Pikmin: The Wide World Heist

From Pikmin Fanon
Pikmin: The Wide World Heist
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Wide World Heist, a fanon game created by A Friendly Amprat.
Pikmin: The Wide World Heist
Rating 18+ (for gratuitous Louie)
Genre Stealth, real-time strategy
Platforms Louwii
Media Unknown
Publisher The Insect Gourmet
Release dates July 28th, 2033
Prequel Pikmin 4
Sequel Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back
Creator A Friendly Amprat
Collaborators Cheepy-Cheepy and SwordsmachineGaming352 (joint adoptees)

Pikmin: The Wide World Heist is a new entry in the Pikmin series created by A Friendly Amprat. This Pikmin game is much shorter than most games in the series, having a concise and clear story following a typical heist plot. This game is unique among games in the Pikmin series for being stealth-focused, being quite short, and focusing on the character of Louie and his canon-typical hijinks.

This game is a spin-off title of Pikmin: Wide World and a prequel to Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back.


Following Pikmin 4, Louie starts his cooking empire, The Insect Gourmet. Though it is a huge success, Louie feels like there's something missing. In culinary terms, he needs something to spice up his life. While browsing Pikmin Fanon one day, Louie finds just such a spice. While reading the article on the Curdew and drooling over how to prepare it, Louie misclicks and stumbles onto the article for Pikmin: Wide World. Louie is surprised by how impressive this game is, as he feels it is good enough to be official. He then sees that the game has a sequel planned, Pikmin: Wide World 2, and his eyes bug out of his head, just as they do when Louie first discovers a Pikmin sprout in Pikmin 2. Louie thinks that the sequel must be even more amazing than the original, and he clicks on the name of the sequel several hundred times. However, he realizes that the title does not actually link to the page, because the page has not been created yet! This causes Louie to make his angry expression that he makes when he loses a match of two-player battle in Pikmin 2. Louie does several Pikmin Fanon searches, but is unable to find anything on this elusive new game, causing him to become increasingly frustrated. After realizing that there is no public information about Wide World 2, Louie's anger reaches its limits, and he throws his computer into a massive cooking pot to turn it into a recipe in his rage.

After enjoying a five-star meal of his delicious computer stew, Louie steps outside to calm down, and as he does so, a thought occurs to him. Even though there is no public information available on this planned Pikmin game... surely Cheepy-Cheepy, its creator, must have information about it! Louie immediately hatches a plot to kidnap Cheepy-Cheepy, but he realizes that this idea won't work, because humans are thousands of times larger than Hocotatians, so such a kidnapping would be impossible. Louie refuses to give up, though, and after thinking a bit more while lounging on his culinary throne, Louie realizes that surely, Cheepy must have a computer where he keeps all his Wide World 2 notes, because there's no way he could keep it all in his head! Perhaps, if Louie could break into Cheepy's house... he could get to Cheepy's computer and snatch up the plans for Wide World 2! Louie congratulates himself for his ingenius thinking, and begins to plan how he will get to Cheepy's house, but he quickly realizes he'll need some help for this mission.

Louie boards his new ship, the S.S. Gourmet, which is actually the S.S. Dolphin that he bought back from the Black Hole Loan Sharks before Olimar had the chance to do so, and immediately scuttled the ship and rebuilt it in his own image; thus the S.S. Gourmet was born. Louie decides to go pay a few friends of his a little visit, and invite them to participate in this heist of his. Louie first flies the S.S. Gourmet to Koppai, where he pays a visit to a Koppaite acquaintance of his and fellow troublemaker, by the name of Character D, or as he calls himself, "King Triple-D". Triple-D is shocked to see Louie paying him a visit, as he thought Louie would be too busy with his new cooking enterprise. However, Louie informs Triple-D about the plan to steal the secret notes for Wide World 2, which Triple-D immediately agrees to, saying that sounds like the perfect plan, and that Triple-D always hated Cheepy-Cheepy, ever since Cheepy deleted his amazing "Light Green Pikmin" article, which Cheepy even had the absolute NERVE to mark as a "stub", despite it having a whole 643 characters written for its article. And so what if it was actually a zip bomb? Triple-D was just, as the cool kids say, "doing a little trolling." Anyway, all this to say, Triple-D was totally thrilled about this heist idea, as he was getting bored of just playing the same pranks over and over, like stealing Charlie's rubber duck, replacing Brittany's hair spray with green dye, and downloading terabytes of inappropriate materials onto the S.S. Drake to get Alph in trouble.

