Pikmin V

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From Pikmin Fanon
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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin V, a fanon game created by En Passant.
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Pikmin V
Pikmin V banner.png
Rating E10+
Genre Real-time strategy
Platforms Wii U
Media Wii U optical disk, digital download
Publisher Nintendo, Ltd.
Prequel Pikmin 3
Sequel None
Creator En Passant

Pikmin V is a standalone Pikmin game created by En Passant. The game is intended to come directly after Pikmin 3 and would theoretically be released on the Wii U. The game attempts to create a balance between the style of the first two games and of Pikmin 3, incorporating elements from both throughout the game.



Main article: Pikmin V/Controls

Pikmin V would be released on the Wii U if it were real, so it supports every control scheme the Wii U has to offer, with one exception: It does not support the Wii Remote as a standalone, as it lacks a sufficient amount of inputs.

Overhead Mode

By tapping the GamePad (Wii U) or pressing "-" (Wii/Classic/Pro), Select (3DS), or Z (GCN), the game will go into a bird's eye camera and pause the game just like in Pikmin 3. Hitting the pause button will toggle pause within Overhead Mode. Planning involves using a red pointer to select leaders and groups of Pikmin and trace routes for them to move on. However, Planning is a feature of Alph's KopPad, so he will need to be in the group for it to be used. Overhead Mode is disabled if there is more than one player-controlled character in Mission or Battle Modes.

Climates and Weather

Main article: Weather#In Pikmin V

A weather system has been added to make the game more realistic. Weather is chosen at the beginning of each day and can change after each quarter of the day to one of a number of related weathers. The weathers that can occur in an area are decided on that area's climate.

Important gameplay changes

  • Sprinting is introduced which allows leaders to move at 1.5x speed. It is toggled by pressing down on the D-Pad. The Mobility Shoes upgrade is required to use it.
  • Pikmin are thrown like actual projectiles, having a constant starting velocity and a parabolic arc through the air. The cursor still determines the end position, so what actually changes is the initial angle of the throw. This means that closer throws travel higher than farther ones. Yellow Pikmin have a higher initial velocity and Purple Pikmin have a lower one.
  • The four hazards from Pikmin 2 are all present (meaning that electricity and poison kill again). The time before dying has been reduced to six seconds, and each hazard has been given extra detrimental effects to encourage using the right Pikmin type:
    • Fire causes Pikmin to panic, so they run around a bigger area and won't return to you immediately after getting put out.
    • Electricity doesn't cause Pikmin to flail, as in Pikmin 3, but it kills in half of the time.
    • Water weighs the Pikmin down; it will first be knocked over as if hit by wind and can only be called once it starts flailing around afterward, looking similar to how Pikmin flail in Pikmin 2.
    • Poison reverts a Pikmin's maturity by one stage immediately and by another after half of the time.
  • Certain objects in the game will be carried with the group, like how carrying Olimar functioned in the Formidable Oak. Pikmin will choose to follow the active leader if he or she is nearby, or the closest one otherwise, and they will only change their minds if said leader becomes inaccessible or the object is dropped.
  • Using sprays requires having Brittany in the party in any game mode. There are five types of spray in the game, which can be cycled between for use:
Name Effects Berry Color
Ultra-Spicy Spray Applies a buff to Pikmin in the squad that increases their movement and attack speed by 1.5x. It does not flower Pikmin but does protect their maturity status. Red
Ultra-Bitter Spray Stuns all enemies in front for 3-5 seconds depending on their size. Purple
Ultra-Sweet Spray Instantly flowers all Pikmin in the squad. Pink
Ultra-Tasty Spray Fully replenishes the active leader's health. Green
Ultra-Nasty Spray Deals 200 damage to enemies in front. Black

Miscellaneous changes

  • Internally, the damage system has been simplified by scaling all numbers down by 60%. For example, the base damage dealt by Pikmin is 4 instead of 10, and Puffy Blowhogs have 1200 health instead of 3000.
  • Plucking Pikmin functions like it does in 4.
  • A single dose of nectar can flower 20 Pikmin instead of 10.
  • Candypop Buds can convert 10 Pikmin before wilting instead of 5. They also won't revert thrown Pikmin into leaves if they match the type that it converts to already.
  • Grouped objects like Fragments no longer teleport back to their starting point if dropped. They will reset at the end of a day, though. Certain treasures are composed of grouped objects, similarly to the Dawn and Dusk Pustules.
  • The material used for fragments and in walls can vary. In Story Mode, it varies by region, and in other modes, it's map-specific. Fragment bridges can be made out of tiles (like 3's bridges), cobblestone, sticks (similarly to the first two games), or brick chunks. Walls can be made out of dirt, sand, wood branches, or snow.
  • Dirt mounds are renamed to Burrows. Only 10 Pikmin can enter a burrow to dig, but this is compensated by taking much less time to remove its contents. The Orange Pikmin's improved digging applies to them.
    • Burrows also only carry small bomb rocks, making them a replacement for Pikmin's bomb rock sources.
  • Although the cursor has free movement when using the Wiimote, actions involving it are capped to the normal maximum distance, shown with the circle part of the cursor.




