Snowfake Fluttertail

From Pikmin Fanon
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This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Snowfake Fluttertail" article for more official information.
Pikmin 4 icon.png
Snowfake Fluttertail The icon used to represent this enemy.
P4 Snowfake Fluttertail.png
Appearance in Pikmin 4.
Scientific name Papilifictus nivedae
Family Snowswallow

Snowfake Fluttertail is a predominantly yellow moth-like creature protected by a cocoon of ice that will freeze Pikmin upon touch. It initially stays out of sight, only descending from the ceiling when leaders or Pikmin enter its arena. It has two methods of attack; fluttering its wings to send clouds of icy wind flying, and using its long proboscis to scoop up Pikmin in front of it and subsequently eat them. The icy wind attack can extinguish fire starters and the altars that produce them, which will make the arena chilly and cause non-Ice Pikmin to freeze if they are not reignited. When a fire starter is thrown at the creature's body, the layer of frost on it will melt, causing it to clumsily fly about. At this point, it is vulnerable to Pikmin attacks and can be weighed down. Eventually, it will regenerate its frost layer, and when it has low health, it will regenerate a thicker layer that requires three fire starters to melt.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Snowfake Fluttertail.

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