Parasitic Pikmin

From Pikmin Fanon
This Pikmin is or has been a featured Pikmin. For the current featured Pikmin, see the Main Page.
Parasitic Pikmin
Family Pikmin

The Parasitic Pikmin is a species of Pikmin that infects various organisms and turns them into their hosts.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of Parasitic Pikmin.

In Pikmin 2... Again?

What if it was another story...?
This article or section pertains to Pikmin 2... Again?, a fanon game created by Blower Pot.
Pikmite Pikmin icon.png
Vermillion #FF4300
Scientific name Pikminidae parasiticus
Family Pikmin (parasitic)
Resistances Unknown
Attack Unknown
Mobility Unknown
Throw Unknown
Digging speed Unknown
Hitting rate Unknown
Carrying capacity Unknown
Candypop Unknown

Parasitic Pikmin appear in Pikmin 2... Again? with the nickname of Pikmites. As the parasitic Pikmin species that takes over Bulbmin, the name of which belonging to the host rather than the Pikmite itself, they are mentioned by nickname in Olimar's notes. The color of their soul and stem suggest they are of a vermillion hue, but their true form is unknown. They are based on the Bulbmin in Pikmin 2 but it is unknown if the Pikmite is the same as them; they are most likely not for two reasons, those being that the Bulbmin's true color is currently unknown and that Pikmin 2... Again? takes place in an alternate timeline where Bulbmin as a parasitic Pikmin never existed.

In Pikmin 8: The World Beyond

A New Planet awaits...
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 8: The World Beyond, a fanon game created by Akram0218.
Bean Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
P8TWB Parasitic Pikmin.png
Resistance Wind, knockback, crushing
Attack Below average
Mobility Average
Throw Very high
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop Emerald Candypop Bud

Bean Pikmin (豆ピクミン?) are upcoming Pikmin in Pikmin 8: The World Beyond. Bean Pikmin can make bridges and parasitize enemies, but how much they can accomplish depends on how many Bean Pikmin are in the squad. For example, just one Bean Pikmin can parasitize small creatures, while ten or more can parasitize bigger creatures. If the host dies, the Bean Pikmin controlling it die too.

The following are potential hosts of Bean Pikmin:

In Pikmin Chronicles

Pikmin Chronicles
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Chronicles, a fanon game created by ShadowRaptor101.
Parasitic Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
PC Parasitic Pikmin.png
Various angles of Green Pikmin.
Resistance None
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

Two types of Parasitic Pikmin appear in Pikmin Chronicles: Bulbmin, the Pikmin that infect bulborbs, and Green Pikmin, sometimes known as Dwarf Bulbmin, the result radiation exposure has on Bulbmin.

Bulbmin are bright orange, have hair-like protrusions on their heads, sharp claws, and lightly bloodshot eyes with pink irises. They are very aggressive and live in bright orange Onions, which may appear at random in some environments, and do one of two things: they land on the ground and release Bulbmin, or eject seeds, both of which contribute towards the limit of on-field Pikmin. Since they share the same plant-animal heritage, Bulbmin and other Pikmin will not attack one another. They are aggressive toward leaders even when plucked from the ground by them. Leaders can shake off attacking Bulbmin to defend themselves and can punch them until they die, although they can be led into hazards they would normally avoid while passive. The Bulbmin Onion can be attacked after it lands, and if attacked sufficiently, it will fly off to land in a different location in the same environment.

When exposed to radiation, Bulbmin shrink to about half of their original size, making them the smallest of all known Pikmin, and turn a strange shade of green, with their hair falling out, claws lengthening, and eyes becoming yellow and blank, to become Green Pikmin. Aside from their speed and hostility, Green Pikmin are especially dangerous in the sense that they can control other Pikmin. These Pikmin are viewed as threats by other Pikmin, and so will attack one another.

In Pikmin Odyssey (Ipoptart23 version)

Pikmin Odyssey (Ipoptart23 version)
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Odyssey (Ipoptart23 version), a fanon game created by Ipoptart23.
Parasitic Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Resistance None
Attack 1
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

Parasitic Pikmin appear as the sole new Pikmin type in Pikmin Odyssey. They resemble a rotund Pikmin head, but with legs, and are also orange and have red eyes. This Pikmin's unique trait is that it will enter the corpses of certain enemies they are thrown at and control them.

