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Revision as of 19:16, 17 July 2021

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png

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Pikmin: Wide World is a non-canonical, fan-made Pikmin game concept created by Cheepy-Cheepy. It includes and incorporates many features, elements, and mechanics of all three mainline Pikmin games, Hey! Pikmin, and some features of Pikmin Adventure, but also introduces entirely new features, concepts, and mechanics, and expands on existing ones. Pikmin: Wide World is designed to be much like a traditional, official Pikmin game. Chronologically, it takes place immediately after the events of Pikmin 3.


As the S.S. Drake approaches Hocotate, Captain Olimar and the Koppaite trio of Alph, Brittany, and Captain Charlie exchange their goodbyes. The ship lands on the bare lot of Hocotate Freight, which Olimar chose as the ship's landing site due to its familiarity with him. Olimar waves goodbye to his saviors as he steps out of the spacecraft and onto the hard, asphalt ground. Olimar turns to watch the S.S. Drake take off into the sky, but as he turns around again, he is suddenly met by the President of Hocotate Freight, Shacho. Panicked, Shacho reminds Olimar that the company is still in its mountainous debt of P3 Poko icon.png × 45,000, which he had sent Olimar and Louie to pay off. The debt was caused by Shacho recklessly spending the company's funds on a new business venture and taking out a massive loan to reimburse his losses, which he does at Happy Hocotate Savings and Loan, recalling what happened when he took out a loan from the All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks. He demands to know where the Pokos and treasures are, but he stops to realize a few crucial details: no emails were being exchanged to and from the Freight Voyager in days, Olimar didn't return to Hocotate in it, and Louie was once again absent. Olimar begins to explain all that happened with himself and Louie and the ship, as well as how he got back to Hocotate. After understanding that the ship was totaled and left behind and that the company has no other usable ships nor the funds to pay for a replacement, he pleads for Olimar to help. Olimar has no choice but to reveal his secret project: the Dolphin Lander. Shacho and Captain Olimar suit up and gather rations, and take off towards the Pikmin Planet in the Dolphin Lander to save the company yet again.

Shortly before landing in Balmy Highlands, the Dolphin Lander malfunctions and deposits Shacho into a small, circular location that is isolated from the area around it. With him are a dormant Yellow Onion, some Pellet Posies, and a treasure. Their food supply is also thrown offboard due to the Dolphin Lander's malfunction, which lands in a seemingly inaccessible but nearby location. Olimar lands the Dolphin Lander nearby, in a safe location, and rushes out of it to reunite with his boss, nearly colliding with a crystal gate separating them. Olimar and Shacho discuss how to solve the issue until Olimar notices the Yellow Onion and suggests Shacho approach it. Shacho activates the Yellow Onion, and, recalling what he had learned on his previous visit to PNF-404, uses the Pellet Posies to grow some Yellow Pikmin. He returns to the crystal gate to see Olimar has his own Yellow Pikmin. Shacho, realizing that his Pikmin are of little use in escaping his predicament, throws them over the crystal gate to Olimar. Olimar leads his group of Yellow Pikmin into a dank, cavelike subarea, which is populated by a few harmless enemies as well as a Medusal Slurker that had ingested a Juicy Gaggle. Olimar takes notice of an electrode, and from the sparks produced by the severed wire ends, concludes that the device is still functional and could be of use. The nearby charred body of a Female Sheargrub only serves as proof of his conclusion. After completing the electrode's circuit, the cave lights up and reveals a few small bomb rocks setting on a high ledge. Olimar throws his Yellow Pikmin to the bomb rocks, and the Pikmin drop down to him and follow him outside to destroy the crystal gate with their newfound weaponry. Once Olimar and Shacho are reunited, they have the Yellow Pikmin pick up the treasure as well as the fruits they found; however, they instinctively follow the leaders and form a caravan because they do not yet know where the Dolphin Lander is. After rounding a corner, the two leaders show the Pikmin where the Dolphin Lander is so that they can learn its location and appearance. Before leaving and going into orbit, however, Olimar and Shacho use teamwork to retrieve their crate of lost rations. They had brought twenty bottles of juice, but only five bottles remained intact and usable.

Eventually, in Ancient Metalworks, Olimar and Shacho follow a distress signal and find a stranded Hocotation named Marie. She is tangled in an otherwise unoccupied web, suspended above a small group of Dwarf Orange Bulborbs that are unaware of her presence. After she is rescued, which is necessary to progress in the area as the web blocks a crucial pathway, she joins Olimar and Shacho in their travels. Marie claims to most likely be the only surviving member of her crew, and that she would have expired alongside her suit's life-support system in a matter of days had she not been saved. Marie loves animals, and starting the night after she is rescued, she will record notes on how to properly train and domesticate all creatures on PNF-404 encountered up to that point.

After the Frosted Arcticlops in Frigid Tundra is defeated, it spits out a large fruit as well as Louie, much to the surprise of Olimar, Shacho, and especially Marie. Classically, Louie does not speak, but he does nod his head when Olimar asks if he would like to join the group. Marie expresses shock at inadvertently rescuing another individual, let alone one her companions are familiar with. Starting the night after he is unlocked, Louie records notes on how to prepare, cook, and eat every edible creature, plant, and fungus that has been encountered so far.

On the night of the defeat of the Greater Bulbot in Ancient Metalworks, Olimar is unusually the last leader to board the Dolphin Lander. Unfortunately, Olimar never can board the ship. The very same Plasm Wraith that had so obsessively held Olimar captive had found him again and abducted him. As it turns out, the Plasm Wraith had been lurking behind the Dolphin Lander every night it landed in that area, in the form of the Plasm Goolix, waiting for the chance to strike. Olimar could not call out for help because the creature had enveloped him and muffled his whistle. The Dolphin Lander and Master Onion could not wait for Olimar any longer and took off without him to avoid the hostile nocturnal wildlife on the planet's surface. Shacho, alarmed and hysterical, dreads the fate of his only reliable and sane employee. Marie worries about Olimar's fate but is completely unaware of Olimar's history with the Plasm Wraith. Louie, in classic fashion, only acknowledges the incident but does not appear impacted by it. The following day, Shacho, Marie, and Louie rush out of the Dolphin Lander and notice a trail of plasm blobs. When approached, some of these blobs animate and merge to form Plasm Illusions. The three Hocotatians gather their Pikmin and follow the trail of plasm to rescue Olimar. When they finally defeat the Plasm Wraith and ensure it is dead, it leaves behind Olimar, as well as a golden cube that can be taken for Pokos or Pikmin seeds.


When enough Pokos have been procured to fully repay Hocotate Freight's newest debt, Olimar, Shacho, Marie, and Louie bid an emotional farewell to the Pikmin and then board the Dolphin Lander to leave PNF-404 and safely return to Hocotate. During the trip back to their home planet, however, the four Hocotatians agree to return to PNF-404 to continue their adventures there once the debt to Happy Hocotate Savings and Loan is repaid in person.

Because of their leaders, the Pikmin once again learn to survive on their own and their populations flourish as a result. Other explorers and Captmin lead the Pikmin to further victory. Olimar is wonderstruck by how quickly PNF-404 changes every time he visits the planet, marveling at his discoveries and wondering what differences there will be during his next trip there. Shacho is overjoyed that his employees were able to save his company and that Louie was rescued once again. Marie mourns the loss of her crewmates, though she feels she owes her life to her saviors and would happily oblige to join them on a new adventure. Louie finds that even though he is most comfortable and happy on PNF-404, being stranded there, inside of a giant monster, makes him want to stay on Hocotate for a while. The Dolphin Lander feels prideful of its role in the voyage to PNF-404 and is excited to go on another adventure in the future. Hocotate Freight once again has a considerable supply of funds to its name, at least until another large debt builds up.


Players can control and switch between leaders, who control any Pikmin following them. Pikmin can be thrown, dismissed, and ordered to perform a variety of other tasks. Pikmin can carry a large variety of objects, such as enemy corpses, fruits, treasures, and others. Pikmin are also utilized as the primary method of attacking enemies and destroying obstacles. New game modes are permanently unlocked when their respective upgrade is collected in any Story Mode save game. Alternate game modes are listed in the order they are normally unlocked. Any game mode can be played with up to four other players, either locally, online, or both, who can freely join in or drop out as they please. Some game modes have special rules pertaining to this, however.