Triple-D and Louie hop on the S.S. Gourmet, and they fly it to Ohri, where Dingo and Yonny live. Reaching this planet, Louie and Triple-D split up, with Louie running to pick up Dingo, and Triple-D going to get Yonny. Dingo is initially hesitant to join the mission, as it sounds much too dangerous... not that he's chicken or anything, of course. However, Louie is able to get Dingo on board with a little blackmail, as it just so happens that Louie knows about Dingo's secret YouTube channel, which would ruin Dingo's reputation if anyone ever found out. Dingo reluctantly agrees to join Louie's heist, stating that they'd be lost without a lone-wolf ranger. Louie replies that if Dingo is so sure about that, he should bring his wolf costume along to fit his role, to which Dingo loudly exclaims that he isn't going to bring that, before profusely denying that he even has a wolf costume, what a proposterous idea that would be.

Meanwhile, Triple-D is able to get Yonny to join the mission with much less resistance, as Yonny states that this heist would be a great research opportunity to test some of his new medicines. Triple-D is a bit uncomfortable about this, and tells Yonny that he's not even to think about experimenting on him, and also that Yonny had better stop calling him "new blood" because it's making him uncomfortable. Yonny just laughs maniacally while lightning flashes in the background. All four leaders regroup at the S.S. Gourmet, where Louie gives a quick briefing on the plan, before all four of them hop in the now very-cramped S.S. Gourmet and set out for PNF-404. Yonny mentions that they should bring Russ along as well, but Louie says there's no time to make another stop, as they need to hurry before word gets out and someone tips Cheepy-Cheepy off about the heist.

As the S.S. Gourmet approaches PNF-404, an asteroid nearly hits the ship, but the asteroid realizes that the ship is being piloted by Louie and it is too terrified to hit him and swerves out of the way. All other threats to the spacecraft are similarly intimidated, so Louie is able to reach the planet without any issue. As Louie flies over Cheepy's house, Cheepy's Mansion, Louie realizes that this mission is going to be more convoluted than expected, because Cheepy's house is HUGE. Louie flies the S.S. Gourmet past the house, and lands nearby in the Land of Wonders, which is a completely original new idea for an area that has never been done in a fanon Pikmin game before. This area is massive, and divided into several mini-areas or "territories". Louie just knows that there must be a multitude of delicious Pikmin and bugs in the land below that he can recruit to his side.

Louie lands on the surface of PNF-404. When he returns to find that something happened to the Pikmin Planet. Where he landed, the ground appeared to be made of bread. Then he knew exactly what happened: The Breadbugs struck back. They have appeared to have taken over the planet, but he does not know what. Louie immediately conveys this information to the rest of his team, and all of them regard Louie with puzzled looks. Yonny tells Louie that he's speaking nonsense, and the ground is completely normal. When Triple-D and Dingo agree, Louie realizes that the ground is indeed normal, and he just has food on the brain again. Louie makes a sad expression, as he was looking forward to eating the floor. As if to add insult to injury, a Breadbug wanders into the clearing, drawn to Louie's location by the S.S. Gourmet landing. Quickly recovering from this disappointment, Louie runs up to the Breadbug and asks it to join his team, since Louie can communicate with bugs. The Breadbug agrees, knowing that Louie will eat it otherwise. Louie hops on the Breadbug and starts exploring the Land of Wonders, with the others following behind.

As Louie explores the Land of Wonders, he finds all sorts of Pikmin types, as well as a variety of native wildlife which he uses to grow more Pikmin. Louie also finds and tames some more creatures which he dubs "Utensils". These creatures are too valuable to feed to his Pikmin (or preferably himself) because they are able to be tamed and used as allies and rideable mounts for the rest of his team. Louie tries to find Moss, but after extensively searching he is unable to find her, and he concludes that she must be on the run from law enforcement. Louie is, however, able to find many of his old friends from prior visits to this planet, such as the Ancient Sirehound, the Titan Dweevil, and The One, who are all overjoyed to see him again. Once Louie has explored the Land of Wonders to his satisfaction, he and his group board the S.S. Gourmet and set out for Cheepy's Mansion. Louie can launch his heist as early as Day 2 of the game, but it is nearly impossible without proper preparations, becoming more feasible the more preparations Louie makes, and the more resources and allies he gathers.