All of the Pikmin types in the game in their flowered state.

All seven main types of Pikmin from the first three games appear in all modes, plus two new ones: Orange Pikmin and Clawed Pikmin, who are identified by their maroon flowers. Every type of Pikmin in the game has an Onion, each of which is found de-activated in the ground in one of the game's areas. As areas themselves are grouped into open-ended regions, this means that some Pikmin types can be unlocked nonlinearly, unlike in prior games. However, reaching (and often defeating) each region's boss, which is necessary to unlock the next one, will require obtaining each of the Pikmin types that can be found within it.

Returning Pikmin

Most returning Pikmin types have had changes to their attributes, though they are usually minor. For specifics, see each Pikmin type's page:

  • PV Red Pikmin icon.png Red Pikmin
  • PV Yellow Pikmin icon.png Yellow Pikmin
  • PV Blue Pikmin icon.png Blue Pikmin
  • PV Purple Pikmin icon.png Purple Pikmin - Majorly changed by having its ground pound attributes restored, but in a significantly limited manner.
  • PV White Pikmin icon.png White Pikmin
  • PV Rock Pikmin icon.png Rock Pikmin - Majorly changed by dealing a fixed amount of damage on impact and no longer being able to latch or climb onto non-enemy objects.
  • PV Winged Pikmin icon.png Winged Pikmin - Majorly changed by lifting objects from the bottom, as such becoming unable to lift anything located in water.

Orange Pikmin

Three Orange Pikmin, one in each state of maturity.

Orange Pikmin are the first new Pikmin type in Pikmin V, debuting in Gravel Desert. It is taller and slimmer than regular Pikmin and it has a maroon flower. Its most prominent adaptation is its big feet that prevent it from getting pushed around by wind, sand or shallow water flows, and slippery ice. It is also immune to sinking in quicksand and deep mud, and it can dig through sand and dirt faster than other Pikmin. Its Candypop Bud is the Sunset Candypop Bud.

Clawed Pikmin

Three Clawed Pikmin, one in each state of maturity.

Clawed Pikmin are the second new type of Pikmin in Pikmin V, first discovered in Mad Jungle. Their Onion is the Black Onion and their candypop bud is the Ebony Candypop Bud. A Clawed Pikmin's head and body are round, making it slightly shorter than usual, and are predictably colored black. Just like Oranges, it has a maroon flower. Its main feature is the large claws that are on its hands. These claws allow it to stick to foes it is latched on to, cut thin materials like webs and vines, and climb certain rocky surfaces. However, they also interfere with carrying objects, so it takes up two carrying spaces on objects and therefore cannot carry objects with a maximum carrier limit of one, like bomb rocks and fragments. It is also somewhat weaker than the other types of Pikmin.


Main article: Pikmin V/Piklopedia

The Piklopedia has a total of 100 entries, including 9 mini bosses and 6 Story Mode-exclusive major bosses.


Main article: Pikmin V/Treasure Hold

There are 200 treasures to collect in the game, totaling ??? Pokos in value.

Story Mode

The main mode. Not much else to say about it.



The game starts with Olimar filling out some paperwork at Hocotate Freight. The paper he's looking at has a picture of Louie on it. He reminisces (recaps to the player) about the events of the first three games, over which time he has lost his ship, Louie (who he can't deny having grown sort of a bond with despite how ludicrous Louie is), and the President's trust from getting a company ship destroyed. Suddenly, he is called over the intercom by the President to come to the loading dock.

When he gets there, he is surprised to see Alph and Brittany there. Alph explains that he felt bad for losing Louie and for Olimar not having his ship, and that he wants to help. Brittany adds that she has become fascinated with PNF-404's wildlife and wants to study it thoroughly, and that Charlie will be staying on Koppai to oversee the growth of the seeds they brought back, which is going well. The President says that he will authorize Olimar to return to PNF-404 only if he dedicates his trip to finding treasure along with Louie to get the company out of debt, and that any profit outside of the cost of the Dolphin goes to the company. He then unveils the Hocotate Express, a new model of Hocotate ship that is slimmer than the standard model and only has one cockpit. He also comments that new equipment was part of that business venture that put them into debt again. Olimar gets in, Alph and Brittany board the S.S. Drake, and they blast off to PNF-404 once more.

However, upon reaching the planet, the Drake suffers a critical error and crashes down, ejecting Alph and Brittany in the process. Olimar has to make an emergency landing to go find them...