Story Mode

The main campaign of Pikmin: Wide World. Using the main menu, up to four players can connect and play simultaneously. If there are fewer leaders than there are players, players with no unique leader will play as a transparent version of an unlocked leader, much like in Pikmin 3 Deluxe. If a leader is unlocked, the order in which the players joined the game will dictate who plays as that leader. For example, if there are four players and the third and fourth players have no unique leaders to play as, the third player will take control of Marie when she is saved but the fourth player will not have a unique leader to play as until Louie is saved. Story Mode and Battle Mode are the only game modes where upgrades are ever used.

Battle Mode

Main article: Pikmin: Wide World Battle Mode

Pikmin: Wide World has a Battle Mode that includes elements from 2-Player Battle in Pikmin 2 and Bingo Battle in Pikmin 3. It is permanently unlocked by collecting the Aggression Meter upgrade in any Story Mode save game. In Battle Mode, up to four players can play as Olimar, Shacho, Louie, and Marie, but no two players can choose the same character. Leaders can punch both other leaders and Pikmin that are on a different team than theirs.

Before a match begins, players are presented with various match options: they can set the number of players; choose the game style; change how teams are set up, as well as which players are on which team; change how many of what type of Pikmin each player starts with; toggle the existence of Victory Marbles or Victory Macaroons, of which can be chosen between; change the frequency of Cupid's Grenades and their golden variants from none to maximum; change the frequency of Lucky Marbles from none to maximum; independently toggle upgrades and sprays, and choose which players have which upgrades and how many of each kind of spray to start with; independently toggle hazards and obstacles; and lastly, toggle the existence of the Stage Boss. Battle Mode has two match styles, which are Classic Battle and Bingo Battle; Classic Battle carries the legacy of Two-Player Battle, while Bingo Battle carries the legacy of Bingo Battle. Team-wise, matches between players can be either free-for-all or two-on-two. The amounts of which types of Pikmin each player starts a match with can also be changed. Victory Marbles and Victory Macaroons are respectively from Pikmin 2 and Pikmin 3, and are meant to add a capture-the-flag thrill to a match. The two objects differ only in appearance; both objects can be carried by as few as one Pikmin and as many as eight Pikmin. The frequency of Cupid's Grenades and Golden Grenades can be set from "none" to "maximum". The frequency of Lucky Marbles can also be altered, and if their frequency is set to "none", Cupid's Grenades and Golden Grenades never stop appearing during a match, although they can be set to continue appearing even when a Lucky Marble appears. Like Victory Marbles and Victory Macaroons, Lucky Marbles can be carried by as few as one Pikmin and as many as eight Pikmin. If upgrades are toggled on, players can individually choose up to three upgrades to equip, and if sprays are toggled on, players can individually choose up to two different spray types to start with. Obstacles and hazards can be toggled on or off independently of each other. The Stage Boss is a boss creature that can be toggled on or off before a match starts and can be attacked by any Pikmin type.

As is the case with Bottomless Abyss, many of Battle Mode's features are dependant on if they were encountered in Story Mode; the more that is experienced in Story Mode, the bigger and better Battle Mode can be.

Challenge Mode

Main article: Pikmin: Wide World Challenge Mode

Much like its Battle Mode, Pikmin Wide World also has its own Challenge Mode. It combines elements from Challenge Mode in Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 and Mission Mode in Pikmin 3. It is permanently unlocked by collecting the Telecommunications Device upgrade in any Story Mode save game. Like Mission Mode, the Challenge Mode of Pikmin: Wide World has different categories to choose from, which in this game are Produce Pikmin!, Gather Valuables!, Eliminate Enemies!, and Battle Bosses!. Up to four players can play together locally, online, or both, to set new records for various stages, but like in Battle Mode, this must be done in the stage select screen, before the mission begins.

Upon the successful completion of any level, a Benchmark Medal and a Flower Badge are awarded to the player to rank their performance for that particular level. Each reward has its own tiers and is entirely independent of the other. Both badges can be obtained independently of each other, meaning each attempt at a challenge mode level can focus on getting the best tier of each badge. Benchmark Medals represent how high of a score was achieved for a particular mission, with the tiers, ordered from lowest to highest, being bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Flower Badges represent how many Pikmin died during a particular mission: a white flower signifies the level was completed with some Pikmin deaths, a pink flower signifies the level was completed with few Pikmin deaths, and an indigo flower indicates the level was completed with no Pikmin deaths.

Explorable space in area-based levels in Challenge Mode is limited as indestructible obstacles restrict access to places outside the playable area. All other aboveground levels have static layouts, but underground levels have dynamic layouts.

Bottomless Abyss

Bottomless Abyss is a new game mode introduced in Pikmin: Wide World that is permanently unlocked when the Anomaly Log upgrade is collected in any Story Mode save game. As the name suggests, Bottomless Abyss is a cave that has an indefinite amount of sublevels. The purpose of the game mode is to collect as many Pokos as possible by collecting objects such as treasures, enemy corpses, fruits, and various other collectibles, and bringing them to the Lander Pod. Even Sparklium has monetary value, each unit being worth one Poko. Sublevels do not have time limits, much like in Story Mode. Every sublevel's theme is random, and its contents, such as enemies, bosses, treasures, fruits, vegetation, and obstacles, are always dependant on the theme. A sublevel's theme and contents are determined by if they were encountered in Story Mode; if a Dwarf Red Bulborb hasn't been recorded in the Piklopedia in Story Mode, Dwarf Red Bulborbs will not appear in Bottomless Abyss. The same general concept applies to Pikmin, vegetation, bosses, treasures, fruits, and so on. Sprays that have been unlocked in Story Mode can also be obtained and used in Bottomless Abyss. Essentially, the more that is experienced in Story Mode, the more content Bottomless Abyss will have. A boss is guaranteed to be encountered every few sublevels. Every tenth sublevel is a rest sublevel that contains harmless or low-risk enemies, a few treasures, and most importantly, an escape geyser. Up to four players can play together locally, online, or both to set new records. Like in Story Mode, which leader which player controls is based on the order in which they joined the game: player one controls Captain Olimar, player two controls Shacho, player three controls Marie, and player four controls Louie.

Before delving into Bottomless Abyss, players can choose the amount of Pikmin they want to start with. The combined total of Pikmin cannot exceed one hundred, as per usual. Additional Pikmin can be created by using a Monarch Candypop Bud, and Pikmin can be turned into other types through the use of other candypop buds. Hosts of parasitic Pikmin can also be found on some sublevels if the combined total of Pikmin is less than one hundred. If a sublevel contains a certain type of hazard or obstacle only a certain type of Pikmin can overcome, their respective candypop bud will be present on that sublevel, in an easily accessible location, such as by the Lander Pod. Defeating all enemies in a sublevel will reward the player with bonus points, as will clearing a sublevel of all non-corpse collectibles.

When all leaders are down or a Pikmin extinction occurs, gameplay ends and half of all Pokos gathered up to that point are forfeited. When the cave is exited through an escape geyser, gameplay ends and the total amount of Pokos collected up to that point is recorded. If that score happens to be one of the highest scores ever achieved on that copy of the game, it is recorded on the top five highest scores list.


Main Pikmin

All of the Pikmin types that were introduced in previous Pikmin games return in Pikmin: Wide World. A new type of main Pikmin, the acid-resistant Green Pikmin, is introduced. A selection of other Pikmin, mostly hostile species and parasitic Pikmin hosts, are also introduced and are described in the section following this one. All main Pikmin types have an Onion of their own, even Purple Pikmin and White Pikmin. All Pikmin, regardless of type, have a distinct voice. Individual Pikmin can learn from their experiences with locations, items, enemies, vegetation, hazards, obstacles, and even each other, and that knowledge is exchanged between Pikmin at the end of the day. Exchanged information is synchronized among all Pikmin and is never forgotten. Pikmin are listed in the order of discovery.