Reaching Cheepy's Mansion, the main plot of the game finally starts. Louie and his team must sneak through the mansion, avoiding being spotted by Cheepy-Cheepy or any of his many henchmen and security measures. The enemies in the mansion are various forms of ghosts and robots, as well as a handful of enemies from Pikmin: Wide World.


Most enemies in Cheepy's Mansion will attack Louie and the team if they encounter each other, but some enemies such as A Friendly Amprat will instead flee and get Cheepy-Cheepy. These "sentry enemies" can be attracted by movement in lit areas and by sounds, so Louie must be careful to be stealthy when around these enemies, lest the wrath of the angry Pikmin Fanon bureaucrat be brought upon them. Louie and his team should be quiet to avoid drawing sentry attention to themselves, and should stay out of lit areas and disable light sources where possible.

Sentry enemies such as the various admins, as well as Cheepy-Cheepy himself, have visible fields of view that the player can see and which Louie should be careful to stay away from. If a sentry enemy spots any member of Louie's team, the enemy will give a reaction in the form of text appearing on screen, and the enemy will then flee to warn Cheepy-Cheepy. This enters a part of gameplay known as "warning time", which should be avoided wherever possible. During warning time, the edges of the screen are overlaid by yellow, warning symbols appear on the radar and HUD, and a timer appears at the top of the screen. This timer marks the amount of time that Louie and his team have to hide before Cheepy-Cheepy arrives. The timer starts at sixty seconds in earlier sections of the mansion, but the player is given less time to react the closer they are to Cheepy's room, with only five seconds given in rooms adjacent to Cheepy's room itself.

Once the warning timer reaches zero seconds, a horrifying laugh sound effect plays (which is actually King Boo's laugh from the Mario series), and the edges of the screen turn from yellow to red. At this point, Cheepy-Cheepy himself appears. He takes the form of King Boo from the Mario series, and begins to search around the area he was warned about. Cheepy-Cheepy's field of view is visible like that of sentry enemies, but his field of view is a menacing red color instead of the cool cyan color of sentry enemies. Cheepy-Cheepy will wander around the active room for one to two minutes, and is highly receptive to notice both movement and sound. Cheepy-Cheepy will quickly come close to investigate any movement or sounds, which can be very dangerous but can also be used to the player's advantage in some circumstances. If the player enters Cheepy-Cheepy's field of view, the camera will pan to Cheepy-Cheepy, who gives an evil laugh and then performs a VERY SCARY jumpscare on the camera. The screen then fades to black, and a text box appears on the screen, with Cheepy-Cheepy mocking the player for being so easy to defeat, and boasting to the player that they will never get their hands on his secret formula. The player is then taken to a game over screen, and is forced to reload from the last save point, which can be found every few rooms in the form of conspicuous cookbooks placed in the doorways between rooms.

If Cheepy-Cheepy searches the room for long enough and is unable to find any intruders, he will leave the room and the terrifying music and red overlay on the screen will fade out. The gameplay will then return to normal, with any sentry enemies (which leave in "warning time" or while Cheepy-Cheepy is present) returning to the room and resuming their patrol routes.

And back to Plot

As Louie leads his team through Cheepy's manor, they have to deal with a variety of enemies and hazards, as well as solving some puzzles to proceed. Along the way, Louie encounters several of Cheepy's high-ranking minions, the Pikmin Fanon staff, who alternate between taking the role of sentry enemies and bringing Cheepy-Cheepy to eliminate Louie, and taking matters into their own hands to deal with Louie themselves. The mansion is divided into several chambers, with seven in all. Each one of these chambers focuses on a different character as its antagonist, with the seventh and final one featuring the master of the mansion, Cheepy-Cheepy himself. With the completion of each chamber, one or more of Louie's teammates remark that "chamber" is a very strange name to use for a wing of a mansion, and it would make more sense for the names of different parts of some depths that were dangerous. The team also finds a legend shard in each chamber, which Louie promptly eats and then writes an entry of Louie's Notes on.

