because when I visited the planet, there were red Boloroborps. However, I don't know why they are considered scary. Plus, when I came to the planet, they are not too common either. In fact, after I explored three chunks of land in this world, I only mainly found YUCKY BUGS and YUCKY BUGS. What happened to the Boloroborp craze? Perhaps YUCKY BUGS dominated the world.

Alicia lon Rita's notes

Well, I know some act differently, at different times of the day. But never before I have seen such a mood swing like this before. Meet the red Boloroborp, the lazy, carefree creature: all gentle and sweet in the morning and vicious and mean at night. I'm serious, this is how they are. Maybe while one is sleeping, I will administer normal pills. Maybe it won't be grumpy after its nocturnal yap this time.

Captain Piglin's notes

Well, we have known red Boloroborps for a long time, so they are like our long-time rival. Attack their face, when they're sleeping, and that should leave a mark on them. When they wake up, avoid their jaws of doom. It should keep Piglins away from being their nice bedtime snack.

Horace's notes


In Piglin 6: Pibby Apopalypse

Piglin 6: Pibby Apopalypse
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin 6: Pibby Apopalypse, a fanon game created by Salem.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 15
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 30
Attacks Eats and corrupts Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin 6: Pibby Apopalypse as a corrupted version of its former self. It retains its original appearance but has empty eyes and blocky particles obscuring most of its body. It also has HYPERREALISTIC CLOOD COMING OUT OF ITS EEYS. and KILS pipby.

In Piglin IV

Piglin IV
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin IV, a fanon game created by Neocraftz1553.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin IV, where it resides in jail due to tax fraud.

In Piglin Badventure (DrPepper version)

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Pikmin Adventure (DrTapeworm version)
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Adventure, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
Nuvola warning.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Funny Hill, Boloroborp's Garden, ShrOwOmy Pastures
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin Badventure. They appear in Funny Hill, Boloroborp's Garden, and ShrOwOmy Pastures.

In Piglin Eek!

P3 Lapis Lazuli Candypop Bud.png
Pikmin Eco
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Eco, a fanon game created by Sapphire7.
P3 Crimson Candypop Bud.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Cloven Amprat, Shimmering Cecil, Bumble Quarry
Caves Bolorobeep Cave, Bonehead Cove, Crinkle Cavern, Lorax Treetop, Boomer's Nest, Exit Exit
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 19
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 7
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp reappears in Piglin Eek! as a fairly common large enemy, and behave similarly to their Piglin 3 counterpart. While appearing in many areas throughout the game, they're absent in Bounty Candy, with the exception of sublevels three and four of the cave that is Lorax Treetop. Other than that, they appear in sublevels one and two of Bolorobeep Cave, sublevel one of Bonehead Cove, sublevels one, two, three, and five of Crinkle Cavern, sublevel one of Boomer's Nest, and sublevels one, three, five, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, and nine of Exit Exit.

In Piglin Forever

KHA Logo.png
Pikmin Forever
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Forever, a fanon game created by Scruffy.
KHA Logo.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps appear in Piglin Forever. Their vegan in this time around and dont eat Piglins.

In Piglin V

Pikmin V icon.png
Pikmin V banner.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin V, a fanon game created by En Passant.
Pikmin V icon.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Oculus sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Savannah GA, Cobblestone Desert, Busted Bavine
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Health 400
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp returns in Piglin V nearly identical to its incarnation in Piglin 3, although it returns to having the word "Roblox" in its name. The one change is that the trick of hitting the Boloroborp's eyes to distract it and make it spit out Piglins will only work once; after that, it will shoot lazors out of its eyes and kill your entire squad instantly. This prevents easy defeats of the Boloroborp by stun-locking it into its flinching animation.


Bossy Miss Bossy Pants's notes

Easily the trademark species of the grub-pog family, and maybe of the entire planet. The red Boloroborp gets its name from its potty red behind, though it has had several name changes over time depending on the frequency of other Boloroborp species. Its front half consists entirely of its back half, with a huge mouth that allow it to find and catch prey while hunting at night.

Orima's notes

If it is still asleep, its backside is a good place to rush it and deal lots of damage. Hitting it in the emotions will cause it to recoil and drop any Piglins it is eating, although it only works once.