On the Planet

Shortly after landing on Overlook Hill, Olimar discovers a Red Onion. However, it is in hibernation mode; this concerns Olimar because hibernation mode only activates on Pikmin extinction. He soon finds Alph in the burrow of a Pitching Limbermole. Alph had communicated with Brittany and learned that she had fallen into a desert region, and he also reveals that he has taken a sample of a strange goop he found on landing. The two travel to the desert and find a Sandsifting Mawfish had taken residence outside of the cave Brittany was hiding in. She had also discovered the same goop, as well as a strange, bulbous, purple plant.

Having ascertained the safety of everyone, the trio set off to the third region to find the S.S. Drake. The President also sends them an urgent e-mail stating that Happy Hocotate Savings & Loan was bought out by the All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks and that they need treasure, fast. When they find the ship, it has been ensnared by an Overgrowth Vydra. Alph enters the ship and finds a larger sample of the goop, and he decides to store it all there. Afterward, he inspects it for damages; he finds that it's missing its hydraulics system, which it needs to launch. He uses its tracking capabilities to locate the core in the same cave that Brittany was found in, as well as Louie, who is on top of what appears to be a snowy mountain. These two objectives can be completed in either order. Returning to the cave will reveal that the bulbous plant was actually a Violet Candypop Bud blooming into a Purple Onion, and the leaders use the Purple Pikmin to continue through the cave and fight a full-grown Emperor Bulblax, who had ingested the hydraulics system which is also covered in the goop, in its depths. Venturing up the mountain will lead to a fight with a Cometdust Magjay, who will spit out Louie, who is in stasis mode but otherwise unhurt, once defeated. After securing Louie, repairing the Drake, and collecting all of the treasure, the crew prepares to leave the planet that night.

Warning: the following text contains major spoilers for endgame content 
However, as they're lifting off, the goop suddenly escapes confinement, envelops both ships, and forces them into crashing into Overlook Hill, preventing them from leaving. They wake up the next morning to find that the region is being affected by a mysterious disturbance triggering the ships' electromagnetic, radioactive, and gravitational sensors. The disturbance is proliferating the goop, opens up an odd hole in the center of the Mystery Crater, and slows time progression to a fourth of its normal rate. The goop is revealed to be the first stage in creating a Wraith, with varieties of Protowraith forming inside the cave to prevent their escape with the final collectible, which can repel Wraiths once installed onto the ships.

Regions and Caves

There are four regions in the game that are each divided up into three connected areas, for a total of twelve explorable areas, but exactly how and in how many ways the areas connect varies with each region. Each area within a region has its own landing site; however, the player can only land in one by default and has to find the other two on their own, much like the landing sites in Pikmin 4. Unlike in that game, once a landing site is found, the area is added to the area selection used at the start of each day, rather than forcing the use of the landing site that the region was left from. The player can still manually move their base between areas during the day by traveling to them, and any Pikmin carrying objects will automatically redirect their paths to the new base.

The other distinctions between regions are their climate, the aesthetic materials used for fragments and dirt walls, and when the game determines to respawn enemies. While in a region, enemies will stay defeated and their corpses will remain indefinitely, but once a different region is entered, all corpses will be cleared and the two-day respawn countdown is triggered. Areas are around Pikmin 2 size, and each one except for two has a Pikmin type somewhere in its midst. Somewhere in each region is a Pikmin 3-style boss, whose defeat will progress the story and unlock the next region.

Additionally, each area except the first has one cave in it, excluding standard underground areas. These caves are much different than those in 2: they are pre-designed maps that are an evolution of the Formidable Oak, each having a series of themed puzzles (often utilizing Planning) that stand in the way of progress and treasure collection. Thanks to advanced processing power, the cave does not have to be loaded separately from the overworld, which means that time does not stop while inside of it and not all leaders have to enter the cave. However, a cave still cannot be walked out of once entered; instead, the head of the Hocotate Hauler will detach to collect any treasures within, which is not temporary this time around. The Hauler only has one intake, so entering a cave will prevent treasures from being collected at the landing site; the Pikmin will act as if their path is blocked once they reach the point where their treasure should be sucked up. When the S.S. Drake is recovered, this ceases to be an issue, as it takes over that duty while the Hauler Head is away.

Cave entry is still initiated with the prompt that shows the cave's name, the number of treasures within (and how many are collected), and which types of Pikmin are recommended for use. This happens once per day; the prompt is also viewable any time after the cave's discovery through Overhead Mode. Once inside of the cave, interacting with the Hauler Head will prompt escaping with the active squad, but only the active squad. The Head will return to the cave if there is still a leader inside, but stray Pikmin can be left behind. Unlike the Research Pod, the Hauler Head does refuse to store carcasses long-term: exiting the cave with anyone will cause it to spit out all collected spoils at the cave's entrance (despite taking the group to the landing site with it), and it will destroy them if an exit is not made by the end of the day. The Head also serves as a separate safe zone than its body when sunset arrives.

