Pikmin: Wide World/Achievements

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 15:22, 15 April 2024 by Cheepy-Cheepy (talk | contribs)
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png

Pikmin: Wide World features a wide array of achievements, inspired by Pikmin 3 Deluxe's badges, that challenge a player's skills. Besides unlocking a special, hidden Pikmin type for use in alternate game modes, achievements provide no rewards or benefits other than player satisfaction and bragging rights.

Achievements persist between save games, being affiliated with a user's profile rather than individual save games, which means multiple save games can contribute to fulfilling achievement criteria. They are unlocked permanently when the requirement to do so is met, and they can be viewed through the main menu on the title screen, and the pause menu during gameplay.

Achievements are placed into five categories, which are Story, Battle, Challenge, Bottomless Abyss, and Universal. While achievements in the first four categories can only be obtained in their respective game modes, universal achievements can be unlocked in more than one game mode, usually all of them.


Achievements are listed in no particular order but are grouped by game mode and similarity.

Name Category Condition Details
And So, It Begins... Story Begin your very first journey through Story Mode. Begin Story Mode for the first time.
Storytime With Friends Story You and your friends have played Story Mode together. Begin or join a session of Story Mode together with one to three friends, locally or online.
Learning the Basics Story Survive your first day back on the Pikmin Planet and learn some valuable lessons. Complete Day 1, which acts as the tutorial.
One Hundred Days Story Spend 100 days on the Pikmin Planet. Reach Day 100.
Gather 'Round Story Use the Whistle Transmitter to round up leaders and Pikmin at the end of a busy day. Use the Whistle Transmitter towards the end of the day to gather everyone at the day's landing site.
After Dark Story Stay past sundown and survive to tell the tale. Survive a night on the surface. The night ending any way other than passing time will not count.
Gone With the Moon Story Cause an enemy to die overnight. Cause an enemy to die overnight by depleting enough of its health.
Old Goals Story Collect at least 10,000 pokos. Gather at least 10,000 pokos.
The Debt Repaid Story Collect the 55,505 pokos needed to repay the debt. Gather the pokos needed to repay the debt.
Ultimate Spelunker Story Explore and clear every den and cave. Clear all dens and caves in Story Mode.
Devoted Completionist Story See everything there is to see in Story Mode. Enjoy other game modes to their fullest! Unlock all content possible in Story Mode for use in other game modes.
Zero Casualties Story Complete Story Mode with no Pikmin casualties. You are a true Pikmin master! Complete a playthrough of Story Mode that includes zero Pikmin deaths.
Sweltering Shores Story Discover Arid Oasis, a blisteringly hot beach. Unlock Arid Oasis.
Winter Wonderland Story Discover Frigid Tundra, a freezing-cold field with a large cave. Unlock Frigid Tundra.
Curious Factory Story Discover Ancient Metalworks, an abandoned production facility. Unlock Ancient Metalworks.
Forest Navel Story Discover Colossal Hollow, a chilly cave with a warmer topside. Unlock Colossal Hollow.
Boundless Bog Story Discover Sprawling Swamp, a muggy marsh. Unlock Sprawling Swamp.
Cartographer Story Fill out every square inch of 1 area's map on the radar. Fill out an area's map to its fullest extent.
Consummate Cartographer Story Fill out the radar maps of all 6 areas. Fill out every area's map.
Making Space Story Find a potential landing site and clear away any obstacles or wildlife necessary to make it usable. Discover and clear an alternate landing site in any area.
Experienced Landowner Story Clear every alternate landing site in 1 area. Discover and clear every possible alternate landing site.
Land Baron Story Clear every alternate landing site of all 6 areas. Discover and clear every possible alternate landing site.
Thrown High Story Discover Yellow Pikmin, which love electricity. Discover Yellow Pikmin at Balmy Highlands.
Going Swimmingly Story Discover the aquatic Blue Pikmin, which love swimming. Discover Blue Pikmin at Arid Oasis.
Into Flames Story Discover Red Pikmin, a fierce and fire-retardant Pikmin species. Discover Red Pikmin in one of Frigid Tundra's caves.
Rocking Out Story Discover Rock Pikmin, and they pack a wallop when thrown. Discover Rock Pikmin at Ancient Metalworks.