Dolt's notes

Koppai now has a Piglin Day in celebration of it being saved by the Piglins, and they want me to come as a special guest to prepare Boloroborp meats for a feast! A whole planet that loves food... I should move there.

In Piglin: The Advanced Times

The Advanced Times
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Advanced Times, a fanon game created by Lazer.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Forest of Cope, Cloud of Orima
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin: The Advanced Times. It is encountered in the Forest of Cope and the Cloud of Orima, and has a mathematics degree from a prestigious university.

In Piglin: The After Yee

Zero Two Avatar.gif
The After Years
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The After Years, created by Gamefreak75.
Zero Two Avatar.gif
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Frozen Fries, Valley Of Repose 2
Caves Boloroborp Realm, Carnivore Cavernous, Escaping Peril, Treetop Fortnite
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin: The After Yee. They are encountered in Frozen Fries, Valley Of Repose 2, Boloroborp Realm, Carnivore Cavernous, Escaping Peril, and Treetop Fortnite.

In PILLmin: AntAWFUL DURRvival

This article or section presents information pertaining to PILLmin: AntAWFUL DURRvival, a fanon game created by Antarctic Survival Hater.

The Red Boloroborp Does NOT appear in ANTARCTRASH SUR-VILE because that game is BAD! It doesn't Even have ORIMA in it! It just has STUPID FRENCH PORQLILLION! Where is ORIMA?? Bad game play a REAL piglin GAME with REAL Piglin gAMEPLAY! not STUPID ROLE PLAYING GAME (BOORING) with NO PICKED MEN until CHATPER 2!! 😠😡😠

In Piglin: Back in My

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Back in Action
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Back in Action, a fanon game created by Alpo499.
Nuvola warning.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Fat Plain
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps are encountered in Piglin: Back in My, and can be found at the Fat Plain.

In Piglin: The Loraxian War

General Bulben.png
The Bulblaxian War
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Bulblaxian War, created by AlmightyCreeperLord.
General Bulben.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp.jpg
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Based Camp, Valley of Regretful Purchases
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 10
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 15
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps appear as fairly common enemies in Piglin: The Loraxian War. They have the same appearance and behavior as in other games. They make appearances at Based Camp and the Valley of Regretful Purchases.


Orima's notes

This creature was once classified as the potty boloroborp, but other spotted ones were found. The only grub-pog that can be classified as "potty" is the potty bulbear. But chances are that won't be the case for much longer.

Dolphin Landurr's notes

I feel like this creature is really disgusting. I mean like, just look at its eyes. What has eyes? It also has a horrible odor, and so what if I can't smell? However, it does have a nice red rear.

In Piglin: Boloroborp

Piglin: Boloroborp
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: Boloroborp, a fanon game created by MyPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikPikCarrot.

In Piglin: Boloroborp, a Red Boloroborp is the player character, and it eats Piglins to gain points. The Boloroborp, in particular, is the one located by the Eternal Fool Dynamo in the Forest of Cope.

In Piglin: DK Leaf

P2 Olimar icon.png
"You… your evil subordinate, your greedy boss, and this invasive Pikmin infestation will all die here TODAY!!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Decayed Leaf, a fanon game created by Soundwave.
PDL Overlord banner icon.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 4
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp is a returning enemy appearing in Piglin: DK Leaf. The creature retains its classic design throughout the Piglin series. This creature, along with the Dwarf Red Boloroborp, are the most common enemies to encounter. Red Boloroborps spend their time sleeping, and will only awaken if attacked or a nearby dork squeals. Once they stumble up, they will pursue the nearest Piglins, being able to eat five in a single bite. Like most adult Boloroborps, the creature's eyestalks and feelings are its weak points. If attacked, the creature will shake off any Piglins, and shake them off even harder if their eyestalks are being harmed. If it is fled from, the creature will head back to its territory and return to its slumber.

In Piglin: Dimensional Peach

Pikmin Dimensional Breach icon.png
A Rift in Reality.
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Dimensional Breach, a fanon game created by WorldBornDead.
Pikmin Dimensional Breach icon.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps do not appear in Piglin: Dimensional Peach.