Yellow Pikmin

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Main article: Yellow Pikmin

Yellow Pikmin are the first main Pikmin type found in Pikmin: Wide World. They are discovered in Balmy Highlands. They are resistant to electricity and can conduct it as well. Yellow Pikmin have an average attack power, average mobility, high digging speed, and high throw distance. A Yellow Pikmin's defining features are its large, pointed ears and white flower. The voice of a Yellow Pikmin is more cheery-sounding than that of other Pikmin. Golden Candypops can be used to transform other Pikmin types into Yellow Pikmin.

Yellow Pikmin can be thrown higher than any other Pikmin type, which makes them useful for collecting objects that are on a high ledge. They also dig up buried objects and clear out tunnels faster than any other Pikmin type. Yellow Pikmin can also absorb the electrical current flowing through an electrocuted Pikmin's body, returning them to normal. Unlike in Pikmin 3, Yellow Pikmin do not become flowered after they complete an electrode's circuit.

Blue Pikmin

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Main article: Blue Pikmin

Blue Pikmin are an aquatic species of Pikmin discovered in Arid Oasis. They are resistant to water. They have an average attack power, average mobility, average digging speed, and average throw distance. A Blue Pikmin's defining features are its mouth-like gills, webbed hands and feet, and white flower. The voice of a Blue Pikmin is more fearful-sounding than that of other Pikmin. Lapis Lazuli Candypops can be used to transform other Pikmin types into Blue Pikmin.

When a Blue Pikmin detects a Pikmin drowning in a nearby body of water, it will immediately rush over to save it, even breaking away from the group if necessary. When a Blue Pikmin reaches a drowning Pikmin, they will throw them to dry land, even carrying them close enough to shore before throwing them if necessary. Blue Pikmin can also swim underwater, but they usually only do so either when in pursuit of an underwater enemy or if the leader they are following is swimming.

Red Pikmin

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Main article: Red Pikmin

Red Pikmin are discovered in Frigid Tundra. They are fireproof and can dish out more damage than most Pikmin types. Red Pikmin have an above-average attack power, average mobility, average digging speed, and average throw distance. A Red Pikmin's defining features are its pointy nose and white flower. They have the standard Pikmin voice, although they sound a bit fierce at times. Other Pikmin types can be transformed into Red Pikmin by throwing them into Crimson Candypops.

Red Pikmin can successfully extinguish ignited Pikmin and can smother out flames by stamping them out. It is reasoned that Red Pikmin have a higher-than-average attack power because of their noses, which jab into the enemies they are hitting.

Rock Pikmin

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Main article: Rock Pikmin

Rock Pikmin are discovered in Ancient Metalworks. They cannot be crushed or impaled, and they will become partially buried or be knocked back, respectively. They also have partial resistance to bomb rock explosions, in that they survive them a quarter of the time. Rock Pikmin have a high attack power, average mobility, average digging speed, and average throw distance. A Rock Pikmin's defining features are its rock-like body, gray skin, and indigo flower. The voice of a Rock Pikmin is more gravelly than that of other Pikmin. Unlike the other Pikmin types, Rock Pikmin are incapable of clinging onto or climbing enemies and objects because of their physiology. This includes enemies like the Red Bulborb or Shaggy Long Legs, and vegetation like the Burgeoning Spiderwort. Rock Pikmin that are thrown at an object or enemy will bounce off of it after the initial hit and will continue lunging at the target if left unoccupied, which does significantly less damage than if it were thrown. Pikmin can be thrown into an Ebony Candypop to transform them into Rock Pikmin.

Rock Pikmin are one of the two most damaging Pikmin types, the other being Purple Pikmin. Rock Pikmin can also be used to destroy crystal, ice, and solids made of similar materials that are worn as armor by some enemies. Rock Pikmin, as they are immune to being impaled, can also be used to harm spiked enemies.

Green Pikmin

Green Pikmin
Main article: Green Pikmin

Green Pikmin are a new species of Pikmin discovered in Ancient Metalworks. They are immune to corrosive acid and can walk in it without harm, but they cannot breathe in it as they lack gills. Some enemies utilize acid to attack others or defend themselves, and pools of acidic water can be found in both Ancient Metalworks and Endless Sea. Green Pikmin have an average attack power, average mobility, average digging speed, and average throw distance. A Green Pikmin's defining features are its mouth-like facial structure, tail, and white flowers. The voice of a Green Pikmin is more gurgly than that of other Pikmin. Green Pikmin are hypothesized to be a mutated relative of Blue Pikmin that can survive exposure to acidic substances rather than basic substances, at the cost of their gills. Although Green Pikmin have their respective Onion, they can also be created by throwing Pikmin into a Demantoid Candypop.

Much like how Blue Pikmin will attempt to save different Pikmin types that are drowning in bodies of water, Green Pikmin will attempt to save other Pikmin that find themselves in a pool of acidic water.

Purple Pikmin

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Main article: Purple Pikmin

Purple Pikmin are a species of Pikmin that are discovered in Ancient Metalworks. They have no particular resistance to anything besides panic and wind, and they can lift the weight of ten Pikmin. Purple Pikmin have an above-average attack power, low mobility, average digging speed, and low throw distance. The defining features of a Purple Pikmin are its larger frame, six hairs on its head, and pink flower. The voice of a Purple Pikmin is deeper than that of other Pikmin. They are the slowest Pikmin variety. Purple Pikmin can only be created by throwing other Pikmin types into a Violet Candypop, the method by which they are initially discovered. The Purple Onion is located by Marie's crash site, but Purple Pikmin can be stored in the PikHold before the Purple Onion is found and merged into the Master Onion.

Purple Pikmin, when landing after being thrown, have the unique ability to briefly stun most enemies. They do this by using all of their weight to fall straight down onto the ground near a target or onto the target itself. When able to pound an enemy, Purple Pikmin can cause extreme damage to it even if they do not stun it. Purple Pikmin are one of the two most damaging Pikmin types, the other being Rock Pikmin. The weight and strength of a Purple Pikmin can also be used to clear out some obstacles, although Purple Pikmin can be extremely useful in clearing other obstacles they aren't required for.

White Pikmin

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Main article: White Pikmin

White Pikmin are a subterranean species of Pikmin that is discovered in Mycelial Sepulcher, five of them wandering freely not far from the first landing site in the area. They are resistant to poison, but not the gas emitted from the Smoky Progg. White Pikmin have a below-average attack power, high mobility, below-average digging speed, and average throw distance. A White Pikmin's defining features are its small stature, large, red eyes, lavender hands and feet, and pink flower. The voice of a White Pikmin is higher and hoarser than that of other Pikmin. They are one of the two fastest Pikmin types, the other being Winged Pikmin, although they carry objects slower than they usually move. White Pikmin are unique for being able to detect and dig up completely buried objects such as fruits and treasures. More White Pikmin can be made by throwing Pikmin into an Ivory Candypop. Once the White Onion is freed from the clutches of the Titan Webber Dweevil, however, it can be used to store White Pikmin and easily produce more. Until then, the PikHolder can be used to store them.

White Pikmin poison most enemies that eat them. Whether this poison kills the enemy outright, inflicts a bit of damage, or even does any damage at all depends on the enemy's size and characteristics. Smaller enemies that eat a White Pikmin will more than likely die instantly after consuming it, while larger enemies need to be fed several White Pikmin before the poison kills them. Some enemies, usually those that themselves utilize poison, suffer no negative consequences from eating a White Pikmin.

Winged Pikmin

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Main article: Winged Pikmin

Winged Pikmin are the last main Pikmin type found in Pikmin: Wide World, and are discovered in Endless Sea. They have no resistance to any hazard, but they can simply fly over most of them. Winged Pikmin have a below-average attack power, high mobility, below-average digging speed, and average throw distance. A Winged Pikmin's defining features are its small, striped body, relatively large, round head, large, blue eyes, transparent wings, and indigo flower. The voice of a Winged Pikmin is much higher and feminine than that of other Pikmin. They are one of the two fastest Pikmin types, tied with White Pikmin, although they carry objects more slowly than they usually move. Although Winged Pikmin have their respective Onion, they can also be created by throwing other Pikmin into a Carnation Candypop.