Final chamber and ending

Eventually, in the depths of Cheepy's Mansion, Louie reaches the room of Cheepy-Cheepy. This room is the size of the Hero's Hideaway area, serving as a mini-area of its own, and is the most dangerous area in the game because this is where Cheepy-Cheepy spends his time moderating Pikmin Fanon and developing games. In this room, Louie must take special care to be quiet and hidden, as noise and motion will draw Cheepy-Cheepy's attention, and being spotted by him causes an instant game-over. Instead, the team must split up, with Louie's crew distracting Cheepy-Cheepy away from his computer by catching his attention, while being careful to avoid being spotted themselves. Meanwhile, Louie must find a way up onto Cheepy-Cheepy's desk where his computer is, and download Cheepy's secret Pikmin: Wide World 2 notes onto a SD card while Cheepy is distracted. This final room serves as the final trial of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist.

Once Louie successfully downloads the Wide World 2 notes, he does a victorious backflip and has his Pikmin grab the SD card and prepare to leave. However, before he can do so, Cheepy-Cheepy suddenly makes his signature laugh and turns to stare straight into Louie's (and the player's) soul, as the edges of the screen turn red and a nightmarish piano chord plays. Cheepy-Cheepy laughs and explains to Louie that he was only toying with Louie the entire time, and he knew that Louie was in his mansion from the moment he and his team set foot in the door.

... Seriously, though, who would actually believe that I just left my Wide World 2 notes lying around?! Talk about stupid! What do they feed you Hocotate Freight employees anyway... gullible soup? – Cheepy-Cheepy

Cheepy-Cheepy informs Louie that this little child's game was entertaining, but he is done playing now, and is ready to get back to being serious, as "This joke has gone on long enough." Cheepy-Cheepy laughs again and then begins quickly approaching Louie, whose Pikmin panic and scatter as Louie himself freaks out and starts cartoonishly flailing his limbs while not moving from his spot.

Cheepy-Cheepy reaches Louie and pulls out an ornate painting, which depicts Olimar trapped inside of it, pressed up against the painting and trying to escape. Cheepy-Cheepy laughs yet again and then raises the painting in the air, preparing to slam it down on Louie and crush him flat. Before Cheepy can do so, though, Russ suddenly appears behind them with a massive vacuum cleaner, and he turns it on, leaving Cheepy-Cheepy to look at him for a moment with a horrified expression before Cheepy is sucked into the vacuum, dropping the painting. All of Louie's teammates run up to the desk as well, cheering for Russ and his last-minute arrival to finally defeat Cheepy-Cheepy once and for all.

Yonny informs everyone that he sent Russ a message on Pikcord about the mission, telling him to come as soon as he could and bring his latest gadgets. Russ nods and says something resembling "Yabo-yabo". The rest of the Rescue Crops arrive behind Russ, saying that this was another successful rescue! Oatchi barks excitedly, either happy to rescue more castaways, or just happy about his new drip. Everyone then turns to leave, with Louie having his Pikmin carry the Wide World 2 SD card with them. Triumphant music plays as the group climbs down from Cheepy's desk and begins walking to the exit of the room. However...

Cheepy's evil laugh suddenly echoes through the room again, and Louie and the others turn back to Russ's vacuum in shock. As they do so, they realize to their horror that the vacuum's bag is rapidly swelling up to a massive size, as the trapped Cheepy-Cheepy seems to be breaking free! Before they can run, Cheepy-Cheepy bursts free of the vacuum bag, coating the room in dust as his laughing becomes even more insane and unsettling. Cheepy-Cheepy floats toward Louie and hovers above him and the others, with his eyes now blood-red from pure rage. Cheepy-Cheepy glares at Louie in pure malice, and speaks one single word.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Cheepy-Cheepy conjures up ghostly hands, which pick up Louie and his crew and trap them so they can't escape, before throwing them back onto his desk. He floats back up to the desk, where Louie, his crew, the Pikmin, the various creatures, and the Rescue Crops are all standing huddled together in pure terror.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
I'll be taking that.

Cheepy-Cheepy takes back the SD card from Louie, and tears it in half with his ghostly hands. The SD card then disintegrates into dark matter for some reason. Cheepy himself stares at the dissolving drive for a moment in confusion, before shaking himself back to attention and turning back to face Louie.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Now what to do with you pests...

Russ grabs the remains of his broken vacuum cleaner and points it uselessly at Cheepy, who just laughs.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
You have managed to irritate me. My room is covered in dust now, and I'm falling behind on moderating Pikmin Fanon thanks to your childish antics.