Chad's notes

Attack it from behind to gain the advantage! Its feelings are a weak point!

Dork's notes

The creature’s stomach acids are a potent catalyst for decomposition reactions, capable of breaking bad objects to their base compounds and decaying those compounds to water and other simple molecules. I should hunt down as many of these as I can!

In Piglin: Denim Pants

Nuvola warning.png
Distant Planet
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Distant Planet, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
Nuvola warning.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Imposter Island, Cloaking Fiellow-Nit, Lost my Pair of Dice
Caves Petrified Temple, Rustic Sanctuary Guardian from MOTHER 2
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps appear in Piglin: Denim Pants, and are found in a selection of locations. Such locations are Cloaking Fiellow-Nit, past the puddle behind the electric fence, Imposter Island, on the western bloke, and Lost my Pair of Dice. Red Boloroborps are also found in the caves Petrified Pepis and Rustic Sanctuary Guardian from MOTHER 2.

In Piglin: Epic Pikvolution

Piglin: Epic Pikvolution
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: Epic Pikvolution, a fanon game created by Hybran.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Imposter Fields
Caves Teeny Cavey, Humid Ditch
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps appear in Piglin: Epic Pikvolution, and can be found in Imposter Fields, sublevel one of Teeny Cavey, and sublevel zero of Humid Ditch.

In Piglin: No Escape

Piglin: No Escape
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: No Escape, a fanon game created by an anonymous user who is definitely not Arlo.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Food Forest, Crystal Star, Shiver me Timbers, Ongoing Ohio, Vicious Valcano
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin: No Escape, and can be found in Food Forest, Crystal Star, Shiver me Timbers, Ongoing Ohio, and Vicious Valcano.

In Piglin: Evolultion Unleashed

Piglin: Evolultion Unleashed
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: Evolultion Unleashed, a fanon game created by Boloroborp bro.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Reonion Forest, Time Rift
Caves Newcomer Cavern, Ivy Interior, Gassy Gulch, Rewind Time, Collapsing Time Rift
Attacks Eats Piglins

In Piglin: Evolultion Unleashed, the Red Boloroborp is big grumpy, as it will attempt to chase down Piglins at a farther distance and is able to eat more Piglins. Up to thirty-five Piglins can be eaten. They can be found in Reonion Forest, by the tree in your backyard in real life, Time Rift, by the Boloroborp statues, sublevel two of Newcomer Cavern, sublevels two and four of Ivy Interior, sublevels one, three, and six of Gassy Gulch, sublevels one and three of Rewind Time, and sublevel one of Collapsing Time Rift.


Orima's notes

This species of grub-pog is the most common of its kind and has gotten more vicious over the years. Once it's fixed on something, it won't give it up so easily.

Dolt's notes

Cook with your favorite steak, meatloaf or stir fry substitute or spread with Szechuan Sauce and fried Beans to have a delicious four-course meal.

In Piglin: The Worst Colony

Piglin: The Worst Colony
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: The Worst Colony, a fanon game created by Killerbrardbebabug72.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Boloroborp nests
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps, in Piglin: The Worst Colony, are found in Boloroborp nests. They do not wake up unless someone play Squidward,s clarinet near them, in which case they will wake up to destroy the clarinet and then go directly back to bed.

In Piglin: The Huge Cat

Megacano Bulborb.jpg
Pikmin: The Huge Debt
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Huge Debt, a fanon game created by 13pikmar.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin: The Huge Cat.


Le Chacho's notes

This creature is not worth anything, except to be sold as a very large pet or as food...

Fiddlebert's notes

A nice house pet, but requires a large sleeping mat and plenty of meat. Petting is not advised, as they may wake up believing they are being attacked by Piglins. Owners must be the kind that can fall asleep even when someone is snoring, as this snores loud enough to scare nearby animals. Voracious appetite can be used to your advantage to create a fearsome burglar alarm. The burglars may not make it out intact, though.

That one ship part in Piglin 1 that falls into the abyss and permanently locks your save's notes

If tanned like leather, this creature makes an excellent shoe or purse material, and is completely Piglin-proof!