Enemies that Parasitic Pikmin can control include:

They will exit their host bodies after receiving enough damage, or when the day ends.

In Pikmin: Advanced Online

This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Advanced Online, a fanon game created by Bulbminlead101.
Parasitic Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Resistance None
Attack Unknown
Mobility Unknown
Throw Unknown
Digging speed Unknown
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

Parasitic Pikmin appear in Pikmin: Advanced Online as the Pikmin species that parasitizes grub-dogs to create Bulbmin. Their Onion is found at the Snowtop River Palace.

In Pikmin: Wide World

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
Parasitic Pikmin
Family Pikmin
Candypop None

Parasitic Pikmin are an unseen species of Pikmin in Pikmin: Wide World known for infecting larger hosts and controlling them to survive. The adults are very protective of the juveniles following them. Hosts may also exhibit behaviors typical of the kind they have infected, complicating their innate behaviors. Hosts live mostly underground but can periodically appear on the surface, the adults aimlessly wandering with 2 to 10 juveniles no matter the locale. Adults and juveniles alike may be of various maturities, which determines their walking speed. Any that are not already at flower-stage maturity will readily consume any nectar they come across, with adults consuming 3/10ths of the blob and juveniles consuming 1/10th. Likewise, they are affected as Pikmin are by sprayed nectar and Pikmin-affecting sprays. While the juveniles count toward the on-field Pikmin limit, the adults do not; on the surface, this prevents as many Pikmin from being withdrawn until they are dealt with, but underground, this doesn't present much of an effect as the limit can be surpassed. Although unlikely, juveniles can die even when under the supervision of an adult, though this will not count against the total amount of Pikmin deaths. As with any other Pikmin variety, adult and juvenile hosts can be converted into Mushroom Pikmin by spores. Hosts seldom have hazard resistances, which the adults will try to use to their benefit if they happen to have one.

Parasitic Pikmin have gray petals, as seen from the stems protruding from their hosts when above leaf maturity, and the juveniles' leaves, buds, or flowers will glow green when idle. Their flowers have a yellow center. All hosts have gray pupils, indicative of the parasitic Pikmin infecting them. Adults are roughly half the usual size of their species, and the juveniles are a fraction of that. Likewise, their voices are higher pitched according to their sizes.

Adult hosts are the most dangerous of parasitic Pikmin as they will risk their lives protecting the juveniles they are responsible for in any way they can. This includes their primary form of attack but also strikes from their large stems, both of which they may instinctively use to tear down obstacles in their way with the help of their accompanying juveniles. Adults can call juveniles of any kind to their side by calling out to them and waving their stem in their direction, as if whistling them. It will do this to pacify any juvenile hosts attacking it, making it futile to use them against one, and can even call to juveniles in a leader's squad. One adult can pair up with any willing adult host it comes across, combining their squads, or at least forming a larger group, in the process. Depending on their physiology, adults can pluck Pikmin sprouts they come across, either to free juveniles or to attack any that aren't parasitic. Enemies that interact uniquely with Pikmin typically don't want or can have much to do with adult hosts, and candypops reject them by bouncing them off. The adults also can not be buried, unlike the juveniles. Only defeating an adult will free juveniles following them from their control and allow them to join the side of a leader that whistled them, but even then, another adult can reclaim the juveniles. Whistling an adult host directly will temporarily disrupt its movements as it fights the instinctual response to being whistled, and this reaction will intensify with the strength of the whistle.

Juvenile hosts are usually far less openly hostile than the adults, often cowering behind their responsible guardians as they fight off perceived threats. A juvenile that is somehow stranded from its leading adult will become idle and join the side of a leader that whistles it or an adult that calls to it. When an adult dies, any juveniles following it will fall into a panic; they eventually calm down on their own and become idle, but can be whistled to soothe them instantly and cause them to join the side of a leader that whistled them. The juveniles are not very integral to progress through a location compared to the eight main Pikmin types but still have their uses, and some can even be supplemented with them. The main use of juvenile hosts is exploring their offensive capabilities, as different hosts have different methods of attack that often are augmented by leader interaction such as being thrown. Most juveniles can lift objects, but often can not carry them without assistance. Juvenile hosts can be brought out of caves they are found in, and while they have no respective Onion or candypop, they can be stored in the PikHold once it is installed on the Dolphin Lander. If the PikHold has not yet been collected, the juveniles inevitably left behind at the end of the day do not count as Pikmin deaths. When a juvenile host is thrown into a candypop bud, the candypop bud will eject an extra seed.