Winged Pikmin prefer to be airborne and will always be so unless they are either knocked to the ground by an enemy, carrying an object that is being carried mostly by grounded Pikmin, or working on clearing most types of obstacles. While on the ground, Winged Pikmin are as vulnerable as any other Pikmin type. When enough Winged Pikmin are carrying an object to be able to lift it themselves and more Winged Pikmin are carrying it than grounded Pikmin are, the Winged Pikmin will take to the air and carry the object that way, leaving the grounded Pikmin below without a task to fulfill. Winged Pikmin can fly over most dangers, such as water or smaller enemies, but cannot dodge anything coming down on top of them, such as a Beady Long Legs' foot or a boulder falling from a cave's ceiling.

Other Pikmin

Some Pikmin types encountered in Pikmin: Wide World are not classified as regular Pikmin due to the conditions in which they are discovered or created. Most of them also stand out from other Pikmin types in that they are hostile towards leaders, friendly Pikmin, and other lifeforms. All of the following Pikmin will react to being whistled and will approach the leader that caught their attention. Hostile Pikmin, except for Wild Pikmin, will continue their assault instead of joining that leader's side, however. Like with the main Pikmin types, the following Pikmin and their subtypes, if any, all have unique voices. Juvenile parasitic Pikmin hosts, once the PikHold is obtained, can be stored in the Dolphin Lander. They too learn from their experiences and will exchange information at the end of the day much like the main Pikmin types do in the Master Onion. Captmin, although they are part Pikmin, cannot be stored in the PikHold, and neither can Alien Pikmin nor Mushroom Pikmin. Wild Pikmin are wild Pikmin and can be stored in their respective Onions.

Alien Pikmin

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Main article: Alien Pikmin

Alien Pikmin are extraterrestrial Pikmin that found their way onto PNF-404. They are extremely hostile and will attack any creature that draws near. Alien Pikmin have seemingly no special resistance to any hazards, or at least are not resistant to anything seen on PNF-404 during the events of Pikmin: Wide World. They are skinny and have pale skin, a thorny stem, a black flower with six curved petals and a cyan center, two claws on each hand and each foot, and two pairs of black, oblong eyes.


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Main article: Captmin

Captmin are a combination of leader and Pikmin. Captmin are leaders who have failed to survive on PNF-404 and have been transformed by the Pikmin they once led to preserve their lives. They wander in various areas and caves and are kept for the entire day once found. Like leaders, Captmin have health meters, can be switched between, and can whistle; like Pikmin, they can latch onto enemies and obstacles to attack them. Captmin are affected both by sprays that affect Pikmin and sprays that affect leaders. They can also drink from a pool of nectar they walk into, but cannot interact with spray nectar. Captmin have no resistance to any hazard, much like many of the hosts of parasitic Pikmin. Captmin cannot be stored in any Onions nor the Dolphin Lander's PikHold because they are incompatible with them. Captmin that are inevitably left behind at the end of the day are not counted as dead and will have no impact on total Pikmin deaths. Pictured to the right is a notable Captmin, Captain Hunnigan.

Mushroom Pikmin

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Main article: Mushroom Pikmin

Mushroom Pikmin are only encountered in Mycelial Sepulcher and its caves, usually accompanying a Puffstool or other fungus-based enemy. Mushroom Pikmin can also be found alone or in groups. Mushroom Pikmin that are found in the wild count toward the limit of on-field Pikmin, and so do Pikmin that were converted. Pikmin that are converted do not count towards Pikmin deaths until they perish, and wild Mushroom Pikmin do not count towards total Pikmin deaths after being killed. Pikmin that are converted into Mushroom Pikmin never revert to normal on their own but can be sprayed with black nectar to return them to their original forms. Mushroom Pikmin retain the characteristics of the Pikmin they once were, including their strength, speed, physical characteristics, voice, and resistances, although their voices will take on a noticeably sinister and aggressive tone. Any type of Pikmin, even parasitic Pikmin or Captmin, can be transformed into a Mushroom Pikmin, but they can be returned to normal by spraying black nectar on them. Wild Mushroom Pikmin that are sprayed with black nectar will revert into the Pikmin they originally were, become friendly, and have a random maturity. Captmin that have been transformed into Mushroom Pikmin will fight against the player's control if they are switched to, but they otherwise exhibit the same extreme hostility as ordinary Mushroom Pikmin. Pictured to the left is a Red Pikmin that was overtaken by spores, such as those from a Puffstool or a Ravenous Twistool.

Parasitic Pikmin

Red Bulbmin
Main article: Parasitic Pikmin

Although they are never truly seen, parasitic Pikmin are known for infecting larger hosts and controlling them to survive. Unlike in Pikmin 2, hosts that are found underground can be brought to the surface, sometimes being found there, and have no special resistances. They have no dedicated Onion to be stored in, though they can be stored in the Dolphin Lander's PikHold after it is collected. They are best used as fodder in combat, where they are most useful. Each type of parasitic Pikmin host has a different method of attacking enemies. When tasked with demolishing an obstacle, most parasitic Pikmin will use their host to attack it with their stems like an ordinary Pikmin. Some parasitic Pikmin, such as Groinkmin or Cannon Beetlemin, use their projectiles instead of their stems to destroy obstacles. Parasitic Pikmin hosts can be found on the surface, but appear more commonly underground. Hosts can also be found sleeping instead of wandering. Their leaves, buds, or flowers glow green while idle. Adults are aggressive and are nearly always found being followed by a group of passive juveniles; the former must be defeated before the latter may join a leader's squad. Adults and juveniles each have a random maturity which affects their movement speeds. Parasitic Pikmin have gray flowers. Pictured to the right is the most well-known parasitic Pikmin host, the Red Bulbmin.

Wild Pikmin

PWW Red Pikmin.png
Main article: Wild Pikmin

Wild Pikmin are normal Pikmin that are, as their name would suggest, wild. They look like idle Pikmin from a distance, but when approached by a leader or an enemy, they will begin attacking them. Whistling to Wild Pikmin will pacify them and cause them to join the side of the leader that whistled them. Wild Pikmin of a certain type can only be found after that specific type is formally discovered, and are only ever one of the main Pikmin types.

Pikpik carrot

PWW Pikpik carrot.png
Main article: Pikpik carrot

Pikpik carrots are an unlockable Pikmin type that can be used in Battle Mode and Bottomless Abyss by completing every challenge possible in Pikmin: Wide World. Unlocking pikpik carrots consists of unlocking every achievement, completing Story Mode and unlocking all possible content from it for use in other game modes, completing every den and cave in Story Mode, completing every encyclopedia in the game, earning both a platinum Benchmark Medal and indigo Flower Badge in every Challenge Mode stage, and completing at least one game on each map in Battle Mode. Although absurdly comical, pikpik carrots have no special resistances or abilities. They have an average attack power, average mobility, average digging speed, and average throw distance. Their defining features are their orange coloration, carrot-like appearance, and lack of eyes. They have no voices. Much like in the Piklopedia, pikpik carrots have a chance of being gold, but the difference between normal and golden pikpik carrots is purely visual.


Pikmin: Wide World sees the return of several characters, but only the four main characters are listed here. One new character is introduced: her name is Marie. All leaders require at least three Pikmin to carry. Each leader has their own signature color and whistle that is affiliated with them.

Captain Olimar

PWW Captain Olimar.png
Main article: Captain Olimar

Captain Olimar is the heroic Hocotatian who first led the Pikmin to success. He is rescued by a trio of Koppaites and returned home to Hocotate by them. He is the captain and builder of the Dolphin Lander, which he uses to travel to PNF-404 alongside his boss to repay yet another debt. Olimar records notes detailing the biology of the lifeforms of the alien planet he is all too familiar with. His suit is cream-colored with red details and a red backpack. His beacon glows red. Olimar's whistle sounds like a normal pea whistle.

The President

PWW President.png
Main article: The President

The President of Hocotate Freight, referred to as Shacho for the sake of convenience, joins Captain Olimar to revisit PNF-404 in search of riches. Shacho records notes about PNF-404's lifeforms in a way that showcases his greed, writing about how to squeeze the most Pokos from anything and everything on the planet or how they can be used for the benefit of Hocotate Freight. He also writes sales pitches for treasures. Shacho's suit is black with two white circles on its front. His backpack is yellow and his beacon glows purple. His whistle sounds like a car horn.