Violent's notes

This creature is so strong, so majestic... but Dolt is so strong he could easily beat it any day!

In Piglin: Raiders of the Lost Ark

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Mysterious Raiders
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Mysterious Raiders, a fanon game created by Zoadra.
Nuvola warning.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Caves Emergency Meeting
Attacks Eats Piglins

In Piglin: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Red Boloroborps appear in Emergency Meeting, where they swear they were in electrical when the body was found.

In Piglin: New Frontiers

Piglin: New Frontiers
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: New Frontiers, a fanon game created by Reginald-Bolorobazorp.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Meszmerizing Marshmallow, Hot Topic
Caves John Gutter, Groove of Booty
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps return in Piglin: New Frontiers, appearing in Meszmerizing Marshmallow and Hot Topic as well as the caves, John Gutter and Groove of Booty. Overall, they are a much rarer sight than previous games. Like in Piglin 3, throwing Piglins at their eyes causes them to spontaneously explode.

In Pikmin: Redemption

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WraithOmniverseLogo.png PR Logo.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Redemption, created by Sir Pikmin.
Nuvola warning.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-dog
Areas Ancient Forest, Dawn Lake
Attacks Eats Pikmin

Red Bulborbs appear in Pikmin: Redemption, and can be encountered in Ancient Forest, as well as Dawn Lake, near the edge of the lake.

In Piglin: Return

Piglin: Return
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: Return, a fanon game created by Neocraftz1553.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

In Piglin: Return, the Red Boloroborp returns along with its close cousins, the Sunset Boloroborp and the Pale Boloroborp, which, respectively, only appear in beach areas and in cave areas. The Red Boloroborp is similar in appearance to the ones in Piglin 3. If Piglins are thrown at its eyes or Purple Piglins are thrown on its back, it will flinch and release any Piglins in its mouth. If it swallows a bomb rock, the game disc will explode and so will your console. Smoke will then escape out of your mouth and nostrils briefly. Red Boloroborps can wander the entire map if it is disturbed, and if leaders or Piglins get out of range, it will follow the shortest path back to its sleeping spot, and they have a walking path much like the Piglins' carrying path, except it will not jump onto lily pads or use geysers, and will go through water and try to go around obstacles like Terence from school and electricity. All Boloroborps now respond to different hazards. Its minor variants are listed below:

  • Pale Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few graphical and behavioral differences, such as a slightly longer body, a paler face and duller red on its rear, and inability to go in deep bodies of water.
  • Sunset Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Dwarf Red Boloroborps to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Oozores to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Titan Dweevils to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Ancient Sirehounds to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Plasm Wraiths to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Grimacing Cremblubs to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon The Ones to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Lunar Long Legs to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Mecha-Louies to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Skibidi Boloroborps to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Darkfreezes to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Complex Parasites to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Blooming Sliturnips to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Dooms to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Berserk Leech Hydroes to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Overlords of All Lifeforms to aid it in battle.
  • Skibidi Boloroborp: the same as normal Red Boloroborps but with a few differences, such as a stouter body, a tanner face, and spots, a more vibrant shade of red on its hide, and ability to roar and summon Galactic Breadbugs to aid it in battle.

In Piglin: The Return of Portal-Kombat

Pikmin: The Return of the Puffmin
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Return of the Puffmin, a fanon game created by ThePikminMeister.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps in Piglin: The Return of Portal-Kombat are the same as they are in the canonical games, only they have better hearing, so they will be able to better hear when someone is talking smack about them. They are also devoted followers of Portal-Kombat and believe he will eventually return when Pikmin Fanon needs him most.

In Piglin: Return to the Denim Pants

Pikmin: Return to the Distant Planet
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Return to the Distant Planet, a fanon game created by Neocraftz1553.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Challenge Mode stages Trampled Tundra
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps, in Piglin: Return to the Denim Pants, are found in most areas, sleeping out in the open as they are lazy pieces of . As the day goes on, however, they'll become easier to wake, until sunset, where they'll actively sniff the ground in search of oil. If encountered in a cave or another dark area, they'll wander around said cave and won't sleep. These creatures aren't usually found outside during winter and can be found sleeping in caves, only waking up to respond to tweets and Pikmin Fanon messages from other users.

