Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat

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From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 20:51, 2 March 2022 by Cheepy-Cheepy (talk | contribs)
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat" article for more official information.
Pikmin 2 icon.png
Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat The icon used to represent this enemy.
P2 Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat.jpg
Scientific name Cephalus dottalium
Family Jellyfloat

The Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat resembles a large, blue, floating jellyfish with yellow spots that floats through the air. It attacks the Pikmin by inhaling them and trapping them inside. The Pikmin will then be digested over a considerably long period but can be saved by defeating it. Upon death, they swirl around the air and brilliantly explode in an array of small sparkling lights.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat.

In Pikmin: The After Years


Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Jellyfloat
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikmin: The After Years, Lesser Spotted Jellyfloats, when defeated, sometimes yield a random-colored 5-pellet.

In Pikmin: Global Breakdown

Nuvola warning.png
WraithOmniverseLogo.png Pikmin: Global Breakdown
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Global Breakdown, a fanon game created by Zoadra.
Nuvola warning.png

In Pikmin: Global Breakdown, Lesser Spotted Jellyfloats, as well as their larger relatives, are extinct due to the rapid climate change and their already-declining numbers.

In Pikmin: Redemption

Nuvola warning.png
WraithOmniverseLogo.png PR Logo.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Redemption, created by Sir Pikmin.
Nuvola warning.png
Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Jellyfloat
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikmin: Redemption, if Lesser Spotted Jellyfloats are left alive aboveground for too long they dry up and not yield what they may have eaten.