Lastly, at the end of each cave is a Pikmin 2-style mini-boss which contains a treasure that provides an upgrade (except for the Deep Palace, which contains a major story boss).

Warning: the following text contains major spoilers for endgame content 
The exception to all the above is the final relevant area, Mystery Crater, as well as its cave, the Distortion Hole. The area itself is nothing but a big crater with a single entrance from Overlook Hill, and it has no Pikmin type and the cave entrance isn't initially present. At the initial ending of the game, the player will be forced to land here and become unable to leave due to a mysterious meteorological storm, opening up the Distortion Hole as the game's final dungeon. This cave uniquely does randomly generate, and in real time. Every five real-world minutes, any room in the cave that has over 50% of its enemies killed will regenerate with a new layout and enemies. The whole cave also re-randomizes at the start of each day. There are no treasures to collect, only a single key item whose extraction will complete the game. Additionally, the storm is considered a climate change for the whole region, one that eliminates all weather and causes enemies to respawn every single day in order to ensure there isn't a shortage of Pikmin.

Table of regions and caves

Region Area Pikmin Cave Boss Rec. Pikmin Climate Obstacles Notes
Continental Plain Overlook Hill Red None Temperate Wall: Dirt wall
Fragments: Tiles
Starting point. Has no weather on day 1.
Savannah Wilds None Rolyant Lane Ballistic Rolyant
Location of region boss Pitching Limbermole, who has taken Alph captive.
Mystery Crater None Distortion Hole ???
Red Orange Yellow
Rock White Clawed
Blue Purple Winged
Distortion Hole is unavailable until the end of the game and contains the final boss.
Dry Canyon Gravel Desert Orange Stone Abode Beady Long Legs
Red Yellow
Arid Wall: Sand wall
Fragments: Stones
Starting point.
Rusted Ravine Yellow Crevice Cave Obsidian Periscorp
Orange Yellow
Location of region boss Sandsifting Mawfish, which guards Brittany's cave.
Sealed Valley Purple Deep Palace Emperor Bulblax
Red Orange
Rock White Clawed
Blue Purple
Sheltered Inaccessible past Rusted Ravine's entrance until after the Drake has been found.
Forest of Seeming Silent Woods Rock Knothole Sanctum Armored Cannon Beetle
Red Orange
Tropical Wall: Wooden gate
Fragments: Sticks
Starting point.
Sodden Swamp White Bog Network Grimy Bullhop
Orange Yellow
Mad Jungle Clawed Feral Den Burrowing Snagrets
Red Yellow
Rock Clawed
Location of region boss Overgrowth Vydra, which grew around the Drake.
Polar Mountain Clear Creek Blue Ice Floe Canal Icebound Long Legs
Rock Clawed
Blue Winged
Tundra Wall: Snow wall
Fragments: Bricks
Starting point.
Glimmer Ridge None Drainage Shaft Serpentine Dumpeel
Red Yellow
Blue Purple Winged
Location of region boss Cometdust Magjay, who ate Louie.
Frost Terrace Winged Secret Shelter Triparted Groink
Orange Yellow
White Clawed
Purple Winged


Each cave contains a treasure which also serves as an upgrade; all but one are dropped by the cave's boss. Additionally, both Alph and Brittany's KopPads have functions which serve as upgrades, and finding the S.S. Drake also provides new functionality.

Mission Mode

Main article: Pikmin V/Mission Mode

Pikmin V's Mission Mode features 20 unique stages in timed collection challenges, and it is available from the start. There are a few changes that make it a blend of the challenge modes (and Dandori Challenges) from all previous games. The objective of each level is dependent on the presence of a SPERO, for collecting treasure, and one or more Onions, for growing Pikmin; in some levels, both are available. Enemy corpses will always be brought to the Onion if it is present, and those otherwise brought to the SPERO will be worth Pokos equivalent to their seed amount. The final score is calculated based on time remaining, total Pikmin, and earned Pokos.

Another change is that collecting an upgrade treasure in a mission will bestow the upgrade to the party; this includes Planning and the Spray Container, which continue to be tied to the presence of Alph and Brittany, respectively, in the available lineup. Like in Pikmin 3, sometimes leaders must be found and collected to the SPERO to be unlocked as usable; in these cases, leader-tied upgrades will only become usable when they do.

Stages have their own climate and wall/fragment type and may be above or underground, though weather differences are purely aesthetic as extreme weather is not present in this mode.

Battle Mode

Battle Mode is the multiplayer mode. Up to four players can play, with the fourth player playing as Louie. Free-for-alls and 2v2s are supported.