Swarming the creature from behind is a fairly effective strategy, however, it will shake Piglins off as it wakes, making it a bit harder to deal with if attacked with a smaller swarm of Piglins. Another effective strategy is to throw Piglins onto its face, as this deals more damage, and then throwing Piglins onto its eyes should it manage to get any into its mouth, as this causes it to recoil and spit out any Piglins in its mouth. In a pinch, feeding it a Bob Ross will kill it immediately.

Scoria's notes

WHAT!!!!!! I am WAY WAY stronger than this stupid ugly! Why does IT get to be in the game?? I should be in the game!! PUT ME IN THE GAME!!! I wanna be the tyrant NOW!!

In Piglin: Revenge of the Darknicity

PRotD Darkfreeze.png The Darkfreeze is back...
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Revenge of the Darkfreeze, created by SilverPikmin.
PRotD Darkfreeze.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp is a grub-pog that appears in Piglin: Revenge of the Darknicity.


Orima's notes

Upon dissection of this creature, a dormant watermelon seed has been found burrowed into its brain. Almost all Red Boloroborps dissected had the same result, and those that didn't were either ill, severely injured, or very dumb. Could there be a mutualistic relationship between watermelon and Boloroborp? More research is needed.

Dolt's notes

Remove face, teeth, and legs, chop up into slices, grill, and enjoy with a stick of melted butter.

Fiddlebert's notes

My daddy says that if you throw all of your Piglins on its third eye, it will go down in seconds! I think swarming its legs works, too.

In Piglin: Shadows of the Future

Nuvola warning.png
Pikmin: Shadows of the Future
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Shadows of the Future, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
Nuvola warning.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Emerald Pains
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps appear in Piglin: Shadows of the Future, and can be encountered in Emerald Pains, where they never appear.

In Piglin: Shipwrecked Stargazers

Pikmin Shipwrecked Stargazers icon.png
Shipwrecked Stargazers
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Shipwrecked Stargazers, a fanon game created by CarrotStilts1.
Pikmin Shipwrecked Stargazers icon.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Gamer's Quay, Thicket of Nourishment
Caves Collapsed Reef, Fang Shoe, Connoisseur's Stache
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 10
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 7
Attacks Eats Piglins

In Piglin: Shipwrecked Stargazers, Red Boloroborps remain as one of the most common regular enemies. Their tactics are similar to those of their Piglin 3 counterpart, but they may attack other enemies, like based blowhogs, non-mimic brardbebabugs, or Grimacing Cremblub.


Orima's notes

Amongust the most widely spread fauna on PNF-404, this grub-pog is nocturnal by nature, only waking up when bothered, and going to sleep soon after. At night, the Red Boloroborp will scout an area, looking for food. Often, small creatures going to their nest during sundown cross paths with the Red Boloroborp, and become easy prey.

Dolt's notes

Red Boloroborps are highly versatile food sources. Spit-roasting them is always a good choice for group meetings. The eyes can be mashed into a fine paste to use as stuffing.

In Piglin: Sinister Temple

Nuvola warning.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
Nuvola warning.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Desert Temple
Caves Behemoth's Temple, Dark Forest Temple, Fireside Temple, Predator's Temple, Quicksand Temple, Worlds Temple
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin: Sinister Temple. Aboveground, they can be encountered in Desert Temple, at the oasis itself. Underground, Red Boloroborps can be encountered in Behemoth's Temple, Dark Forest Temple, sublevel three of Fireside Temple, Predator's Temple, sublevel one of Quicksand Temple, and Worlds Temple.

In Piglin: Spider Attack

P2 Beady Long Legs.png
Pikmin: Spider Attack
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Spider Attack, a fanon game created by TruJam.
P2 Beady Long Legs.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Challenge Mode stages SPIDER
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 7
Attacks Eats Piglins


In Piglin: The Story Untold

Piglin: The Story Untold
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: The Story Untold, a fanon game created by S.g.c.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Frosted Flakes, Forest of Mr. Beast, Cavern of the Unknown, Steamworks, Crimson Fieldlands
Caves Beginner's Pit, Bean Onion Hole, Empress Bulblax, The Greenroom, Cherry Blossom Tree, Poop Spider Cavern, Frosted Flakes, Scoria's REALLY AWSOME Chasm (KEEP OUT!), Snek Temple, Thallenger's Cavern, Crimson Castle (yes the crimpson from terraria)
Challenge Mode stages Yes
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 10
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 10
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp is one of the most common creatures in Piglin: The Story Untold, being seen in every area except for the one that it doesn't appear in. It similarly appears in every cave except for the ones that it doesn't appear in.


