Grimacing Cremblub

From Pikmin Fanon
Grimacing Cremblub
Family Devouron

The Grimacing Cremblub is a monstrous, deadly devouron.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Grimacing Cremblub.

In Pikmin: Wide World

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
Grimacing Cremblub The icon used to represent this boss.
PWW Grimacing Cremblub.png
Family Devouron
Areas None
Dens None
Caves Destiny Cavern
Battle Mode stages None
Challenge Mode stages The Grimacing Cremblub, The Grimacing Cremblub Remix
Weight 60
Max. carriers 150
Seed worth 300
Poko value P3 Poko icon.png × 100
Sparklium worth P4 Sparklium icon.png × 300
Attacks Burns, corrodes, crushes, drowns, eats, electrocutes, freezes, poisons, and skewers Pikmin, causes panic, produces bubbles

The Grimacing Cremblub is a devouron appearing in Pikmin: Wide World as the final boss of Story Mode. It dwells only in the final sublevel of Destiny Cavern, the last of Sprawling Swamp's caves and the final cave overall. It sleeps on the ground in the center of its massive chamber, lying with its back legs folded and its front legs tucked under its body and between its back legs. It only awakens when sufficiently hurt, whereupon it will stand up with a fierce growl and begin its assault. It will never return to its slumber unless the sublevel is exited and reentered, opting to pursue its prey relentlessly.

The Grimacing Cremblub is a large, ferocious beast with a repulsive appearance. Its main body is wide and plump, and its leathery bronze skin glistens in light. Dotting its back are many red cysts and protecting its stomach is a series of overlapping yellow chitinous plates. The creature's hideous face features bulging eyes on either side, a pair of slitted nasal openings at the front that flare with every heavy exhale, and a gaping namesake mouth lined with many jagged teeth. Its sclerae and teeth are both yellowed, its irises are red, and jutting out from either side of its bottom jaw are large tusks. Its mouth is purple, and its forked, lavender-colored tongue is extremely long and flexible. The Grimacing Cremblub's supportive front legs are quite stubby but appear longer due to its curved, pointed, crystalline nails. The far longer and more muscular rear legs are backward-jointed, and three thick nails adorn the front of each of its large, round feet.

The battle against the Grimacing Cremblub is among the most challenging due to the creature's size, vitality, and lethality, though no particular Pikmin is required to defeat it. One of its most basic attacks involves using its tongue to scoop up Pikmin and leaders and its mouth to eat them, and will readily do so at every available opportunity. It can also use its feet to skewer and crush Pikmin and leaders, also inadvertently flicking them away with the nails on its front legs as it moves. Its deafening roar can cause Pikmin to panic. Boulders often fall from the cave ceiling due to the vibrations its roaring creates and the impact of charging into walls or collapsing to the ground. Its constant flow of drool causes Pikmin to begin drowning and leaders to be knocked to the ground. Any Pikmin its rancid breath touches will be poisoned, even through its nostrils, which bubbles are periodically blown from. The delicate cysts on its back are filled with acid, which splatters everywhere when ruptured by even the slightest touch. When feeling particularly threatened, the Grimacing Cremblub can briefly electrify itself, but only while still. Finally, when the beast inevitably tires out after exerting so much energy, it lies down while panting heavily and perspiring, its sweat combusting upon contact with air, and then violently shivers before it cools itself off with liquid nitrogen it naturally creates. After cooling itself, it stands up to continue its assault.

Even finding an opening to attack the Grimacing Cremblub in the first place can be a challenge due to its defenses, but there are ways to overcome them. First and foremost is the Grimacing Cremblub's height, which almost requires the use of Yellow Pikmin or especially Winged Pikmin to hit anything above its knees. Its thick skin dampens the impact of Rock Pikmin throws, and Purple Pikmin pounds even though they are difficult to land, but both Pikmin are still useful in other ways. Thrown rocks bounce off the Grimacing Cremblub with minimal harm. Sprays that affect enemies have no effect on the creature. Even bomb rocks of any kind and mines are practically useless, except if it swallows a regular bomb rock or mine, but even then the creature has resilient insides. If the Grimacing Cremblub misses skewering Pikmin or leaders with its front nails on soft terrain, they will become lodged in the ground, providing precious time to attack before it frees itself; otherwise, the nails will bounce off hard terrain.

The first course of action would be to destroy the Grimacing Cremblub's front nails, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways, causing it to walk low to the ground, in the reach of any thrown Pikmin, and slowing its movement to an awkward shuffle. Rock Pikmin are useful for this. Pikmin can be thrown into the creature's eyes to inflict minor damage and make it flinch, even with a chance of Pikmin in its mouth being able to escape, but its movements will be erratic for some seconds until it recovers. Popping the cysts on the Grimacing Cremblub's back, which can only be done with Yellow Pikmin and Winged Pikmin even after destroying both of its front nails, will inflict minor harm to the creature but splatter acid onto the battlefield. When enough Pikmin are attacking it at once or it suffers enough damage, the Grimacing Cremblub will deliver an electric shock to its attackers before shaking them off, paralyzing them and sending them flying every which way. Occasionally, for the sake of striking fear into its prey and asserting its dominance, the Grimacing Cremblub will unleash a horrible bellow. Of course, Purple Pikmin remain undaunted by the roar.

