Ranging Bloyster

From Pikmin Fanon
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Ranging Bloyster" article for more official information.
Pikmin 2 icon.png
Ranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
P2 Ranging Bloyster.jpg
Scientific name Molluschid predatoria
Family Mollusking

The Ranging Bloyster resembles a large Toady Bloyster, and is likely named for its longer mouthparts or increased travel range. These creatures have an affinity for shiny objects and will track the active leader's light beacon, making them impossible to approach unnoticed from behind.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Ranging Bloyster.

In Pikmin 251

Pikmin 251
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 251, a Pikmin 2 ROM hack created by PikHacker.
Ranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Mollusking
Areas Mystical Beach
Caves Aquatic Depths
Challenge Mode stages Ceramic Cellar
Battle Mode stages None
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 35
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 20
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikmin 251, the Ranging Bloyster is first seen in the Aquatic Depths. It has been altered from its Pikmin 2 incarnation, as it has noticeably more health.


Olimar's observations

This big slug is strangely attached to me and Louie's beacons. Since our last trip, it has become clever and lights up the opposite of who it's actually focused on. A clever confusing tactic, but it won't stop us! What's that? No, no there's definitely NO other reason for this!

Cookin' with Louie

The gills are best prepared deep-fried in an herb and bread-crumb batter. Also tasty poached and drenched with fine soy sauce.

In Pikmin: The After Years

Zero Two Avatar.gif
The After Years
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The After Years, created by Gamefreak75.
Zero Two Avatar.gif
Ranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Molluschid predatoria
Family Mollusking
Areas Relentless Spring
Caves Underwater Battlefield, Submerged Field, Remembrance Ravine, Galactic Warpzone (dark variant)
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikmin: The After Years, the gill-like organs of a Ranging Bloyster yield thirty Pikmin seeds and the creature will sometimes drop a 20-pellet upon death.

The Ranging Bloyster also has a dark matter-infused variant, which is known as the "Dark Ranging Bloyster". The Dark Ranging Bloyster appears only in the Galactic Warpzone, the final cave, and it is a much stronger version of the Ranging Bloyster that has much more health, faster and deadlier attacks, and the ability to use a new, unique attack in addition to its existing ones.

In Pikmin: Antarctic Survival

P4 Porquillion.png
“Welcome to ze Revolution, mon ami!”
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Antarctic Survival, a fanon game created by A Friendly Amprat.
P4 Porquillion.png
Éventraille The icon used to represent this creature.
Species Ranging Bloyster
Gender Female
Initial location Various
Elements None
Housing size 4
Blood type Cold-blooded
Carrying capacity 20
Hit points 30
Clothing types Standard Eyestalk Warmers, Extra Jumbo Coat, Standard Tail Covering
Starting skills Search 4, Build 0, Quarry 0, Treasure Hunter 7
Potential skills None

Éventraille is the Ranging Bloyster that appears in Pikmin: Antarctic Survival. Éventraille was one of the creatures of the Antarctic to be Awakened before the events of the game. However, unlike the others, she is not part of the group of initial Diamond Settlement residents, as she actually left the team of Awakened creatures due to disagreement with their goals. She cannot be found until three of the Antartic areas' tyrants have been Awakened and recruited, at which point she will appear in the Antarctic as a wandering creature.

While wandering, Éventraille travels counter-clockwise throughout the areas, spending a day in each area except for the Frozen Fen, where she spends three days. Due to her already being Awakened, it is not required to fight her in order to Awaken her and get her to join the team. Instead, just finding her will lead her to follow the search team back to the Diamond Settlement. Once she arrives there, she will speak with Tatoursin and Rush, reconsidering her decision to live on her own and being surprised by how much the Diamond Settlement has advanced, as Éventraille left when the idea of the settlement was nothing more than Tatoursin's dream, and none of the construction had actually started.

Once she rejoins the Awakened creatures of the Diamond Settlement, the residents are able to make use of Éventraille's unique and powerful "Treasure Hunter" skill, which she alone has. Éventraille can be given a target exploration item to go out and find, and she will then embark out alone into the Antarctic, returning with the item in her possession after one to three days have passed. This ability makes Éventraille very helpful for the collection of specific resources, as she will always succeed in finding them, though rarer exploration items will take more days to find. Her Treasure Hunter skill starts at skill level 7 and is already incredibly powerful, but it will grow even stronger with time as other skills do, capping at level 10 like all other skills. The higher her skill level, the better the quality and value of the resource Éventraille finds will be, and the fewer days it will take her to find it.