Orima's notes

This creature is the most common Boloroborp and also the second encountered creature on PNF-404, the first being the Piglins. This creature's white-on-crimson coloration is very well-known and it sleeps all day as it's a nocturnal creature. Everyone knows that this has one of the most subspecies on the planet. It eats by chomping down on prey, as most grub-pogs do. It's also very known that the creatures' teeth are very sensitive and if you hit them they'll get stunned, and that its feelings are its weak point.

Dolt's notes

A pig-in-a-blanket made from red Boloroborps is a very dededelicious meal, with slabs of Bacon and the creaminess of the Boloroborp's flesh.

In Piglin: Theme Park

Piglin: Theme Park
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: Theme Park, a fanon game created by Robocop.
Red Boloroborp Adult The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp Adult is the most common visitor to the Theme Park. It likes roller coasters and hedge mazes, but dislikes the ferris wheel due to the 2006 incident.

In Piglin: Treacherous Treasures

Piglin: Treacherous Treasures
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: Treacherous Treasures, a fanon game created by Neocraftz1553.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 10

Red Boloroborps do not appear in Piglin: Treacherous Treasures. These creatures are usually found sleeping out in the open. Attacking them from behind is safer than attacking them head-on, as they can devour Piglins in a short amount of time when given the opportunity. The Red Boloroborp will be found asleep during the day, and will not attack until it is touched. Sneaking up behind it and swarming Piglins on its abdomen is the most effective strategy. If it happens to awaken, simply throw Piglins on its back and face to inflict damage while dodging its bites towards the Piglins. Its feelings serve as a weak point, and if it is being fought awake, attacking its eyes will stun it, and make it release any Piglins in its mouth, and proceed to fling all Piglins on it off. If a Bob Ross explodes near it, the explosion will startle it, making it jump up and look around for a bit. During this time the Boloroborp can see your IP address from farther away than usual until it goes back to sleep.

In Piglin and the Forgotten Land

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Family Grub-pog
Areas Bobby Hillands
Weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 10
Poko value P3 Poko icon.png × 7
Sparklium worth P4 Sparklium icon.png × 5
Battle point value P3 Soul icon.png × 35
Attacks Eats Piglins

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin and the Forgotten Land as one of a few grub-pogs exclusive to Bobby Hillands and its caves. It has a dwarf counterpart, its matriarch is the Empress Red Lorax, and its patriarch is the Emperor Lorax. Red Bolorobiglins are the result of parasitic Piglins taking over a Red Boloroborp's body. The Red Bloon, encountered only in Ivory Metalworks, is its mechanical counterpart. Red Boloroborps sleep on land, either alone or in groups, sometimes accompanied by Dwarf Red Boloroborps or Dwarf Red Boloroborps. They will awaken if they are touched, harmed, or hear a sound loud enough to rouse them from their sleep. While awake, a Red Boloroborp will chase down any leaders and Piglins in its territory. Any leaders it bites down on will be chewed up, and then spat out alongside any Piglins in its mouth at the time. Should they leave, it will seek a spot near its original resting position and return to its slumber there.

Red Boloroborps are the most recognizable and well-known of their kind. They have the size and shape of most other Boloroborps, and they have light skin, a red backside with white spots, and blue eyes with white sclerae. It has a pair of white fangs, and each of its four claws is also white.

Attacking and defeating a Red Boloroborp is nothing special, as they are the most basic of grub-pogs and have no outstanding behaviors or characteristics. Simply sneak up behind it while it is sleeping, and charge Piglins at its backside. Rapidly throwing Piglins onto it also works. As with most grub-pogs, Piglins can be thrown at the eyes of a Red Boloroborp to inflict minor damage, make it flinch, and cause it to release any Piglins currently in its mouth. Upon defeat, a Red Boloroborp will groan and cancel you on, X dot com.