Upon death, hosts will release two souls; one of itself, and one of the parasite within.


  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): Hosts behave and attack much like the species they are.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (all difficulties): Adult hosts are always followed by at least some juveniles.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #3 (all difficulties): Adult hosts can call juvenile hosts to their side, even ones in a leader's squad.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #4 (all difficulties): Adult hosts will sometimes team up with another willing host.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #5 (all difficulties): Adult hosts will try to dismantle obstacles standing in their way, if possible.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #6 (all difficulties): Hosts will drink any nectar they come across to flower themselves.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #7 (all difficulties): Hosts often lack hazard resistances, and can be affected by spores.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #8 (all difficulties): Some adult hosts can pluck Pikmin sprouts out of the ground.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #9 (all difficulties): Try whistling adult hosts to stop them in their tracks for a moment.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #10 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): Adult hosts will intelligently toss juveniles with them at their aggressors.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): Juvenile hosts fly into a panic when their guardian is killed. A whistle will calm them.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (all difficulties): Juveniles are most useful offensively when thrown. See what they can do!
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #3 (all difficulties): Most juveniles can lift objects, but need help to carry them. Would you kindly?
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #4 (all difficulties): While candypops won't accept adults, they will accept juveniles, with a bonus.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #5 (all difficulties): Onions will not accept juvenile hosts... There has to be a way to keep them!

Olimar's comments

PWW Captain Olimar icon.png This green parasite can infect an array of creatures that consume it and take control of their nervous systems. From there, the host acts as normal, but with a hint of direction from the parasitic pikmin within, both for their own survival and the preservation of the young. They are very small, small enough to easily be swallowed whole without a second thought, allowing them to creep into the host's brain, take over, and induce changes in the body.

Shacho's comments

PWW President icon.png Maybe if I made my employees eat some of these, they would work a little harder than they think they do! ...On second thought, I don't want little Olimars following the Olimar I already have. Worse yet, Louie...

Marie's comments

PWW Marie icon.png Parasitic pikmin may be small and cute, but when they mature, they get mean and don't listen well at all. At least they stay little. Just don't let one slip into your mouth while you're asleep.

Louie's comments

PWW Louie icon.png I don't want it...

Dolphin Lander's comments

PWW Dolphin Lander icon.png So versatile! Of course, for no reason other than infecting wildlife, but still. I wonder if there's a pikmin somewhere on this planet that can adapt like this parasitic one can...

In PNF-404 Pet Shop

PNF-404 Pet Shop icon.png
"I don’t remember this being here…"
This article or section presents information pertaining to PNF-404 Pet Shop, a fanon game created by Violetblooded.
PNF-404 Pet Shop icon.png
Bean Pikmin The icon used to represent this pet.
PNF-404 Pet Shop Parasitic Pikmin.png
Scientific name Pikminidae parasites
Family Pikmin
Cost Not for sale
Housing Any
Environment Any
Favorite food None
Disfavored food None
Rarity Rare
The lanky Bean Pikmin are seldom seen in the flesh, and usually parasitize smaller creatures, usually juvenile grub-dogs. Despite their lanky appearance, theoretically, a Bean Pikmin could parasitize any creature and transform it into a Pikmin, mostly because of their ability to root itself inside their body, leading to the sprout of the Bean Pikmin burrowing out of the skin of the affected creature.

Bean Pikmin appear as a type of pet in PNF-404 Pet Shop. They are Pikmin that parasitize small creatures, mostly members of the grub-dog family, but could theoretically parasitize any creature. They are taller and lankier than the average Pikmin and are green in color. They are seldom seen not as part of a parasitized creature. They can be first discovered in the Pikmin Playground at certian times of day, and can be cultivated further using a bean Dormant Onion.