Main article: Marie

Marie is a Hocotation that is rescued by Olimar and Shacho as they explore Ancient Metalworks. She is initially found trapped in a web and surrounded by Dwarf Orange Bulborbs, with a distress signal marking her location. After she is rescued, she becomes the third playable leader. She writes notes describing how to properly train and domesticate creatures native to PNF-404. Her suit is white with orange details and an orange backpack. Her beacon glows orange, and her whistle sounds like a trombone.


PWW Louie.png
Main article: Louie

Although Louie was stranded once more on the Pikmin Planet at the end of Pikmin 3, he can eventually be rescued from the stomach of a giant monster to become the fourth and final playable leader. He still possesses his voracious appetite and superior culinary skills, and he writes recipes detailing how to prepare and cook various creatures and vegetation found on PNF-404. His suit is cream-colored, like Olimar's, but with blue details and a blue backpack. His beacon glows blue. Louie's whistle sounds like a toy train whistle.


One new ship, the Dolphin Lander, owned by Captain Olimar, is introduced in Pikmin: Wide World, and Onions and their various forms make a return. Although other ships such as the Freight Voyager, S.S. Drake, and the remains of the S.S. Dreamrunner exist, they are not included in this section.

Dolphin Lander

Dolphin Lander
Main article: Dolphin Lander

The Dolphin Lander is a one-of-a-kind spacecraft used by Captain Olimar, her creator, pilot, and engineer, and Shacho to reach and travel from place to place on PNF-404. Marie and Louie also occupy the Dolphin Lander after they are rescued. Sparklium is her fuel source, and maintaining her fuel reserves is a crucial element in continuing gameplay. The Dolphin Lander was quite speedily constructed by Olimar during what little downtime he had on Hocotate after first crash-landing on PNF-404, also she was not complete until a short time after Olimar revealed her to Shacho.


PWW Master Onion.png
Main article: Onion

An Onion is a living vehicle used by many types of Pikmin for reproduction, as well as shelter and protection from the various creatures inhabiting PNF-404. They share the color of the Pikmin it produces and the Pikmin that can inhabit it. Much like in Pikmin 3, after sunset, two Onions can morph together to form the Master Onion, which can create and store several Pikmin types. If the Master Onion already exists, Onions will merge with it.


Pikmin: Wide World features six expansive areas to explore, and are unlocked as progress is made in the story. Each area has its own unique sections to vary its scenery, and each section features its own wildlife and landing site. Unlike in previous Pikmin games, where areas are unlocked through treasures, areas in Pikmin: Wide World are unlocked simply by defeating an area's major boss. Doing so will cause one of the leaders, the night after, while in orbit, to gaze out one of the Dolphin Lander's portholes and reflect on their experiences on PNF-404, during which they will notice a potential new location to land, which they mention to others on the spacecraft.

Balmy Highlands

Main article: Balmy Highlands

Balmy Highlands is the first area discovered in Pikmin: Wide World. Day 1 takes place here, which, much like in the previous Pikmin games, acts as the game's initial tutorial by teaching the player about basic controls and gameplay mechanics. Yellow Pikmin are discovered here. Balmy Highlands is a grassy area with temperate weather and occasional rainfall. Many bodies of water are found in the environment. Balmy Highlands has no major boss, but a secret boss is present in the area.

Arid Oasis

Main article: Arid Oasis

Arid Oasis is the second area discovered in Pikmin: Wide World. Blue Pikmin are discovered here. It is a beach dotted with bodies of water and contains a ruined boardwalk. The area's sweltering heat takes its toll on leaders, but Pikmin and enemies are unaffected by it. The effects can be counteracted by obtaining the Pocket Conditioner. Shade present in the area presents minor protection against the heat. The only time Arid Oasis is temperate is when rain is falling there. The major boss of Arid Oasis is the Titan Cottonade.

Frigid Tundra

Main article: Frigid Tundra

Frigid Tundra is the third area discovered in Pikmin: Wide World. Red Pikmin are discovered here. Frigid Tundra is an arctic environment that contains snow, ice, and cold water. Snowfall periodically occurs here. The area has a cold climate, which significantly slows leaders, Pikmin, and some enemies, but its effects can be negated by obtaining the Pocket Radiator. Although the upgrade will not stop the effects of wading through cold water, it can increase the recovery rate of warmth. The major boss of this area is the Frosted Arcticlops.

Ancient Metalworks

Main article: Ancient Metalworks

Ancient Metalworks is the fourth area discovered in Pikmin: Wide World. Rock Pikmin, Green Pikmin, and Purple Pikmin are discovered here. This area contains grass and exposed dirt, but metal objects and concrete ruins decorate much of the area. Much like Balmy Highlands, Ancient Metalworks has a temperate climate with occasional rainfall. Mechanical enemies are a frequent sight in this area and its caves. Although bodies of ordinary water are present, an entirely new hazard is introduced: acidic water. Any Pikmin, except Green Pikmin, that touch acidic water will dissolve shortly after making contact if not saved quickly enough. The Plasm Wraith serves as the major boss of this area.

Mycelial Sepulcher

Main article: Mycelial Sepulcher

Mycelial Sepulcher is the fifth area discovered in Pikmin: Wide World. White Pikmin are discovered here. Mycelial Sepulcher is unique from other areas in that it is a cave-like environment, but is not itself considered a cave. Most of the area is dark, but sunlight shines in through holes in the ceiling and onto creatures and vegetation below; because of this, most of the area is cool except for where sunlight shines in, where it is instead fair. Rain falls through the holes on the ceiling on rainy days. Mycelial Sepulcher's lower temperature moderately impacts the speed of leaders in much the same way as Frigid Tundra's climate does but to a lesser degree. The Pocket Radiator can be used to negate this. The major boss of this area is the Titan Webber Dweevil.

Endless Sea

Main article: Endless Sea

Endless Sea is the sixth and final area discovered in Pikmin: Wide World. Winged Pikmin are discovered here. Endless Sea is a swamp, containing mostly water and mud, with relatively little dry ground to spare. Acidic water is also present. Vegetation and insects are common in the area's humid environment. As the area is warm, the Pocket Conditioner can be used to counteract the negative effects of excessive heat. Rainfall lowers the area's temperature to fair. This area has two major bosses, which are the Hydroe Host and the Winged Snagret. In the Chance Pit is where the final boss of the game prowls.


Main article: Cave

Caves make a return from Pikmin 2 and appear in Pikmin: Wide World. Caves are underground locations that can be accessed from various holes in the ground of certain regions of aboveground areas, and generally contain as many treasures and fruits as there are enemies and other dangers. Vegetation is also often found in caves, matching the theme of the sublevel they are on. Various objects and enemies may also fall from the ceilings of caves. A cave variant known as dens can be found and usually consist of one to three sublevels. To create a more realistic atmosphere, all sublevel themes feature occasional patches of dirt, sand, or snow, depending on the cave's location. The primary sources of light in caves are usually a leader's beacon, although some enemies and plants may also produce light. The hole to the next sublevel cannot be entered until the area around it and the path to it from the Lander Pod are cleared of danger or obstacles: most enemies close to the hole or near the path to it must be defeated, and most nearby hazards must be neutralized. All caves can be exited using an escape geyser that is present on the bottommost sublevel, although escape geysers may also be found on tranquil sublevels. Most escape geysers must be activated by having Pikmin attack them before they may be used. The contents of a cave do not reappear for fourteen in-game days after they are collected, but this time frame is shortened to seven in-game days once every cave is cleared.


Main article: Sparklium

Sparklium returns from Hey! Pikmin to serve as a pivotal gameplay mechanic. The Dolphin Lander requires Sparklium to perform certain tasks such as blasting off at the end of the day or restoring a leader's health. The Lander requires HP Sparklium icon.png × 250 each night to blast off, but the Sparklium Saver reduces that cost to a mere HP Sparklium icon.png × 125. The Sparklium Extractor doubles the usual amount of Sparklium harvested from an object brought to the Dolphin Lander. Sparklium can be obtained from a variety of sources other than Sparklium seeds and stones such as fruits and treasures. Generally, fruits contain very little Sparklium while treasures and Sparklium stones contain the most. The larger and stronger an enemy is, the more Sparklium dust it yields upon death and the higher the chance of it having swallowed a higher-tier Sparklium seed.


