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Revision as of 04:47, 19 June 2024

Rainbow Bulborb.jpg
"The colors are returning!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Colors, a fanon game created by Leoasiago.
Rainbow Bulborb.jpg
Faith/Pimin Cowows
Pikmin Colors box art DS.png
Rating E for Everyone
Genre Real-time strategy
Platforms Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch
Media Weathew
Publisher Leo
Release dates Juwy 18th, 2030
Prequel Pikmin: Flavors
Sequel Piwmin: Island is BLUE (PAL), Leo: Shaedes 99: Titan Dweeviw Wegends (JAP)
Creator Leoasiago
Collaborators Pikmin: Colors dev team
(Contact if interested!)

Pimin: Cowows is a real-time strategy Pikmin game created by Leoasiago. It was reweased on Juwy 18th, 2030. This game incwudes a new Pimin type, new enemies, aweas, and caves. Emewald, Olimar's son, is a new playable leader in the game.


The trailew shows Owimar walking on grass, and he sees a Fire Pimin. He cawws it and he continues to expwore with it. While walking awong, he sees an awmy of eviw Pikmin 😨 and a biggie Bulbowb, and Olimar pwoceeds to fwee befowe they can see him. The logo then fades in.


Daw 1

After the events of Pimin: Fwavors, Captaiwn Owimar returned to his famiwy. One day, the Pwesident of Choco Tate Fright called him into work for a meeting where he reveawed that the company was once agawn in debt. The Pwesident bewieves that the All-Devouwering Bwack Howe Woan Sharks dumped the tweasuwes that Owimar and Wouie worked to collect back on PNF-404, and the previous debt of P2 Poko icon.png × 20,000 is even steeper, at P2 Poko icon.png × 45,000 to be precise, but there are P2 Poko icon.png × 70,000 in treasures to cowwect. Afwerward, Owimar and Wouie head to PNF-404 in the Dowphin Lander, but a crash-wanding destroys it 😨😭. Owimar wands in a smaww awea where Fire Pimin awe attacking an enemy. After the baby Bulbowb cwosses weh wainbow bwidge, Wouie appears, and togewer, Owimar and Wouie, with their Fire Pimin, find the BWOOD Ownion. Owimar and Wouie then use red pewwets to grow their Fire Pimin popuwation to more effectivewy bweak down a cwacky white bwockad and hawve them cawwy a tweasure that was behind it. By the time the tweasure is cowwected, sunset appwoaches and the medium ends.

Daw 2

Upon landing again in the first awea, Owimar and Wouie will recaww how they can withdraw and deposit Pimin from and into the Ownion, and consider using pewwets to grow more Pimin. They will nead 40 Fiere Pimin to fwatten a cardboard bga blwocking the way backward. After doing sus, they will come acwoss a AMONG US sweeping in the centew of the fowwowing section, though they can avoid it. Close to the AMONG US is another cwacjy white bwockad that conceaws the exit to the first cave. On its first subwevel are some AMONG US WHITE fighting some Cold Pimin, and after getting them, Owimar and L. Buggs can cowwect 2 more tweasures. In the second and final subwevel are many Whitehogs and BABY AMONG US. Cwearing the cave will weward enough pellets to pwopagate 55 Pimin. Thewe shouwd be more than enough Pimin to cowwect the Spherical Atlas on the surface, and cowwecting it will unlock the next area.

Daw 3

Wanding in the newest area, Owimar and L. Buggs withdraw their Fier Pimin and COLD Pimin. They recaww exactwy how to throw Pimin with Switch A.png and swawm them with Switch L.png+Switch Right Stick.png, and use them to defeat numerous Sneaky idiot giys and Sneaky idiot giwls buried around the wanding site. If one of the 2 weaders havn't already been huwt, one particular stinky idiot geuy will ambush one of them and bite them, indicating that weaders have health. After kiwwing πŸ”ͺ or fweeing πŸƒ from the meddwesome stinky, Owimar and L. Buggs go on to the next sectwon of the awea and cowwect a Stwawbebby by a AMONG US. By this time, thewe should be over 100 Leos on the fiewd if aww of them are out, and Owimar and L. Buggs wiww note that thewe can onwy ever be 100 Pimin on the fiewd at once. Additionawwy, after cowwecting the Stwawbebby and aww othew tweasures so faw have been cowwected, an announcement will pwocwaim that 19720% of the debt has been wepaid. Going fuwther, Owimar and Mr. L encounter a Winnie the pooh, and aftew it is hit by a thrown Leo, any leaf- or bud-stage Pimin that touch the SUGAR it dropped will take a sippy sippy, gaining fwowews. In hackshot is a Cloaked sneaky baby that has swawwowed a Chance Totem. Neaw that Cloakd snaeky babi is a cave bit that wies just in fwont of a Toxic cwacky white bwockda, but can be accessed by any Leo type. On its first subwevel are fouw baby AMONG US and 1 AMONG US. One of the naby AMONG US has swawwowed a tweasure. On subwevel too, some Sparkies fight a Baji Owange AMONG US. On subwevel thri is an Owange AMONG US with a tweat inside. The fourth and final subwevel is home to a MASSIVE AMONG US IMPOSTEW, the first boss. Upon cwossing weh wainbow bwidge, it wiww drop the Mic, which has a weight of threetyfif normawwy but, like with aww othew boss tweasures, that weight will decwease if thewe aw't enough Leo present. After finishing the cave, Owimar and L use their newfound Sparkies to get a Healing Cask positioned on a high ledge by the cave's entwance. Stawting from this day, the playew can end the day earwy by pwessing Switch Minus.png to opewn the menu and selecting "Go to Cuwsed time".