Oatchi and the Ancient Sirehound both whimper, tuck their tails between their legs, and hide behind Louie. The Titan Dweevil buries itself in the ground. The remaining Pikmin all scatter once again. Blood Star arches her back and hisses. The Grimacing Cremblub makes a vocalization that strongly sounds like "Bruh."

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
I could just block you with an expiration time of infinite. However... I think the death that you deservioli is much more painful than that.

Cheepy-Cheepy T-poses to assert dominance, and the entire room around everyone begins to shake, as golden elemental plasm resembling that of the Plasm Wraith oozes out of the walls and begins to gather around Cheepy-Cheepy, orbiting him in spherical patterns.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
You should be flattered. You're all the first ever to witness the power of my TRUE FORM.

While everyone else is panicking, Louie grabs a bag of popcorn from nowhere in particular and begins eating from the bag as he watches whatever Cheepy-Cheepy is doing.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Now bow before your BUREAUCRAT.

The golden plasm begins to fuse with Cheepy-Cheepy, who grows even larger in size and begins to take a humanoid form.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
The one... The only...

Cheepy-Cheepy now resembles a family entertainment center animatronic, with sharp teeth, earrings, and flowing golden hair. His body is pure gold.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time-styled boss introduction appears on the screen, with text that reads:

– The Final Boss of Pikmin Fanon –

SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY raises his animatronic fist to crush Louie, who immediately throws his popcorn into SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY's face to briefly distract him, and then bolts for the edge of the desk. SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY smashes down his fist, but misses Louie and breaks the desk in half, which begins collapsing. Louie climbs to the edge of the desk and hurls himself off of it, plummeting several feet down into Cheepy-Cheepy's trash can, which was next to the desk. SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY stomps over to the trash can and looks down into it, the ground shaking with each step he takes.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024

SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY raises up his animatronic fist and prepares to crush the trash can beneath it, with Louie still inside. But, before he can... MECHA-LOUIE bursts out of the trash can, hovering in the air using the blue fire rockets in its feet.

P18b11 Louie icon.png
P18b11 Louie icon.png
P18b11 Louie icon.png
Go home!

Mecha-Louie swoops out of the way of SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY's golden fist, and dives down to pick up all of his allies, who all hop on board Mecha-Louie. Now all geared up and ready for battle, Mecha-Louie flies forth to do battle with SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY, who is still twice the size of the humongous mecha. And so, the final boss battle of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist begins, and the final boss theme begins to play.

In the final boss battle against SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY, the player controls Mecha-Louie, who can punch the boss with its detachable mechanical fists, fire lasers from a cannon on its left forearm, and fire missiles from a launcher on its back. Mecha-Louie can also open its mouth and spit balls of fire and water at SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY, but he will counter them by throwing icy mushrooms and spicy peppers. Furthermore, each of Louie's allies that is perched on the mech has an attack of their own. The Titan Dweevil can use its weapons to shoot fire, electricity, water, and poison at SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY, which can inflict the burn, paralyze, drown, and poison statuses. The Ancient Sirehound can stomp and cause stalactites to fall on the final boss, can breathe long-range ice breath at him, can spit elemental furballs, can shoot flames, and can fire devastating gloom projectiles at SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY. Blood Star can shoot star projectiles from the star marking on her forehead, slash the air with her claws to create cutting projectiles which travel forward, can shoot hyperrealistic blood from her eyes, and can summon miniature Bloodbaths which lock on and attack SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY. Finally, the Grimacing Cremblub can spurt acid from the pustules on its back, fire snot bubbles from its nose, breathe poison clouds and spit drool, and roar to push SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY backwards.

SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY has a variety of attacks of his own that he uses against Mecha-Louie, including punching and clawing with his animatronic hands, lash out loose wires to whip and trip up Mecha-Louie, breathe fire, summon ghostly enemies, and more. He also brings his administrator minions into the battle to help him during the fight, each of which stand on SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY and use their own unique attacks similar to Louie's allies. As SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY is damaged, the gold of his body becomes damaged and cyan ectoplasm and green infection begin to leak out. While the ectoplasm is harmless, the infection will begin spreading to the surrounding area, causing unnatural growths to sprout from the ground that act as additional targets which attack Mecha-Louie by producing clouds of corrosive infection and must be destroyed.