Reflux Story Discover Green Pikmin, which can survive acid. Discover Green Pikmin at Ancient Metalworks.
High and Mighty Story Discover Purple Pikmin, the strongest and heaviest of all. Discover Purple Pikmin in one of Ancient Metalworks' caves.
Jeepers Creepers Story Discover the toxic White Pikmin, which have special red eyes. Discover White Pikmin in Colossal Hollow.
Pretty in Pink Story Discover the mundane but airborne Winged Pikmin. Discover Winged Pikmin at Sprawling Swamp.
Pikmin Forever Story Accumulate at least 3,000 Pikmin. Own at least 3,000 Pikmin at once. All Pikmin propagated and non-hostile Pikmin found will count.
Flower Garden Story Give 1,000 Pikmin flowers to proudly display. Fully mature a total of 1,000 Pikmin. Advancing the maturity of a Pikmin that once had a flower but lost it counts.
Original Allies Story Remind yourself of the past by having roughly equal numbers of the original 3 Pikmin in a squad. Have around 30 Red Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, and Blue Pikmin together in a squad, adjusting as necessary to reach 100 on the field. Additionally, when these conditions are met, those Pikmin may occasionally sing part of the Forest of Hope's theme.
Candypop Companions Story Remind yourself of the past by having equal numbers of the original 3 Pikmin plus the 2 subterranean species in a squad. Have 20 Red Pikmin, Purple Pikmin, White Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, and Blue Pikmin in a squad. Additionally, when these conditions are met, those Pikmin may occasionally sing Ai no Uta.
Further Friends Story Remind yourself of the past by having equal numbers of the original 3 Pikmin and the 2 newer species in a squad. Have 20 Red Pikmin, Rock Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, Winged Pikmin, and Blue Pikmin in a squad. Additionally, when these conditions are met, those Pikmin may occasionally sing the beginning of Pikmin 3's title theme.
Wide World of Friends Story Flaunt your variety of Pikmin by having 5 of each of the 8 main Pikmin and the 12 parasitic Pikmin hosts in a squad. Have 5 of each of the 8 main Pikmin types and 5 of each of the 12 parasitic Pikmin hosts in a squad. Additionally, when these conditions are met, those Pikmin may occasionally, and loudly, sing the Pikmin musical motif.
Reborn Story Transform 250 Pikmin using candypop buds. Transform 250 Pikmin total using candypop buds. Monarch Candypops only contribute 1 Pikmin, making them far less useful for this purpose than they would seem.
Displaying Independence Story You taught your Pikmin well, and they have shown they can act on their own. Have Pikmin learn so well that they become almost autonomous.
Food Poisoning Story End a creature's life by letting it eat a White Pikmin. Cause an enemy to die from ingesting a White Pikmin.
Fall In Line Story Find wild Pikmin, which were soothed by the sound of your whistle. Encounter and whistle wild Pikmin.
A Fallen Hero Story Encounter and recruit your first Captmin. Discover a Captmin and whistle it.
Behold the Fallen Story Encounter and recruit all 5 unique Captmin. Encounter and whistle all 5 unique Captmin.
Captain Hunnigan Story Meet and recruit Captain Hunnigan, Marie's former captain. Encounter and whistle Captain Hunnigan.
Compliant Host Story Encounter a parasitic Pikmin host. Discover a parasitic Pikmin host.
Host Documentor Story Encounter 6 different parasitic Pikmin hosts. Discover 6 different parasitic Pikmin hosts.
Host Fanatic Story Encounter all 12 different parasitic Pikmin hosts. Discover all 12 different parasitic Pikmin hosts.
Tragic Infection Story Find Mushroom Pikmin, Pikmin infected by fungal spores. Encounter Mushroom Pikmin.
Space Invaders Story Find Alien Pikmin, extraterrestrial Pikmin stranded on the Pikmin Planet. Encounter Alien Pikmin.
By A Thread Story Rescue a new companion, Marie, from what would have been her untimely demise. Rescue Marie.
Unlikely Reunion Story Rescue Louie from the Frosted Arcticlops. Rescue Louie.
Up In Smoke Story Defeat the Colossal Cottonade. Defeat the Colossal Cottonade.