See: Pikmin: Wide World upgrade list

A number of upgrades appear in Pikmin: Wide World. A number of them return from Pikmin 2 and Pikmin 3, but many are entirely new. Upgrades are separated into two categories: Exploration Kit and ship parts. Exploration Kit upgrades aid leaders and ship parts can be brought to the Dolphin Lander to unlock additional features. Features unlocked through ship parts can benefit the Lander itself, leaders, or both parties. Ship parts do not have the same function as they did in Pikmin 1, where they were used to repair Captain Olimar's prized spaceship, the S.S. Dolphin.

Date files

Main article: Data file
See also: Exploration Notes: Pikminology
See also: Exploration Notes: Wildlife Survival
See also: Exploration Notes: Explorers' Tales

Data files return from Pikmin 3 and serve a variety of purposes. They can either be found or created by any of the four leaders and can be viewed using the HocoPad. Data files created or found by the leaders contain information regarding Pikmin, other native wildlife, and recovered objects such as fruits and treasures. Other data files can contain hints about the area it was found in, such as tips on how to solve a puzzle or where something may be hidden. Some data files which were left behind by other explorers on PNF-404 can also be found and read.


Main article: HocoPad

An immersive gameplay feature from Pikmin 3, the KopPad, returns in Pikmin: Wide World in the form of the HocoPad, the Hocotatian counterpart. Much like the KopPad resembles the Wii U GamePad, the HocoPad resembles the Nintendo Switch and has several important applications that can be used during gameplay.


Various encyclopedias return from previous Pikmin games to Pikmin: Wide World. Whether their completion progress persists across save games can be toggled through the options menu.


See: Pikmin: Wide World Piklopedia

In Pikmin: Wide World, almost every enemy from the canonical Pikmin games returns. Some of these enemies also have different behaviors between instances. Some canonical enemies also have different names or belong to different families than before. Mixed in with these canonical enemies are fan-made enemies to provide a fresh new experience to the game. Most enemies yield Sparklium upon death, although in minuscule amounts. Enemies that explode upon death obviously cannot be retrieved, but they do drop a fair amount of Sparklium to make up for it. However, this does not apply to an enemy, such as a Volatile Dweevil, that uses bomb rocks to destroy itself and its enemy. Some enemies also have an alternate form that is distinguished from their original form. Like in Pikmin 2, Pikpik carrots can be thrown at enemies and vegetation in the Piklopedia. Golden pikpik carrots have a small chance of appearing instead of a regular pikpik carrot, although the difference is purely visual.

See: Pikmin: Wide World vegetation

Although Pikmin: Wide World features a wide variety of real-world vegetation, most of it is only useful for hiding under. Vegetation that is unique to the world of Pikmin or has a function is listed in the above link. Most candypop buds, when they reach their Pikmin conversion limit, do not wilt and disappear as they do in past Pikmin games; instead, they simply close their petals, shrink significantly, and cannot be used or interacted with in a significant manner until sometime later.

Treasure Hoard

Main article: Treasure

Treasures make a reappearance from Pikmin 2 and are once again used to acquire vast quantities of Pokos. Additionally, treasures contain larger quantities of Sparklium than most other objects do, which is needed to fuel the Dolphin Lander. Unlike in the Story Mode of Pikmin 2, where every treasure appears only once and is never encountered again, treasures in Pikmin: Wide World can be repeatedly found and collected. Every treasure in Pikmin: Wide World also has several unique appearances, but they are purely aesthetic and have no impact on its Poko value. No artificial or processed food-based treasures exist in Pikmin: Wide World, as the beings who made them have long since become extinct by the time the game takes place. Fruits are not considered treasures in Pikmin: Wide World, as they have a more prominent purpose.


Main article: Nugget

Although not exactly treasures, nuggets are valuables that return in Pikmin: Wide World from Pikmin 3 and come in three different types: copper, silver, and gold. Each type requires at least one Pikmin to carry them, the most being two. They are found in piles and each type of nugget has different Poko values and Sparklium worths. They can be found both aboveground and in caves, either in the open, within large crystals, or from soil mounds. Some enemies may also produce one or more upon their death. The higher the tier of the nugget, the rarer they are and the smaller piles of them are. Pikmin that are carrying nuggets but do not yet know where the Dolphin Lander is will instead follow behind the leader that assigned them to it if there are no nearby caravans to lead the way. If a Pikmin who is carrying a nugget is whistled, it will drop the nugget on the ground. The following is a detailed list of the existing nugget types:

  • Nugget copper icon.png Copper nuggets, each worth P3 Poko icon.png × 1 and containing HP Sparklium icon.png × 2 (HP Sparklium icon.png × 4 with the Sparklium Extractor).
  • Nugget silver icon.png Silver nuggets, each worth P3 Poko icon.png × 3 and containing HP Sparklium icon.png × 4 (HP Sparklium icon.png × 8 with the Sparklium Extractor).
  • Nugget gold icon.png Gold nuggets, each worth P3 Poko icon.png × 5 and containing HP Sparklium icon.png × 6 (HP Sparklium icon.png × 12 with the Sparklium Extractor).

Fruit File

Main article: Fruit
See also: Pikmin: Wide World Fruit File

Fruits return from Pikmin 3 as a pivotal gameplay element. Fruits must be collected for the continued survival of the leaders, who feed on the juice they contain. For this reason, they are not considered treasures. Fruits have no Poko value, but they do contain traces of Sparklium, another important gameplay element. Much like treasures, the amount of fruits in existence is infinite.


Main article: Achievements

Pikmin: Wide World features a wide array of achievements, inspired by Badges in Pikmin 3 Deluxe, that challenge a player's skills. Besides being crucial in unlocking a special, hidden Pikmin type for use in alternate game modes, hunting and unlocking achievements provides no rewards or benefits other than player satisfaction and bragging rights. Achievements persist between save games, being affiliated with a user's profile rather than individual save games. They are unlocked permanently when the requirement to do so is met, and they can be viewed through the main menu on the title screen and the pause menu.