Once SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY has sustained enough damage, the gold plating falls apart and reveals a metal endoskeleton piloted by Cheepy-Cheepy himself. At this point, the body of the endoskeleton can be attacked to further weaken it, but the main target is Cheepy-Cheepy, who floats inside the head of the endoskeleton. The fight continues, with SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY heavily damaged but keeping up the fight, and having picked up one final devastating ability, now able to summon Victini Pikmin, the most powerful Pikmin type, to fight against Mecha-Louie. As the Victini Pikmin resist all hazards, they are nearly impossible to kill, and can only be temporarily stunned while focusing the attack on the damaged animatronic. Eventually, after continuing to attack, Louie is able to deal enough damage to SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY to cause the boss to completely collapse, with Cheepy-Cheepy rising from its wreckage, even more furious than before.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
ENOUGH. IS. ENOUGH. "I am so very tired..." of your VANDALISM.

Inside of Mecha-Louie, Louie presses a "FINISH HIM" button on his terminal. Cheepy-Cheepy prepares to bring down the BLOCK USER on Mecha-Louie, but is interrupted by Mecha-Louie's head splitting open as its mouth opens wide, its upper jaw extended upward by pistons. Inside of Mecha-Louie's mouth, a massive blue-and-orange Portal forms, which begins to pull in everything in front of Mecha-Louie like a black hole.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Wait... What is this? What is this... power?

The Portal begins to draw Cheepy-Cheepy in, who tries to float back from it, but is overpowered by its pull.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
No... No, it can't be...

The Portal forms a vortex in the air, pulling Cheepy-Cheepy in with even more force.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
How could this be... some kind of Portal Kombat?

Louie smiles his signature smug grin, as Cheepy-Cheepy is drawn into the vortex.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The room around Cheepy and Mecha-Louie blurs and forms into trippy color patterns as Cheepy-Cheepy is pulled into the event horizon of the portal.

Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy – "You have been instrumental in keeping this wiki alive. You have now been granted the merit of bureaucrat. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. – Wraith
TALK – Wednesday, July 3, 2024
YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME, LOUIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mecha-Louie absorbs Cheepy-Cheepy using the full power of the mech's PK and PSI energy, and the mech then sinks to its knees and falls to the ground, having used the last of its power. Louie and his allies hop down from the powered-down mech, and they stand in silence for a moment, staring at the ruins of the room around them and taking in everything that just happened.

Louie, Triple-D, Yonny, Dingo, the Titan Dweevil, the Ancient Sirehound, Blood Star, the Grimacing Cremblub, and all the members of the Rescue Crops just stand there, catching their breath after the brutal battle. The Ancient Sirehound and Grimacing Cremblub both lower their bodies to the ground and go to sleep, exhausted from the fight. Blood Star rubs her eyes and the star on her head, before sitting and beginning to lick her paws. The Titan Dweevil grabs Louie and places him atop its head, before burying itself in the ground and going to sleep as well. Oatchi plops down on the ground and the Pikmin begin to play on top of him as he looks up at them. For a moment, everyone rests.

Once the moment of peace has passed, Louie realizes that since the room was completely destroyed in the battle, and the SD card was destroyed as well, this means that... Oh no, now there's no way to get the secret notes for Pikmin: Wide World 2!! D'OH!! Louie states this unfortunate fact to his team, and there's groans all around; though Blood Star just chuckles. Yonny then mentions that if Cheepy-Cheepy was smart (and he's sure he was) there must have been a backup of the notes stored somewhere! Louie pauses for a moment and nods, and then runs up to Oatchi and instructs him to "Pick Up a Scent", sniffing out backup Wide World 2 notes! They smell amazing, but there's a nauseating undertone. Sure enough, Oatchi barks excitedly, hopping up and down! He runs over to the deactivated Mecha-Louie, and begins digging around in it. As he does so and all of the others come to watch Oatchi, he pulls out a golden crown with a large magenta gemstone embedded into its top from the Mecha-Louie's mouth. Oatchi barks excitedly at the crown, and then swallows it whole. Louie is a bit annoyed by this, as he wanted to do that. Oatchi then spits out another SD card, which looks identical to the one that Louie downloaded the Wide World 2 notes onto. Louie and the others jump for joy, and they have their Pikmin pick up the SD card and make their way for the exit of the mansion.


