Pikmin Wars (PikLeader version)

From Pikmin Fanon
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Pikmin Wars (PikLeader version)
This article or section is pertaining to Pikmin Wars, a fanon game created by BGames Inc.
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For other content containing the title "Pikmin Wars", see Pikmin Wars.
Pikmin Wars
Rating Unavailable
Genre Unknown
Platforms Unknown
Media Unknown
Publisher Unknown
Release dates N/A
Creator BGames Inc.
Collaborators BallsAngus, BallKing025, PikLeader10, AwesomePeeps204, TheProPlayz, Pikiman

Pikmin Wars is a game developed by BGames Inc.. Its format is different than most Pikmin games. Its format is similar to "Civilization" and "Clash of Clans". The objective is to build a powerful pikmin army and conquer PNF-404.


Although there is no plot, the Pikmin have developed higher intelligence, which surprises Olimar. Then he decides to use the Pikmin as military units.

Pikmin Types

  • Red Pikmin

Upgrades: Red Pikmin -> Knight Pikmin -> Chariot Pikmin

  • Yellow Pikmin

Upgrades: Yellow Pikmin -> Engineer -> Cyborg Pikmin

  • Blue Pikmin

Upgrades: Blue Pikmin -> Scuba Trooper -> Naval Submarine

  • Purple Pikmin

Upgrades: Purple Pikmin -> Barbarian -> Juggernaut

  • White Pikmin

Upgrades: White Pikmin -> Scout -> Poison Trooper

  • Rock Pikmin

Upgrades: Rock Pikmin -> Bomb Rock Pikmin -> Nuclear Pikmin

  • Winged Pikmin

Upgrades: Winged Pikmin -> Archer -> Air Striker

Winged Pikmin -> Bee Pikmin

  • Cyan Pikmin

Upgrades: Cyan Pikmin -> Snowballer -> Freeze Trooper

  • Black Pikmin

Upgrades: Black Pikmin -> Ninja -> Saboteur

  • Maroon Pikmin

Upgrades: Maroon Pikmin -> Cooler -> ???

  • Brown Pikmin

Upgrades: Brown Pikmin -> Clawed Pikmin -> Spike Baller

  • Shadow Pikmin

Upgrades: Shadow Pikmin -> Darkseid Pikmin -> Assassin

  • Iron Pikmin

Upgrades: Iron Pikmin -> Miner -> Blacksmith

  • Yarn Pikmin

Upgrades: Yarn Pikmin -> Shear Pikmin -> Slicer

  • Bee

Upgrades: None (Wing Upgrade)

  • Orange

Upgrades: Orange -> Cannon Trooper -> Tanker

  • Green

Upgrades: Green -> Acid Gunner -> Gatling Acid Gunner

  • Rainbow

Upgrade: Rainbow -> General -> Supreme Overlord