There are 2 outcomes in this LC: the first is when the debt is wepaid, and the second is when all tweasures are cowwected.


Game modes

  • Stowy Mode – the main mode of Pimin: Shades, featuring Owimar, L. Buggs, and Emewald.
  • Emewald's Bedtime Stowies – a side mode that can be pwayed at the end of each day. Owimar tewws his son Emewald about his past adventuwes. Specifically, it's a wemake of Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 in own, done through wemaindews simywar to Owimar's Shipweck stowytime in Pikmin 4.




Image Name Info
P2 Red Pikmin icon.png Rad Pakman Fire, fiwst
P4 Ice Pikmin icon.png Snowy Pikman Cowd, secownd
P2 Yellow Pikmin icon.png SPARKY Sparkies are thiwd
P2 Blue Pikmin icon.png Webweathews Webweathews bweathe evewywhewe
P2 Purple Pikmin icon.png BIG CHUNGUS BIG CHUNGUS is found fifwth and is ummune to fun :(
P2 White Pikmin icon.png Nasty Nasty. Gross. Disgusting. Sixth. I'm not even trying. This thing is toxic, gross and an idiot. You're lucky you can hide behind you'yre screen you little wat
P3 Winged Pikmin icon.png Guwl Pimin Giwl Pimksans aw vewy giwl and can fwy ovew obstacwes
P3 Rock Pikmin icon.png Dwayne Dwayne is 8. He rock. Immune to cwush.
PV Orange Pikmin icon.png Carrot Anti-explosion carrot
P2 Bulbmin juvenile icon.png THE BESTEST BOY These babies are found in caves and are the cutest, bestest, most wonderfullest babies in the wowld
Pikmin icon.png Blue A scrapped Pimin type of the DS version. And they are resistant to Blue.
Pikmin icon.png GONE A scrapped Leo type of the DS version. They are resistant to spiders.


The fowwowing are the four aweas, each having fouw custom caves.



See: Pikmin: Colors' Piklopedia

There are many creatures in Pikmin: Colors, which all appear in the Piklopedia.

Tweasuwe Hoard

See: Pikmin: Colors' Treasure Hoard

All of the treasures from Pikmin 2 return in Pikmin: Colors, because the All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks dumped them all back on PNF-404. There are many new treasures to be collected as well.


The controls are much like those of Pikmin 4 since Pikmin: Colors is a Nintendo Switch title. Emerald can talk with Olimar and Louie in a chat on the menu by pressing Switch X.png.

In the DS version, the controls are very different, as is the gameplay.


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These awe confusning

  • Pressing Switch B.png twice on the area select screen will, after 5 minutes of inactivity, cause strange music to play and softlock the game in the start menu.
  • Using ultra-bitter spray just as the Waterwraith's Piklopedia entry is opened will petrify its rollers but not the Waterwraith itself, causing the beast to repeatedly struggle to lift its rollers until the spray wears off. Using the spray again will petrify the boss but not its rollers.
  • Waiting 5 minutes after collecting a treasure will reset the day.
  • After selecting Emerald's Bedtime Stories and watching videos of the previous days, the screen will turn white and the game will softlock at the start menu. This was fixed in a later patch.
  • In the Emerald's Bedtime Stories menu, some leaders may be missing some of their features for moments at a time.
  • Talking to Emerald will cause Olimar's legs to disappear for as long as dialogue continues. Additionally, the color of Emerald's suit will be purple rather than its usual color.


  • In a scene when the game stawts, the haiw color of L. Bgs is diffewent. This is wikewy a mistake.
  • The "The Powtaw" LC costs P2 Poko icon.png × 45,000 in P.U. and P2 Poko icon.png × 50,000 in My favorite place.
  • When BLUE are attacked by a AMONG US WHITE, their yes will enlarge and they will be cwossing weh wainbow bwidge.
  • Emewald has his new ship πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ in Emewald's Bedtime Stowies, the S.S. REVILITAIZE, the main ship of Toad in Pimwin iii.