Returning features

  • Day limit: Pikmin: Wide World has a day limit, but it can be extended by collecting fruits and sources of Sparklium. Fruits are used to produce the juice on which the leaders feed, and Sparklium is used as fuel by the Dolphin Lander. There is no set number of fruits or treasures, so the day limit can be extended so far as to make it seem almost indefinite.
  • Graphics: Like Pikmin 3, Pikmin: Wide World has high-definition, realistic graphics. The aesthetics of the heads-up display and menus are much like that of Pikmin 3, as they appear in a digital style.
  • Music: Pikmin: Wide World has its own original compositions, but several tracks from previous Pikmin games return in some form. Music mixes based on what is happening and what is nearby also return. There are separate music mixes for enemies, battles, working, and carrying valuables. There are also three different music mixes for the three types of Spiderworts. Near sunset, the music changes to be quiet and soothing. The complete soundtrack of Pikmin: Wide World is included with every copy of the game, be it physical or digital, free of charge. Tracks are initially hidden from view and are unselectable until they are heard at some point in-game, and music mixes may be individually selected. Mixes for a particular track may even be mixed or matched.
  • Enemy weaknesses: Many enemies have specific parts of their bodies that can be latched on to and attacked by Pikmin, which can result in different reactions from the enemy as well as different amounts of damage. For example, throwing a Pikmin directly at a Bulborb's eyes will cause it to recoil and spit out any Pikmin in its mouth.
  • Movement tracking: Pikmin follow leaders much like they do in Pikmin 3, by moving individually and following the paths leaders take.
  • Throwing leaders: Much like in Pikmin 3, leaders can throw one another to reach otherwise inaccessible locations.
  • Danger detection: Like in Pikmin 2 and Pikmin 3, an idle leader will flee from dangerous creatures and, much like in Pikmin 3, announce that they are in trouble.
  • Swarming: Pikmin: Wide World retains Pikmin swarming and renames it group moving. The concept of charging enemies and dodging using the Dodge Whistle returns from Pikmin 3.
  • Selective whistling: Like in Pikmin 3, Pikmin working on a task must be whistled for a longer time than Pikmin that are idle or fighting. This is to prevent Pikmin from being accidentally called off of a task while a leader is whistling other nearby Pikmin.
  • Carrying formation: Like in Pikmin 3, Pikmin that are carrying an object will adhere to its shape. Additionally, in Pikmin: Wide World, they will also attempt to distribute themselves equally along an object to distribute its weight. If they are not distributed well enough, they will appear to struggle to lift it and, as a result, drag it, although this is purely visual.
  • Enemy health: Enemies that are injured, but not killed, will partially regain their health overnight. New to Pikmin: Wide World, if an enemy is lightly injured, it will regain all of its health, and if an enemy is critically injured, it may die during the night. The carcass of a boss will remain in an aboveground area for up to a day after its defeat, provided it leaves remains, although it will be infested with Maggot Whiskerpillars by then.
  • Gauge interference: Some enemies, like the Humming Kettlebug or the Magnetic Joustmite, can interfere with the Treasure Tracker and the Fruit Finder until they are defeated.
  • Safety zone: All Onions produce a ring of light around sunset to display a safe zone in which Pikmin will enter their Onion automatically. Pikmin can only enter their own Onion, meaning it is crucial to leave a certain type of Pikmin by their Onion if that Onion is not yet incorporated into the Master Onion.
  • Balanced electricity: Most forms of electricity no longer instantly kill Pikmin but will stun them instead. There are some exceptions, however, such as with the electric wire gate, which kills all Pikmin except Yellow Pikmin on contact.
  • Stumbling and falling: Pikmin can once again stumble and fall over, and leaders can as well.
  • Balanced deflowering: Pikmin can only go down in maturity if they are hit by certain attacks, such as a Withering Blowhog's gust of air. This also applies to Pikmin sprouts or buried Pikmin that have flowers, which will not wilt and then reappear if left in the ground for long enough unlike in previous Pikmin games.
  • Dropping seeds: Returns from Pikmin 1. Flowered Pikmin that are killed in almost any way, with few exceptions, have a small chance to leave behind a Pikmin seed that develops into a sprout that can be plucked.
  • Spray flowering: While Pikmin become flowered when hit by a dose of ultra-spicy spray in Pikmin 3, they will instead lose a stage of maturity in Pikmin: Wide World and potentially suffer other, unrelated effects.
  • Hiding: Leaders and Pikmin can hide under or behind vegetation to avoid being detected by most enemies. Much like with playing dead, some enemies are not fooled. Enemies that saw leaders or Pikmin hide under vegetation or can see them actively hiding under vegetation will target them.
  • Assemble All: Returns from Pikmin 3 Deluxe, in the form of the Whistle Transmitter ship part.
  • Area weather: Areas will have weather that is appropriate for the climate it is in, which affects the area's temperature for better or for worse. Rain falls in temperate areas, while snow falls in cold areas.

New features

  • Multiple landing sites: Every area is expansive, much larger than those in other Pikmin games. As such, each area has three total landing sites that players can choose from at the start of the day, but only one can be used and is automatically selected until another is unlocked. Unlocking a landing site consists of clearing it of enemies, obstacles, and other obstructions. When leaders approach a location the Dolphin Lander deems suitable for making into a landing site, it will inform them that the location can be made into one. The Dolphin Lander will also notify leaders when the location is sufficiently cleared. Once a landing site is cleared, it can start being used the following day. Over time, Hocotate Freight crates and capsules will appear in usable landing sites. These only serve as decoration and cannot be interacted with in any significant way.
  • Carrying assistance: Leaders can assist Pikmin with carrying certain objects. By default, each leader carries the weight of two Pikmin. The Muscle Pumper upgrade allows leaders to carry the weight of up to five Pikmin. Having leaders assist Pikmin in carrying objects has more uses than needing less Pikmin to carry an object; if the Pikmin carrying an object that is to be delivered to the Dolphin Lander do not yet know where the spacecraft located, a leader helping to carry the object will guide the way.
  • Staying past sundown: Although leaving an area at sundown is highly recommended, leaders and Pikmin can stay on PNF-404's surface until quarterway through the night. At night, most enemies that were active during the day will return to their nests or territories to hide or sleep; likewise, most enemies that spend the day sleeping or hiding will become active and begin wandering the entire area. The only illumination present is provided by enemies and vegetation that produce it, as well as the leaders' beacons, the Onions, and the Dolphin Lander. Nocturnal enemies are attracted to sources of light, so extreme caution must be taken come nighttime. If every leader is at the current day's landing site by the time the timer sundown timer reaches zero, the Dolphin Lander will ask if the leaders would like to stay on the planet for a little while longer: if the offer is refused, the day will end; if the offer is accepted, gameplay will continue. The Dolphin Lander will not allow leaders to stay on the surface past sundown for the first few days, but will eventually come to trust that they can take care of themselves.
  • Beacon lights: At night and in caves, the light provided by the leaders' beacons is often the only way to see in the darkness. Unfortunately, a variety of enemies are attracted to the light given off by beacons and tend to gravitate towards them. By default, the color of a beacon's light matches the beacon's color, but the light's color can be toggled to colorless through the options menu on the pause screen. The radius of a beacon's field of light can be multiplied by up to three times the normal distance with the Radiant Illuminator.
  • Blinding lights: Using the HocoPad's camera function to flash them, it is possible to temporarily stun or blind certain enemies at night or in caves, rendering them vulnerable to attack. Members of the aerodentia family, as well as Vampire Bulbears and their offspring, are incredibly vulnerable to this.
  • Suit selection: On the area select screen, after the player has collected their first suit upgrade, is an option that allows players to choose which suit upgrade which leader wears. The three suit upgrades are the Scorch Guard, Anti-Electrifier, and Metal Suit Z. Leaders will automatically equip the suits the player chose to have them wear at the start of every day, provided the player chose a suit upgrade for them to wear. If no suit upgrade was chosen for a leader, they will instead wear the default suit. Leaders can freely return to the Dolphin Lander to switch suits during a day, which will cause that leader to be beamed up into the spacecraft and become unusable for a fairly short time while they change.
  • Maturity selection: When selecting Pikmin types to take out of an Onion, players can also specifically choose the maturity level of the Pikmin they wish to take out.
  • Playing dead: Lying down has a special use during combat: playing dead. Leaders can lay down while being attacked by an enemy, which may cause that enemy to back off and resume idle behavior. While playing dead fools most enemies, others can see through the ruse and will continue their assault.
  • Pikmin learning and independence: Pikmin are capable of learning and can become somewhat autonomous the more familiar they are with an area, an obstacle type, or even enemies. The more time Pikmin spend exploring an area with leaders, the more familiar they will become with its layout and landmarks. Pikmin that are told to grab bridge fragments but do not yet know where the fragment bridge they belong to is will instead follow the leader that assigned them to the task; when the fragment bridge is found, Pikmin will learn its location and return there automatically until the bridge is finished or the pile is used up, where they will all meet at the bridge's location and stay there until whistled or a leader is nearby. The same concept applies to Pikmin carrying objects that are to be brought to the Dolphin Lander, such as fruits or treasures, yet do not know its location; they will follow nearby leaders instead of walking to the landing site. This mainly applies to newly-discovered Pikmin that know only where their Onion is. Either leaders or Pikmin that are familiar with the area can be assigned to assist in carrying an object to guide new Pikmin carrying an object to the landing site's location so that they may learn it, and sometimes this may even result in the formation of a caravan; new Pikmin carrying a different object than familiarized Pikmin will follow them to the landing site. Pikmin can also learn which obstacles require what solutions to take down, and which parts of an enemy are more vulnerable than others. Pikmin can also learn which enemies do what and can also remember the noises an enemy makes so that they may anticipate dodging an attack. Pikmin will also flee from hostile enemies when there are too few of them to battle it or physically cannot harm it. Pikmin that are not immune to a hazard will learn which ones are, and Pikmin that are immune to a hazard can learn which aren't; as such, a Pikmin that is immune to a hazard witnessing a Pikmin about to be harmed by a hazard they aren't immune to will stop them and lead them away to keep them safe. Pikmin that are carrying an object will avoid walking into hazards they are not immune to, and will also refuse to carry objects around potentially dangerous enemies. Pikmin can also learn to color-coordinate pellet colors. Pikmin that are both familiar with an area and know the landing site's location will slowly navigate there if they are idle for the majority of the day. At the end of the day, when the Dolphin Lander and Master Onion take off into the sky, all learned information between Pikmin will be synchronized.
  • Group desertion: Some Pikmin may either deliberately or unwittingly leave the group they are part of for various reasons. Examples of Pikmin that desert their group are Blue Pikmin saving a nearby drowning Pikmin and Spotty Bulbearmin when an enemy gets too close. Panic will force a Pikmin to desert their group.
  • Arming leaders: Leaders can pick up and carry rocks, smaller snowballs, any type or size of bomb rock, and Sparklium stones, throwing or dropping the objects when needed. Throwing a bomb rock will cause its timer to start, and throwing a stone, snowball, or dud bomb rock will damage the object as well as an enemy it impacts. Setting any of them down will not result in any changes in the objects other than them being relocated.
  • Abduction ignorance: Leaders, Pikmin, and objects that have been absorbed by an enemy such as the Medusal Slurker, which cannot digest them, will still have them trapped within itself the following day if they are not saved. Leaders that are captured, but not rescued on the same day, will have critical health levels the day after. Leaders that are left within the creature for longer than a day will be knocked out and be unusable for the rest of the day. If the area is not revisited, the captured leader will remain in this state and still have to be saved. Pikmin that are trapped for longer than a day will remain.
  • Enemy intelligence: Enemies will intentionally avoid hazards that may damage them. An example of this would be a Red Bulborb walking around an active electrical wire while in pursuit of Pikmin. There are two exceptions to this rule, however: one is if the enemy in question utilizes the hazard it is about to walk into, and the other is dependent on the depth of the body of liquid it is about to tread into. Enemies that crawl along the ground or cannot swim will avoid water that is too deep, to avoid drowning. Additionally, larger enemies will recognize their size and utilize it to step over small obstacles such as short ledges to be able to reach their prey.
  • Frenzied enemies: Some enemies can become temporarily frenzied by accomplishing a certain action. Frenzied enemies behave unusually and often erratically, and examples of what they may do are attacking enemies around them or moving at an incredibly accelerated rate.
  • Getting attention: Whistling produces noise and can attract the attention of nearby enemies. This can be detrimental or beneficial, depending on the situation and how it is used. Some enemies can hear better than others, which affects how close a leader or enemy needs to be to an enemy for them to hear them blow their whistle. The noise whistling produces can be muffled to avoid attracting unwanted attention by obtaining the Whistle Muffler upgrade.
  • Whistling Pikmin: As dangerous as whistling around enemies can be, it is useful for helping Pikmin recover faster, such as when they fall over or are knocked down.
  • Nectar spray: Nectar can be stored in a Spray Bottle by a leader that walks into a blob of it, regardless of the blob's size. If there is enough stored for a single dose, leaders can then spray the nectar onto nearby Pikmin to increase their maturity by one stage. Black nectar can also be collected in a Spray Bottle and used similarly.
  • Ground types: The hardness or softness of a surface type can impact gameplay. Hard surfaces, such as concrete, stone, metal, and tile, cannot be burrowed into by enemies such as mandiblards. A Pikmin that is thrown into a hard surface by an enemy such as a Swooping Snitchbug will only be momentarily dazed and lie on the ground before rising to its feet, much like a leader would when thrown by a Bumbling Snitchbug. The only exception to this rule is wooded surfaces, which act as hard ground but can be burrowed into only by enemies. Conversely, soft surfaces, such as dirt, sand, and snow, can be burrowed into by enemies, and Pikmin thrown directly down onto it will be buried upon impact. Leaders can also be buried into soft surfaces by enemies such as Bumbling Snitchbugs and Mamutas but may free themselves by struggling out of the ground. The hardness or softness of the ground determines if Pikmin will be crushed; they will be crushed on a hard surface, but become buried in a soft surface.