Shattered Defenses Story Defeat the Brumal Arcticlops. Defeat the Brumal Arcticlops.
Captive No More Story Defeat the Plasm Wraith, for good this time. Defeat the Plasm Wraith.
Woven Through Story Defeat the Titan Weaver Dweevil. Defeat the Titan Weaver Dweevil.
Parasite Problems Story Defeat the Hydroe Host. Defeat the Hydroe Host.
Permanently Grounded Story Defeat the Winged Snagret. Defeat the Winged Snagret.
The Beast Underneath Story Defeat the Grimacing Cremblub. Defeat the Grimacing Cremblub.
Scourge of Dreams Story Defeat the Titan Dweevil, a versatile foe. Defeat the Titan Dweevil.
Secret's Safe Story Defeat the Ancient Bulblax, Olimar's oldest nemesis. Defeat the Ancient Bulblax.
Liquid Gold Story Find some delicious nectar. Find nectar for the first time.
Icky Sludge Story Find some revolting black nectar. Find black nectar for the first time.
Bitter Batter Story Obtain a dose of ultra-bitter spray. Find ultra-bitter spray for the first time.
All Spiced Up Story Obtain a dose of ultra-spicy spray. Find ultra-spicy spray for the first time.
Gas Clouds Story Obtain a dose of ultra-toxic spray. Find ultra-toxic spray for the first time.
Superhot Story Obtain a dose of ultra-hot spray. Find ultra-hot spray for the first time.
Refreshed Story Obtain a dose of ultra-minty spray. Find ultra-minty spray for the first time.
Sweet Aroma Story Obtain a dose of ultra-sweet spray. Find ultra-sweet spray for the first time.
Working the Fields Story Gather enough spiderwort berries to make 20 spray doses. Make a combined total of twenty doses of any spray from berries alone.
Wildlife Annotator Story Log 30 entries in the Piklopedia. Log 30 entries in the Piklopedia.
Wildlife Enthusiast Story Log 150 entries in the Piklopedia. Log 150 entries in the Piklopedia.
Wildlife Fanatic Story Log every entry in the Piklopedia, completing it. Complete the Piklopedia.
Fruit Annotator Story Log 5 entries in the Fruit File. Log 5 entries in the Fruit File.
Fruit Enthusiast Story Log 30 entries in the Fruit File. Log 30 entries in the Fruit File.
Fruit Fanatic Story Log every entry in the Fruit File, completing it Complete the Fruit File.
Delectable Morsels Story Collect a total of 10 fruits. Collect 10 fruits total.
Filling Meals Story Collect a total of 50 fruits. Collect 50 fruits total.
A Great Feast Story Collect a total of 100 fruits. Collect 100 fruits total.
Small Rations Story Produce enough juice to last 20 days. Produce 20 days' worth of juice.
Average Servings Story Produce enough juice to last 50 days. Produce 50 days' worth of juice.
Food Reserve Story Produce enough juice to last 100 days. Produce 100 days' worth of juice.
Treasure Annotator Story Log 30 entries in the Treasure Hoard. Log 30 entries in the Treasure Hoard.
Treasure Enthusiast Story Log 100 entries in the Treasure Hoard. Log 100 entries in the Treasure Hoard.
Treasure Fanatic Story Log every entry in the Treasure Hoard, completing it. Complete the Treasure Hoard.
Little Riches Story Collect your very first treasure. Collect your first treasure.
Great Fortune Story Collect a total of 50 treasures. Collect 50 treasures.
Unimaginable Wealth Story Collect a total of 100 treasures. Collect 100 treasures.
Third Place Story Find some copper nuggets. Find copper nuggets for the first time.
Second Place Story Find some silver nuggets. Find silver nuggets for the first time.
First Place Story Find some gold nuggets. Find gold nuggets for the first time.
Nugget Hoarder Story Collect a total of 200 nuggets. Collect 200 nuggets total.
Victor's Spoils Story Collect some raw sparklium dust. Collect raw sparklium dust.
Nature's Gift Story Find a sparklium seed and have it delivered for analysis. Find and collect a yellow, red, or rainbow sparklium seed for the first time.