One thing to note is that Éventraille cannot find resource items or baubles on her treasure hunts, nor can she encounter wild creatures to Awaken. Her treasure hunting skill is specifically able to find exploration items of various types. Also, Éventraille can never bring back an exploration item with a carry weight that is more than her carrying ability, since she is unable to lift it. If Éventraille is equipped with a woven basket or other item that grants her the ability to carry multiple items at once, she will often find several of the desired item to fill up her carrying capacity. The higher her treasure hunting skill during the mission, the more of the desired resource she can find at once. Of course, rarer items are much less likely to have more than one found, and Éventraille will always be able to find multiple of a resource as common as raw material, while she rarely finds more than one of a rare resource like a plasteel core.

Éventraille is a very independent-minded individual, and she tends to have difficulty working with others due to her insistence on having her own way. For this reason, Éventraille specializes in solo missions, such as her solo treasure hunting operations. Éventraille can seem quite uncaring about others and very self-centered, though she does express more concern and care for other Diamond Settlement residents once she has warmed up to them. Éventraille has a confident personality and almost never loses her cool, rarely seeming like she isn't in control of a situation. This, combined with her large size and powerful abilities, makes her appear quite intimidating to many others. Éventraille also has a thick French accent, much like Tatoursin.

Similar to Tatoursin, Éventraille's name is drawn from the French name of the Ranging Bloyster, which is "Éventraille Adulte".

In Pikmin: Redemption

Nuvola warning.png
WraithOmniverseLogo.png PR Logo.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Redemption, created by Sir Pikmin.
Nuvola warning.png
Ranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Mollusking
Attacks Eats Pikmin

Ranging Bloysters in Pikmin: Redemption are commonly seen and they sometimes come in pairs. Luckily, defeating them is easier than in Pikmin 2.

In Pikmin: Wide World

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
Ranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this boss.
PWW Ranging Bloyster.png
A Ranging Bloyster in its neutral state.
Family Mollusking
Areas None
Dens None
Weight 7
Max. carriers 14
Seed worth 30
Poko value P3 Poko icon.png × 15
Sparklium worth P4 Sparklium icon.png × 25
Battle point value P3 Soul icon.png × 75
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Ranging Bloyster is a mollusking appearing in Pikmin: Wide World. It is the stable counterpart of the Deranging Bloyster and the mature form of the Toady Bloyster. Ranging Bloysters slowly explore a rather large territory alone on dry land or in water, occasionally stopping, its tail occasionally gently swaying or twitching. If on dry land, it leaves a short-lasting slime trail in its wake. It has little interest in Pikmin, leaders with inactive beacons, and most smaller enemies and vegetation, generally ignoring them unless they linger in front of it, prompting it to unleash an aggravated bovine sound before lashing out its long, branching tongue to eat them. When in the presence of a light source such as a glowing lifeform or a leader's beacon, however, a Ranging Bloyster's eyes will light up and turn the color of the target's glow and the creature itself will slither excitedly towards the nearest one at an alarming pace and attempt to consume it if it is small enough and in reach. In its fervor, the creature emanates a variety of bizarre vocalizations depending on what its target is. If the Ranging Bloyster is unable to consume a target, either because it is too large or out of reach, it closely inspects them or gazes in their direction before groaning and losing interest in them. It will usually develop an interest in smaller targets again once they are within reach. Should a Ranging Bloyster grab hold of a leader with its tongue, it will chew on, swallow, and then forcefully regurgitate them, inflicting damage while chewing them and spitting them out. As it swallows leaders alongside any Pikmin caught on its tongue, Pikmin can not be saved unless the creature dies before it can eat them. Because of its physiology, leaders, Pikmin, and some enemies can walk up onto a Ranging Bloyster's back from behind it, but lingering there for too long will cause the creature to quite violently shake them off, almost instantly if at least a part of them glows.

The Ranging Bloyster has the typical mollusking physiology, being a large sluglike creature with a plantlike tail at its backside terminating in a bulb that contains the creature's gills. Compared to its younger form, it is much larger and has a higher hump, longer eyestalks, and relatively smaller tail, tail leaves, and gill-bulb. Each Ranging Bloyster has unique purple markings covering its pink body, which tapers to an edge at its flattest points. Its mouth is large and contains a long, slender, blue tongue that branches out into six partway through. Its tail is primarily green but features yellow details, and at the tip are three equidistant leaf-like appendages that form a triangular shape. The spherical gill-bulb at the end of its tail is beige and appears speckled and wrinkled. Its eyes are mounted on red-rimmed eyestalks. Its eyes change color depending on whether it is idle, alert, or tracking a target; they are black when neutral, white when alert, red when tracking Captain Olimar, purple when tracking Shacho, orange when tracking Marie, blue when tracking Louie, and for miscellaneous targets, whichever color the target glows. If a Ranging Bloyster loses sight of a target or interest in it, its eyes will dim to black unless it can find another target before then.