Pikmin: Wide World has an intuitive and easy-to-learn set of controls.

Joy-Cons Pro Controller Action
Switch Left Stick.png
(Lightly or fully held)
Switch Left Stick.png
(Lightly or fully held)
Move the cursor.
Switch Left Stick.png
(Fully held)
Switch Left Stick.png
(Fully held)
Move in the direction it is held. If a leader runs into an idle Pikmin while running, it will join that leader. Leaders run a bit slower than flowered Pikmin by default. Twirl to make a leader shake off attackers that are latched onto them.
Switch Left Stick click.png Switch Left Stick click.png Places the cursor on top of the active leader.
Switch Right Stick.png Switch Right Stick.png Rotate the camera.
Switch Right Stick click.png Switch Right Stick click.png Moves the leader's squad in the direction the stick is held as long as the stick remains pushed in. This action is known as group moving and is used to manually reposition a leader's group.
Switch A.png Switch A.png
  • While commanding Pikmin: pick a Pikmin up. When the button is released, the leader throws the Pikmin.
  • When by a sprout: pluck the Pikmin sprout out of the ground.
  • When by Nectar Grass: pluck blades of Nectar Grass.
  • Without any Pikmin and near a punchable target: punch.
  • Without any Pikmin and directly next to any type of bomb rock, a rock, a smaller snowball, or a Sparklium stone: pick up the object. Press again to throw it.
  • Without any Pikmin and directly next to an object being carried by ground-based Pikmin: help carry the object.
  • When standing on the Dolphin Lander's holographic projection: open its menu. Here, several actions can be completed, such as using the Repair Module, the Revitalizer, or switching suit upgrades.
  • When under an Onion: open its menu.
  • When in a menu: choose an option or continue.
  • When by a hole: enter the cave or next sublevel after confirming the action be completed.
  • When by an escape geyser: leave the cave using it after confirming the action be completed.
  • While Advanced Exploration mode is active: press to jump with the jetpack if on land or perform an upward stroke if underwater. Hold to lift off with the Jetpack if on land or swim continually if underwater.
Switch B.png Switch B.png
  • While commanding Pikmin: dismiss.
  • While plucking Pikmin sprouts: cancel plucking sprouts.
  • While plucking Nectar Grass: cancel plucking Nectar Grass.
  • While locked-on: charge.
  • While carrying any type of bomb rock, a rock, a smaller snowball, or a Sparklium stone: drop the object.
  • While helping Pikmin carry an object: stop helping.
  • When in a menu: return to the previous menu or close the menu.
Switch X.png Switch X.png Toggle between gameplay and the HocoPad interface.
Switch Y.png Switch Y.png Switch leaders. Leaders may be switched between even if they are in the same squad.
Switch L.png Switch L.png Cycle through which Pikmin type or leader will be thrown next, even if not currently holding any Pikmin or leader.
Switch R.png Switch R.png If locked-on, places the cursor on the object and keeps it there while it's held. Otherwise, allows moving the cursor without moving the leader while it's held.
Switch ZL.png Switch ZL.png If the cursor is on a target, toggles lock-on. Otherwise, press to make the camera face the cursor, and hold to lock the cursor on the spot.
Switch ZR.png Switch ZR.png Whistle.
Switch Plus.png Switch Plus.png
  • In-game: Pause and bring up the pause menu. Press again to unpause.
  • In a cutscene: Skip the cutscene, if possible.
Switch Minus.png Switch Minus.png Instantly pull up the radar.
Switch Pad.png SwitchPC Pad.png
  • Up (held): an alternative way of activating the HocoPad's camera function. Once a camera comes up, release without fear of consuming a spray.
  • Down (held): makes the active leader lie down to be carried or play dead. Once a leader lies down, release without fear of consuming a spray.
  • Up or down: consume a dose of the spray that is placed in the slot respective to the direction pressed. Sprays that affect Pikmin won't be used if there aren't any in the squad.
  • Left or right: dodge in the respective direction if the Dodge Whistle has been obtained.