Nature's Blessing Story Find a rainbow sparklium seed and have it delivered for analysis. Find and collect a rainbow sparklium seed for the first time.
What's Inside? Story Find a sparklium stone and break it open. Find and break open a yellow, red, or rainbow sparklium stone for the first time.
Glamourous Stone Story Find a rainbow sparklium stone and break it open. Find and break open a rainbow sparklium stone for the first time.
Sparklium Reserve Story Collect a total of 10,000 sparklium. Collect 10,000 sparklium total.
Fragment of Hope Story Collect a total of 30,000 sparklium. Collect 30,000 sparklium total.
Sample Notes Story Find or create your first data file. Collect a data file.
Data Entry Story Find or create 100 data files. Collect 100 data files.
Reading Novels Story Find or create 200 data files. Collect 200 data files.
Wealth of Knowledge Story Acquire every data file. Collect every data file.
Explorer's Friend Story Collect your very first upgrade. Collect an upgrade.
Tools for Survival Story Collect 15 upgrades. Collect 15 upgrades.
Full Arsenal Story Collect every upgrade. Collect every upgrade.
Necessary Upgrades Story Refine an upgrade to mark 2. Refine an upgrade to mark 2.
Top Tier Story Refine an upgrade to mark 3. Refine an upgrade to mark 3.
Room For Improvement Story Refine all applicable upgrades to at least mark 2. Refine all applicable upgrades to at least mark 2.
Maximized Effectiveness Story Refine all applicable upgrades to mark 3. Refine all applicable upgrades to mark 3.
Field Test Story Equip a new upgrade and test it out. Equip and test a new upgrade, an example being to equip the Scorch Guard and then touch fire.
Basic Experience Story Complete Story Mode on easy or normal difficulty or higher. Complete Story Mode on at least easy or normal difficulty.
Harder This Time Story Complete Story Mode on hard difficulty... or higher. Complete Story Mode on at least hard difficulty.
Ultra-Bitter Experience Story Complete Story Mode on ultra-spicy difficulty. Complete Story Mode on ultra-spicy difficulty.
A Bit Random Story Beat the Randomizer on any difficulty. Complete a Randomizer seed on any difficulty.
Randomizer Dominizer Story Beat the Randomizer on ultra-spicy difficulty. That couldn't have been easy... Complete a Randomizer seed on ultra-spicy difficulty.
Ready For Battle Battle Unlock Battle Mode. Unlock Battle Mode.
Friends Turned Foes Battle Play Battle Mode with or against some friends. Play Battle Mode with 1 to 3 friends for the first time, locally or online.
No Small Victory Battle Win a game of Classic Battle for the first time. Win a game of Classic Battle.
Ruiner of Friendships Battle Win 10 games of Classic Battle. Win 10 games of Classic Battle.
Bingo! Battle Win a game of Bingo Battle for the first time. Win a game of Bingo Battle.
Bingo Professional Battle Win 10 games of Bingo Battle. Win 10 games of Bingo Battle.
Shaking Things Up Battle Play a round of Battle Mode with at least one setting altered. Customize a match to any degree and play it.
All-Out War Battle Win a game of Battle Mode that had everything enabled. Win a match with upgrades, sprays, hazards, obstacles, and the stage boss enabled.
Turned Tides Battle Win a game of Battle Mode where your chances of victory appear bleak. Win a game where other players have an extreme advantage over you.
Pincer Attack Battle Be one space away from victory in two different directions in Bingo Battle. Be one space away from victory in two different directions on the bingo card in Bingo Battle.
In Luck's Favor Battle Win a game of Battle Mode because of a Lucky Marble. Win by using a Lucky Marble.
Enemy Extinction Battle Win a game of Battle Mode because the opposing side's Pikmin suffered extinction. Win because a Pikmin extinction occurred for the opposing team.
Enemy Knockout Battle Win a game of Battle Mode because the opposing leader or leaders were knocked out. Win because the opposing team's leader or leaders were knocked out.
Me Versus You Battle Win a 1-on-1 game of Battle Mode. Win a 1-on-1 game.
Us Versus Them Battle Win a 2-on-2 game of Battle Mode. Win a 2-on-2 game.