Everyone goes back to their own homes, and Louie takes a look at the elusive contents of Wide World 2, skipping right over the prequel's notes, the single page for Dance Dance Revolution: Pikmin Mix, and the stinky notes for Pikmin: Attack of the Breadbugs and Pikmin: Infection in Progress that were backed up the SD card. His eyes bug out of his head and he says, "Wait, there are more arachnorbs?!" as Louie realizes that Wide World 2 is none other than the same game as Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back, the game where the Arachnorbs take over the Pikmin Planet! Louie is amazed by just how many arachnorbs there are, and after pondering recipes for every new arachnorb, it suddenly occurs to Louie... Wait a moment, what about Pikmin: Wide World 3? What if Cheepy-Cheepy has secret notes for THAT game too! Realizing this, Louie runs back to his ship, preparing for another grand adventure. As Louie jumps into the S.S. Gourmet once again, the game ends, and the credits roll, which contains every single user of Pikmin Fanon listed in the credits.

Game modes

  • Story Mode: the main mode of the game. Unlocked from the beginning, this mode follows the story of Louie's great heist to steal Cheepy's notes on Pikmin: Wide World 2.
  • Time Attack Mode: unlocked after completing Story Mode. In this mode, the player is timed on how quickly they can complete the game by successfully retrieving the notes on Wide World 2.
  • Challenge Mode: unlocked after completing Story Mode. Various parts of the story mode are remixed and remade, typically to be more difficult. The Land of Wonders cannot be visited in this mode, as each challenge provides a preset selection of Pikmin, creature allies, and pack items.