Ranging Bloysters are rather ignorant of mostly anything around them, save for light. A Ranging Bloyster will chase after the target closest to it in its field of view, meaning cooperation between 2 or more leaders is essential to defeating the creature, let alone with little to no Pikmin casualties, especially because it can switch targets instantly. A Ranging Bloyster's most vulnerable part is its gill-bulb, which Pikmin don't need to be thrown onto as they instinctively know to jump up at and onto it. Its body can be attacked by Pikmin and leaders alike for much less damage, but landing a Purple Pikmin pound on its back will inflict a decent amount. It is possible to think that disabling the leaders' beacons to avoid its attention may be a good strategy, but a Ranging Bloyster will be very wary of anything touching its tail, and it is important to remember that Pikmin are prone to panicking in complete darkness. The Ranging Bloyster defends itself from attackers by violently shaking them off of itself, flinging them everywhere in the process. Upon death, a Ranging Bloyster will let out a long, agonized groan while stiffening up and shrinking dramatically, its body adopting a dried and shriveled appearance. At this point, its remains can be carried by its gill-bulb. Also after its defeat, before it begins shrinking, a Ranging Bloyster will cough up the remains of any creatures, besides Pikmin, it had ingested as well as any sparklium they yielded, alongside anything else it had swallowed.

In ultra-spicy difficulty, leaders that a Ranged Bloyster swallows must manually struggle within its body until it spits them out. They take no damage while trapped in the creature, can hit it from within to inflict minimal harm, are shielded from explosions and other forms of external damage, and automatically crawl out once the creature dies.


  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): Ranging Bloysters love trying to eat light sources but don't care much about anything else that isn't right in front of them.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): A Ranging Bloyster will only regurgitate a leader it swallows if they struggle in its stomach.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #3 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): While trapped in a Ranging Bloyster's stomach, leaders are completely safe from harm. Saving them is still a must, however.

Olimar's comments

PWW Captain Olimar icon.png For unknown reasons, the ranging bloyster possesses an affinity for glowing objects so keen that it drives the creature to ingest them. This can prove dangerous for explorers equipped with light-emitting devices as nearby specimens will be obsessively drawn to them and attempt to devour them. The ranging bloyster seems to largely disregard any nearby lifeforms unless, of course, they glow, although they will be at the mercy of the creature's branching, flailing tongue if they linger in front of it for some moments.

Shacho's comments

PWW President icon.png I don't dare let this beast be anywhere near Hocotate Freight grounds. It would sooner slurp up the floodlights like spaghetti than do anything useful! Ooh, spaghetti...!

Marie's comments

PWW Marie icon.png Ranging bloysters would make for decent pets if it was not for their size and obsession with light, which would spell disaster for cities on Hocotate. Of course, because of their poor eyesight and normally low brain activity, anyone standing before it too long would be considered food. Fun fact: a ranging bloyster's brain activity surges when it sees a glowing object and plummets to normal levels upon ingesting it or it disappearing.

Louie's comments

PWW Louie icon.png Its gill-bulb is difficult to puncture and cut open, but the spongy meat within possesses a uniquely sweet flavor but pungent aroma.

Dolphin Lander's comments

PWW Dolphin Lander icon.png Nobody else has asked this question, so I will: since ranging bloysters are so fond of glowing objects or creatures, how come they don't eat their own eyes? Their eyes do glow while they are chasing after something that glows, after all. Perhaps it's kind of a dumb question, but I must know! And what if it dwelled on the surface? Would it be passive during the day, or try to eat the sun?

In Pikspore

Nuvola warning.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikspore, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
Nuvola warning.png
Ranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Mollusking
Areas Spectral Garden
Caves Concealed Aquatica, Ultimate Arena
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Ranging Bloyster is the boss of Concealed Aquatica, and it is later fought in Spectral Garden and Ultimate Arena.


Ship's log

All that is left of this slimy carnivorous slug is a flower-like breathing apparatus. I can live with that, I guess...