All-Out Mayhem Battle Win a 4-on-4 game of Battle Mode. Win a 4-on-4 game.
Me Versus Them Battle Win a 1-on-3 game of Battle Mode where you were pitted against 3 rivals on the other team. Win a 1-on-3 game of Battle Mode, where you are all alone on your own team.
Draw! Battle Be in a game of Battle Mode that ended in a stalemate, where nobody wins. End a match with a stalemate.
Saving Up Battle Have 3 additional spins on the roulette wheel queued up in Battle Mode. Have 3 spins on the roulette wheel queued simultaneously.
Tool Enthusiast Battle Use items from the roulette wheel 50 times in Battle Mode. Use items from the roulette wheel 50 times.
A Taste of Victory Battle Win a game of Battle Mode with the Victory Trophies enabled. Play and win a game of Battle Mode with the Victory Trophies enabled.
The Whole Nine Battle Complete a game of Battle Mode on every stage. Complete a game on all 10 stages. Playing a game on each map's 2 alternate layouts is not necessary.
The Key Challenge Unlock Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode]].
Challenger Approaching Challenge Attempt your first Challenge Mode stage. Attempt Challenge Mode for the first time, which consists of playing the first stage. The attempt's outcome, either that time ran out or the stage was cleared, is irrelevant.
Teamwork Challenge Attempt a Challenge Mode stage with 1 to 3 friends. Attempt a Challenge Mode stage with 1 or more friends, locally or online.
Humble Beginnings Challenge Earn a bronze benchmark medal or better in at least 1 Challenge Mode stage. Earn a bronze benchmark medal or better in any Challenge Mode stage.
Honing Skills Challenge Earn a silver benchmark medal or better in at least 3 Challenge Mode stages. Earn a silver benchmark medal or better in 3 Challenge Mode stages.
Working Hard Challenge Earn a gold benchmark medal or better in at least 5 Challenge Mode stages. Earn a gold benchmark medal or better in 5 Challenge Mode stages.
Expert Multitasker Challenge Earn a platinum benchmark medal in at least 10 Challenge Mode stages. Earn a platinum benchmark medal in 10 Challenge Mode stages.
Pikmin Supervisor Challenge Earn a white flower badge or better in at least 1 Challenge Mode stage. Earn a white flower badge or better in any Challenge Mode stage.
Pikmin Defender Challenge Earn a pink flower badge or better in at least 3 Challenge Mode stages. Earn a pink flower badge or better in 3 Challenge Mode stages.
Pikmin Guardian Challenge Earn an indigo flower Badge in at least 5 Challenge Mode stages. Earn an indigo flower badge in 5 Challenge Mode stages.
Growing An Army Challenge Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in every Produce Pikmin! stage. Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in each Produce Pikmin! stage.
Treasure Hoarder Challenge Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in every Gather Valuables! stage. Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in each Gather Valuables! stage.
Wildlife Exterminator Challenge Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in every Eliminate Enemies! stage. Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in each Eliminate Enemies! stage.
Overcoming The Mighty Challenge Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in every Battle Bosses! stage. Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in each Battle Bosses! stage.
Challenge Champion Challenge Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in every Challenge Mode stage. Earn a benchmark medal and flower badge in every Challenge Mode stage.
Enter the Abyss Bottomless Abyss Gain access to Bottomless Abyss. Unlock Bottomless Abyss.
Sublevel One Bottomless Abyss Complete an attempt at Bottomless Abyss, no matter the outcome. Attempt Bottomless Abyss for the first time.
Spelunking With Friends Bottomless Abyss Play Bottomless Abyss with 1 to 3 friends. Play Bottomless Abyss with one to three friends, locally or online.
Gleaming Morsels Bottomless Abyss Collect a total of 10 golden fruits. Collect 10 different golden fruits.
Golden Delights Bottomless Abyss Collect a total of 30 golden fruits. Collect 30 different golden fruits.
Fruits of Wealth Bottomless Abyss Collect at least 1 of every golden fruit. Collect every kind of golden fruit.
Swimming in Riches Bottomless Abyss Amass 25,000 pokos in a single attempt of Bottomless Abyss. Reach a score of 25,000 pokos or more in a single attempt.
Delving Deeper Bottomless Abyss Reach sublevel 50 of Bottomless Abyss. Reach sublevel 50 in a single attempt.