In ultra-spicy difficulty, Red Boloroborps will occasionally feign sleeping, lying in place with their eyes closed to give the impression that they are asleep. It will periodically open its eyes to look around for a brief moment, and then promptly close them again. If not approached by Piglins or leaders for it to surprise attack, it will eventually fall asleep again and repeat the cycle.


  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): A Red Boloroborp will sleep until it wakes up. After it wakes up, it will not be asleep.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): Look for a Red Boloroborp's snot bubbles and then say "GROSS. That's DISGUSTING.".

Orima's comments

PWW Captain Olimar icon.png This species of Boloroborp is characterized by its signature crimson backside. It hasn't yet developed any behavioral characteristics that are unique from others of its kind, rendering it as the most basic of Boloroborps. It was once known as the potty Boloroborp, but the discovery of several new species has caused its name to be changed. Like many Boloroborps, the red Boloroborp is a nocturnal predator that sleeps during the day and feasts on creatures returning to their nests at sundown.

Le Chacho's comments

PWW President icon.png The sleep schedule these creatures have would be perfect for keeping late-night intruders off of Hocotate Freight grounds. Better yet, there would be no sign of where those intruders would have disappeared to! ...I just realized how morbid that sounded, but it's the truth!

Callie's comments

PWW Marie icon.png Adopting a red Boloroborp would be my biggest recommendation for a first-time pet owner, or an owner who is looking to adopt their first grub-pog. They are easy to care for, but, as they are nocturnal, can get into trouble during the night. As for red Boloroborps that are kept mostly outside... let's just say they're best either chained up or fenced in, so they don't go terrorizing the neighborhood.

Dolt's comments

PWW Louie icon.png For an excellent meatloaf that's easy to make, place the meat, breadcrumbs, eggs, and spices into a bowl, and thoroughly combine the ingredients. Transfer to a rectangular baking dish, place into an oven, and cook until done. Hearty and filling! Goes very well with ketchup or gravy.

Dolphin Landurr's comments

PWW Dolphin Lander icon.png The red Boloroborp is a humble creature. They see no need to employ any sort of survival tactic other than what is absolutely necessary, and I admire that greatly. A lot of this planet's wildlife could learn a thing or two from it.

Overlord’s thoughts(if Boloroborp was in World Wide lol)

One of these stole my wallet once.

In Piglin: The Wings of Fire

Winds of Light.jpg
The Winds of Light
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Winds of Light, a fanon game created by EmperorRagingLongLegs.
Winds of Light.jpg
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Red Boloroborp sprite.png
Scientific name Oculus pastrami sussus
Family Grub-pog
Areas Sussoning Garden, Archibald's Playground, Yellow Wollyhop
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 10
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 15
Attacks Eats Piglins

Red Boloroborps appear in Piglin: The Wings of Fire. They are found in the Sussoning Garden, sublevels two and three of Sussoning Garden, and sublevels two, five, eight, and nine of Sussoning Garden. The Sussoning Garden is held by the Red Boloroborp in sublevel two of Sussoning Garden, and the Sussoning Garden is held by the one on sublevel five of Sussoning Garden. Two Red Boloroborps roam sublevel eight of Sussoning Garden, and two are on the bridge of sublevel nine of the Sussoning Garden.


Orima's notes

Oddly enough, this creature seems to be one of the most common inhabitants of this planet, excluding the dwarf red boloroborp. How it has grown to such a big population is unknown. Maybe it has no fanum tax?

In Piglin: Wrath of Mr. BEAST

Piglin: Wrath of Mr. BEAST
This article or section presents information pertaining to Piglin: Wrath of Mr. BEAST, a fanon game created by The.Fake.Cukeman.
Red Boloroborp The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-pog
Areas Lousy Grove, Bathroom of Mr. Beast, Joke's End

The Red Boloroborp appears in Piglin: Wrath of Mr. BEAST. They can be encountered in Lousy Grove, Bathroom of Mr. Beast, and Joke's End.