Pikmin: Infection in Progress

From Pikmin Fanon
P3 Vehemoth Phosbat.png
Pikmin: Infection in Progress
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Infection in Progress, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
P3 Vehemoth Phosbat.png
Pikmin: Infection in Progress
Rating T for Teen
Genre Real-time strategy
Platforms Wii U, PikWii
Media Optical disc, digital download
Publisher Pikmin Fanon Incorporated
Release dates Unknown
Prequel Pikmin 3
Sequel None
Creator Cheepy-Cheepy
Collaborators Ideas


Pikmin: Infection in Progress is a fanon Pikmin game created by Cheepy-Cheepy. It takes place a year after the events of Pikmin 3 and features the President as its sole protagonist.


It's a slow and lonely night at Hocotate Freight for the President. There are no customers to attend to, Olimar is on vacation with his family, and Louie is locked up in federal prison. Sitting at his desk with nothing better to occupy himself with, the President counts his coin. Then, a realization emerges abruptly through a line of idle thoughts. He looks up from his desk and directs his squinted eyes to the weathered trunk against the western wall. Deep within it is an advanced telescope given to him by his prized employee, Olimar, as a gift some weeks ago.

The President rises from his seat and treads towards the trunk, hoping the telescope wasn't moved elsewhere. Slowly opening the creaky lid, the President rummages through his belongings until he finally comes upon the device, removes it, and gazes upon it. The President reminisces about joining Olimar to find Louie years before, even if at his command. He recalls the extraordinary lifeforms he fought. A smile creeps across the President's face as the thought of the Pikmins' cheery faces crosses his mind. Without even having looked through the telescope, he lays it back into the trunk and closes the lid. Before long, he was aboard the Ship and headed toward PNF-404.

Little does the President know, he may be just what the Pikmin Planet needs. A plague has swept its surface since Olimar's last visit. Can he stop the infection for good, or will it prove to be too much to handle?


The President has finally found and defeated the infection's source, the Ujadani Queen. Glad that he could end the suffering of the innocent animals that are infected but disappointed he couldn't save them, he bids farewell to the Pikmin and begins his return home.

After landing, the President hops out of the Ship and goes to see his wife, who was in his office, very mad at him again for running off to some distant planet yet again. The President profusely apologizes to his wife, but she would never really be satisfied with any of his explanations.

Some days later, the President's wife becomes ill. It seemed like a cold at first but worsened over the next few days. Before she knows it, she is bedridden in a hospital, the President taking time off to be with her, at her demand. A few weeks later, she gets better and is released. All was well.

But then it seemed like her doctor and nurse became sick with the same illness she did. Then more nurses and doctors, and patients too. Whatever was going around, everyone in town was getting it. Fevers, chills, odd behaviors, sometimes even a dulling in skin color...

There was an infection in progress.


  • Story Mode: venture forth as the President to erase the dreaded plague ravaging the Pikmin Planet.
  • Nightmare Mode: a harder difficult of Story Mode. Enemies have stronger attacks and increased health. Pikmin are also more likely to become infected, with a 1-in-5 chance.



Pikmin are listed in alphabetical order.



Because of the infection, all exterior areas have become polluted, and the wildlife altered. All exterior areas have a dreary, cloudy atmosphere. All areas but 1 are plagued by environmental hazards.

Fungal Grotto

See: Fungal Grotto

Previously the Forest Navel. Fungi such as the Spotcap and Common Glowcap have grown rampant throughout the cavern due to the infection's unique properties. Mushroom Pikmin are only naturally encountered here. Fungal Grotto's water isn't as polluted as exterior pools. Nestled deep within Fungal Grotto is the entrance to the Overrun Laboratory, a research base full of infected researchers and Pikmin.

Noxious Expanse

See: Noxious Expanse

Previously Distant Tundra. What used to be its clear waters are now polluted and seem ever more frigid. Noxious Expanse is not entirely desolate, however; infected continue to wander the arctic wasteland.

Polluted Creek

See: Polluted Creek

Previously Twilight River. The clear waters that once carried luscious green lily pads and had banks that thrived with life are now little more than a distant memory. The river is dark and still, the lily pads are rotten and deteriorating, and its banks are barren.

Toxic Barrens

See: Toxic Barrens

Previously Tropical Wilds. What used to be its fresh and clear waters are now polluted and dreary. The once sunny atmosphere that accompanied this location is also absent, for a heavy fog constantly lingers overhead. What used to be exotic wildlife is now nothing more than mindless husks patrolling the shores.

Withering Terrace

See: Withering Terrace

Once the Garden of Hope, Withering Terrace is the initial breeding ground for the cryptic Ujadani. Sickened beasts wander it, desperate for the taste of death. Withering Terrace is the first area the President lands.


Returning aspects

Onion merging
When a second Onion is discovered, it will merge into the first, forming the Master Onion initially and then adding a new color to it. The most colors the Master Onion can display on its main body is 5.

New aspects

Pikmin infection
Pikmin that touch an infected enemy have a 1-in-10 chance to be converted into an Infected Pikmin, which are hostile to healthy Pikmin and the President. Infected Pikmin have the same chances of converting other Pikmin through physical contact.
Pikmin weight
Pikmin are sorted into three weight classes: light, medium, and heavy. White Pikmin are classified as light-weight, Red Pikmin, Blue Pikmin, and Yellow Pikmin are all classified as medium-weight, and Purple Pikmin are classified as heavy-weight. When enough weight from Pikmin is applied to an enemy, it may become pinned, unable to move or do much of anything except struggle to shake its attackers off.
Enemy interaction
Enemies may interact with each other positively or negatively, to the benefit or detriment of the President and his Pikmin.
Environmental hazards
Environmental hazards affect most areas and have unique effects in each one. There are 5 in total: darkness, fog, mud patches, radiation patches, and spores.


Input Empty-handed Holding Pikmin Locked-on
WiiU A.png Pluck / grab Pikmin Throw
WiiU B.png Whistle Cancel throw
WiiU X.png Dismiss Pikmin Rush foe
WiiU Y.png Lock-on Cancel lock-on
WiiU L.png Assist Pikmin Punch
WiiU R.png Stop assisting Pikmin
WiiU Plus.png Pause game
WiiU ZL.png Rotate camera Switch locked-on foe
WiiU ZR.png
WiiU LStick.png Move the President
WiiU RStick.png Move Pikmin Move cursor
WiiU Padup.png Toggle camera zoom
WiiU Padleft.png Switch Pikmin type
WiiU Padright.png
WiiU Paddown.png Lie down Switch Pikmin maturity
NFC.png Toggle overhead camera

The Wii U Gamepad screen has a minimap identical to Pikmin 3's.