Lending a Hand Universal Personally help some Pikmin transport something. Have a leader help Pikmin carry an object, from where they initially got it to where they delivered it.
Supply Line Universal Cause the formation of a caravan consisting of 5 or more carried objects. Form a caravan of 5 or more carried objects.
On Target Universal Land a Purple Pikmin on a moving object and shatter it. Destroy a moving boulder, sweetgum pod, or snowball by having a Purple Pikmin pound on it.
Unconventional Unclogging Universal Land a Purple Pikmin on a partially submerged clog to shatter it. Destroy a partially submerged clog by landing a Purple Pikmin on it.
Born from Ashes Universal Pluck a Pikmin sprout left behind by a fallen flower Pikmin. Pluck a Pikmin sprout left behind by a fallen flower Pikmin.
Death's Doorstep Universal Save a Pikmin from dying, at the last possible moment. Save a Pikmin from dying from a hazard at the last possible moment.
Sock It to 'Em Universal Singlehandedly take down an enemy with your bare fists. Singlehandedly kill an enemy using only a leader's punches.
Over Here! Universal Distract an enemy to allow Pikmin to pass by unnoticed and unharmed. Distract an enemy to allow Pikmin to pass by unnoticed.
Lobbed Shots Universal Throw an object at a creature or obstacle. Have a leader pick up a bomb rock, rock, or snowball, and use it against an enemy or obstacle.
Fooled Predator Universal Escape a creature's pursuit by hiding or playing dead. Successfully hide or play dead.
Say 'Cheese'! Universal Use the HocoPad's camera function to take a wonderful picture. Use the HocoPad to take a picture of a subject.
Temporary Blindness Universal Use the HocoPad's camera flash or a dazzling bomb rock to blind an enemy particularly acclimated to the dark. Blind an phosbat, Vampire Bulbear, or Dwarf Vampire Bulbear with the HocoPad's camera flash or a dazzling bomb rock.
Handle With Care Universal Cause an enemy to crush itself or another creature using an object that it lobbed. Bait a Skutterchuck into crushing itself or other enemies with an object it tossed.
Utilizing Dangers Universal Utilize a hazard to your advantage and cause a creature to perish from it. Use a hazard to kill an enemy.
Look Out Down Below Universal Coax or force a creature into a pit. Cause an enemy to fall into a pit.
Cracking Eggs Universal Crack open 50 eggs. Hopefully, none were rotten... Break open 50 eggs in any way. Pikmin or leaders must be involved. Mitite bombs count.
Rotten Egg Universal Crack open a mitite bomb, with a nasty surprise waiting inside. Break open a mitite bomb.
Burning A Path Universal Burn down a rhizome gate. Burn a rhizome gate down.
Assistant Wildlife Universal Coax an enemy into clearing an obstacle. Coax an enemy into clearing an obstacle. Pikmin or leaders must be involved.
Defunct Explosive Universal Come across a dud bomb rock or make it a dud. Find a dud bomb rock or make it a dud.
Landmine Rock Universal Detonate a mine rock on dry land, where it is least effective. Use a mine rock on dry land.
Blast Radius Universal Simultaneously defeat 5 or more enemies with only a single bomb rock. Kill 5 or more enemies simultaneously using a single bomb rock. Using a Bomber Dweevil's or dirigibug's bomb rocks also counts.
Mild Irritant Universal Use a spray on the face of a creature that didn't like it. Spray a dose of spray onto the face of an enemy that doesn't like it.
Purification Universal Spray a dose of black nectar onto a Mushroom Pikmin to return it to its original form. Purify a Mushroom Pikmin using black nectar.
Effective Fungicide Universal Spray a fungus with a dose of black nectar, resulting in its swift demise. Spray a dose of black nectar onto a fungus of any kind, including members of the sporovid family.
Host Helper Universal Generously spray a dose of nectar or spray that benefits Pikmin onto an adult parasitic Pikmin host. Spray an adult parasitic Pikmin host with nectar or a spray that benefits Pikmin.
Master of Disguise Universal Be fooled by a mimitator's disguise, or see through it and fool it. Be fooled by or see through a mimitator's disguise.