  1. Captain Louie – main leader, demands to be referred to as "Captain Louie" by his crew due to now having a ship, the S.S. Gourmet.
  2. King Triple-D – a huge troublemaker and practical joker, but he's also a bit of a coward.
  3. Dingo – the "lone wolf" of the team. Specializes in solo missions and denying that he's the one behind the "StrongWolfUwU" VTuber channel on YouTube.
  4. Yonny – the "brains" of the operation, along with Louie himself. Provides medical care and experimental serums for Louie's team.
  5. Moss – spends the duration of the game on the run from law enforcement.
  6. Titan Dweevil – a rideable mount that Louie or one of the other leaders can ride on and control if they recruit it from the Land of Wonders.
  7. Ancient Sirehound – a rideable mount that Louie or one of the other leaders can ride on and control if they recruit it from the Land of Wonders.
  8. The One – an old friend of Louie's who Louie worked with a while back to kidnap some people for her. She can be found in an old tree house in the Land of Wonders. She's much too proud to let anyone ride her like the other creatures working for Louie, but she is willing to help out in her own way if recruited. Her real name is "Blood Star," but she insists on being referred to as "The One" because she thinks that name makes her sound cooler.
  9. Grimacing Cremblub – the last of the rideable creatures that Louie can recruit. It is initially fought as a boss in Cheepy's Mansion, but Louie is able to use his status as the King of Bugs to calm the creature and convince it to join Louie's side after its boss fight. It does not care about the heist, it's too dumb and mean and big, but Louie recruits it anyway.
  10. Mecha-Louie – controlled by Louie in the final boss battle. Louie's Mecha-Louie shoots missiles. MISSILES!
  11. Cheepy-Cheepy – the main antagonist of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist. He has a secret file on his computer which has all the information on Pikmin: Wide World 2, which is the target of Louie's heist. In the game, Cheepy-Cheepy appears as a giant version of King Boo from the Mario series. At the end of the game, Cheepy-Cheepy powers up to his ultimate form: SUPER GOLDEN CHEEPY, the final boss of Pikmin Fanon.
  12. A Friendly Amprat – the secondary antagonist of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist. He's an admin on Pikmin Fanon and one of Cheepy's underlings as a result, so he works for Cheepy to thwart Louie's plot. For some reason, Amprat lives in Cheepy-Cheepy's walls.
  13. Soundwave – another one of Cheepy's underlings who serves as an antagonist. Soundwave is also known as the Overlord of All Lifeforms, and he provides defenses in Cheepy's mansion, which Louie and his team need to avoid or disable.
  14. Jody / Saint / Username – another Pikmin Fanon admin, one of Cheepy's underlings who serves as an antagonist. This mysterious and enigmatic entity appears as a form of supernatura, and its name in the Piklopedia changes every few months.
  15. The 3000-NORB – a minor antagonist in Pikmin: The Wide World Heist, and one of the game's bosses. The Overlord of All Lifeforms has never seen this before but- he used it for some defenses.
  16. Zoadra – a Pikmin Fanon bureaucrat who is as powerful as Cheepy-Cheepy and equally opposed to Louie's plot. Due to his inactivity, Zoadra never actually appears in Pikmin: The Wide World Heist, but his fearsome presence is felt throughout the game, echoing through eternity. According to the legends, Zoadra can take many forms, including an Umbreon covered in cosmic energy, a Zekrom covered in cosmic energy, some form of Wraith, and sixty-four peanuts.
  17. Zero Two – the famous Zero Two, from the famous Pikmin: Zero Lives, appears as a boss of the section of Cheepy's Mansion which is covered in dark matter.
  18. Leoasiago – he's here back again!
  19. Red Boloroborp – the Red Boloroborp has died. Its corpse can be found in the Land of Wonders, and is worth ten Piglins.
  20. Blower pot – an easter egg found in a hidden room of Cheepy's Mansion, which can be found by passing through a fake wall in Cheepy's office. Blower Pot is a generic potted plant that constantly blows leaves. This potted plant is considered a character, and no one knows why.
  21. The virgin Waterwraith – a rather scary creature that roams some areas of Cheepy's Mansion if the player spends more than five minutes in any of these rooms, after which it will fall with a trauma-inducing noise and begin roaming the room and instantly crushing any creatures it collides with.
  22. The chad Mockwraith – an EXTREMELY scary creature that roams some areas of Cheepy's Mansion if the player spends more than fifteen minutes in any of these rooms. Behaves much like its Pikmin: Dusk and Dawn incarnation, but has absolutely no weaknesses, as its body cannot be killed!! And, the Grimacing Cremblub ate all the Echo Pikmin in the game.
  23. Funky Long Legs (unused character) – the Funky Long Legs may drop down in various rooms of Cheepy's Mansion and challenge Louie to a dance-off. The loud dance music alerts Cheepy-Cheepy to the location, forcing an immediate game over.
  24. Groovy Long Legs (unused character) – appears only to announce that the Funky Long Legs is a second-rate imitation of them, and then leaves. Louie tries to recruit them to his side, but fails because the Groovy Long Legs can't hear him over their awesome theme song.
  25. Booty Long Legs (unused character) – was supposed to appear if the game detects that it is being played on Talk Like A Pirate Day. Instead left to get itself some booty.
  26. Long Long Legs (unused character) – its legs are so long that no one has ever seen its head. Not even itself.
  27. Fruity Long Legs Trio (unused character) – broke into Cheepy's Mansion to steal the juice from his fridge.
  28. Rescue Crops – the Rescue Crops appear at the end of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist, having been tipped off about the mission by Yonny and dropping in at the last moment to rescue everyone, as is their specialty.
  29. Olimar – he seems to have somehow been trapped in a painting by Cheepy-Cheepy. Louie just leaves him trapped there, as he really doesn't care at all.
  30. SwordsmachineGaming352 – An incredibly powerful optional bonus boss who is by far the strongest character in Pikmin: The Wide World Heist. It appears as a massive self-building machine which wields a motorized sword. Its boss battle is much harder than anything else in Pikmin: The Wide World Heist, having a multitude of phases and brutal attacks. Defeating SwordsmachineGaming352 earns the player the "(FULLY Locked In)" achievement, which is also the only achievement in all of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist.



Bulbmin are the only Pikmin type not to return, because they are redundant due to Glow Pikmin.



There are only two areas in Pikmin: The Wide World Heist, with the first serving as a place to prepare for the heist, and the second serving as the heist's location.

Land of Wonders
The "base camp" serving as the hub world of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist. This area is quite massive and almost all Pikmin types and many enemies can be found here, but there are no caves.
Cheepy's Mansion
The main area of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist. Once Louie and his crew have spent enough time gathering allies and resources in the Land of Wonders, they infiltrate Cheepy's Mansion to steal his top-secret Wide World 2 notes.


See: Piklopedia of Pikmin: The Wide World Heist


The only true "treasure" in Pikmin: The Wide World Heist is the SD card which contains all of Cheepy's notes on his upcoming game. Fruits can be found in the Land of Wonders, but these are simply taken to the Onion in order to grow more Pikmin. Upgrades are not available in this game, as Louie ignored Yonny's advice to bring Russ on their mission.