As the battle progresses, the Grimacing Cremblub will become increasingly more aggressive. Each new phase is marked by the creature releasing its signature roar:

  • Phase 1 is the easiest, as the creature has not yet completely woken up. It will drowsily stumble around its arena, not doing much of anything beyond that, drooling lightly, and lazily attempting to lick up Pikmin and leaders with its tongue to eat them.
  • Phase 2 begins when the Grimacing Cremblub's health reaches 4/5ths or at least one of its front nails has been destroyed. The creature will deliberately try to crush Pikmin with its back feet, and skewer Pikmin on its front nails if at least 1 remains. Starting from this phase, the Grimacing Cremblub will tire out after performing enough actions, collapsing from exhaustion and performing its cooldown sequence before returning to its feet. When the creature begins to flare up, Pikmin should be called off of it to prevent them from being burned, and kept away from the creature until its liquid nitrogen dissipates.
  • The 3rd and final phase begins when the Grimacing Cremblub's health reaches 2/3rds. Along with its full range of attacks, the creature may charge wildly across its arena, trampling any leaders and Pikmin in its path. This attack can be anticipated when the creature steadies itself and scrapes one of its back feet against the ground a few times before rearing up and rushing forward, stopping only upon hitting a wall. Afterward, the Grimacing Cremblub will fall to the ground, dazed, but eventually come to and stand up again.

Upon death, the Grimacing Cremblub will stumble around, struggling to remain on its feet as its life fades, but ultimately be able to stand still long enough to unleash one final, desperate roar before collapsing with a tremendous thud. Its body will assume a position similar to the one it sleeps in. Purple Pikmin are essential here, as they must be involved in carrying the Grimacing Cremblub's corpse due to its weight.

In ultra-spicy difficulty, the Grimacing Cremblub's elemental abilities are even deadlier, though its physical attacks remain the same. Its drool almost constantly streams from the corners of its mouth, creating two slippery but short-lasting puddles while still or trails while moving. Its rancid breath lingers and is instantly lethal to all Pikmin, much like the Smoky Progg's gas. More bubbles also come out of its nostrils. Slightly more acid is released from ruptured pustules, splatters against surfaces it lands on, and forms short-lasting puddles on the ground. When the Grimacing Cremblub electrifies itself, sparks fly off it and bounce wildly from it until they eventually and abruptly dissipate. Lastly, when the Grimacing Cremblub tires out, it produces adhesive sweat to trap latched-on Pikmin, its fire flares out in all directions and creates burning embers, and its liquid nitrogen temporarily freezes the ground around it and anything else in range.


  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): The Grimacing Cremblub is slow to wake, but its unbridled rage will energize it.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (all difficulties): Be very careful around the Grimacing Cremblub. Who knows what it can do!
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #3 (all difficulties): The Grimacing Cremblub is highly resilient. It might be good to not waste many resources on it.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #4 (all difficulties): The Grimacing Cremblub is so tall that only high-flying Pikmin can reach its body.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #5 (all difficulties): The nails on the Grimacing Cremblub's front legs look destructible. Hit them hard.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #6 (all difficulties): With the front nails destroyed, any Pikmin can be thrown onto the Grimacing Cremblub's body.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #7 (all difficulties): The Grimacing Cremblub's eyes and cysts make good targets to throw Pikmin at.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #8 (all difficulties): The Grimacing Cremblub will roar whenever it wants or before it changes things up. Be ready for anything!
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #9 (all difficulties): Be careful about too much offense. The Grimacing Cremblub can deliver a nasty electrical shock.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #10 (all difficulties): When the Grimacing Cremblub gets tired, it has a special, and dangerous, way of recovering.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #11 (all difficulties): Dodge out of the way when the Grimacing Cremblub starts charging!
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #12 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): The Grimacing Cremblub's elemental powers are very potent, making it very formidable.

Olimar's comments

PWW Captain Olimar icon.png Because of its size and sheer ferocity, the grimacing cremblub has no known predators. A heavy sleeper, it does not wake up prematurely unless disturbed, which most creatures dare not do. When awake and alert, it is a fearsome predator that relentlessly pursues its prey and has a variety of ways to attack others and defend itself.

Shacho's comments

PWW President icon.png Pretty, pretty copper skin! Too bad it's not gold... Maybe I could use that electric organ in its body as a battery?

Marie's comments

PWW Marie icon.png This as a pet? As awesome as it would be, no. They smell bad, sleep too much, and are always miserable! Not to mention, they're big and scary. The pustules on its back are gross, too. Reminds me of an ex-boyfriend, but mostly Louie.

Louie's comments

PWW Louie icon.png Fortunately, taking down one of these beasts is more than worth the meat it yields. Its innards are rich and flavorful, but tough and have a metallic aftertaste. Perfect for a hearty soup with vegetables and savory broth!

Dolphin Lander's comments

PWW Dolphin Lander icon.png To find that such a large and fearsome predator was lurking beneath our feet the entire time is extraordinary... and also frightening. We've delved deep underground many times, but we never found any creature quite like this.