Tropical Bloyster

From Pikmin Fanon
Tropical Bloyster
Family Mollusking

The Tropical Bloyster is a species of colorful mollusking that is typically poisonous and resides near coastlines.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Tropical Bloyster.

In Pikmin: Wide World

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
Tropical Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
PWW Tropical Bloyster.png
Family Mollusking
Areas Arid Oasis
Weight 4
Max. carriers 8
Seed worth 18
Poko value P3 Poko icon.png × 6
Sparklium worth P4 Sparklium icon.png × 5
Battle point value P3 Soul icon.png × 30
Attacks Eats and poisons Pikmin

The Tropical Bloyster is a mollusking appearing in Pikmin: Wide World. It is exclusive to Arid Oasis and its caves. It explores its medium-sized territory on land or more commonly in water, alone or in pairs, stopping occasionally to admire its surroundings. Its tail periodically quivers or sways, and on land, it leaves a short-lasting slime trail in its wake. It is almost entirely oblivious of the presence of Pikmin and leaders, although it will try to eat them if they linger in front of it for too long, unleashing a bovine bellow before lashing out 7 tongues from its mouth at them. Any leaders it eats will be chewed up, swallowed, and then forcefully regurgitated, inflicting damage to them during chewing and regurgitation. What makes the Tropical Bloyster different from other molluskings and so dangerous is the toxins it secretes through its skin, poisoning any non-White Pikmin that touch it. As well, while in water, any of the fluid in its immediate vicinity will be poisoned. Because a Tropical Bloyster swallows leaders before spitting them back out, Pikmin in its mouth at the time can only be saved by killing the creature before it can ingest them. Its physiology allows leaders, Pikmin, and even some enemies to walk up onto its back, although only White Pikmin can safely touch it, and so can the few enemies that don't themselves utilize poison. A Tropical Bloyster will eventually shake them off if they remain on it too long.

Tropical Bloysters have a radically different appearance from other molluskings, despite having a slimy, sluglike body and signature plantlike tail. They are quite colorful, having a cyan body with yellow details and a vivid green tail. Its body is oblong, tapers to an edge at its flattest points, and has four short, harmless points on its hump. On its main body is a pattern of yellow markings unique to every Tropical Bloyster. Its two conical eyestalks each have a yellow band around their middle and support a yellow eye with a small black pupil. Its gaping mouth contains 7 red tongues. Its plantlike tail is dark green with lighter green details, and the leaflike appendages at the end are colored similarly. On the end of its tail is its fleshy red gill-bulb, which, unlike the gill-bulbs of other molluskings, is covered by a bumpy brown-and-tan shell resembling a walnut.

No matter where they are, Tropical Bloysters are almost always a challenge to fight, especially in water, where they are practically invincible. As such, battles are often more trouble than they're worth. White Pikmin are the only viable option against a Tropical Bloyster, but this is only true if it is on land. In water, using Blue Pikmin may seem to be a good idea, but the creature will still be covered, and surrounded, by poison. Attacking the main body inflicts minimal harm to the creature, and trying to attack its armored gill-bulb will do nothing. However, the woody shell protecting its gill-bulb can be damaged and destroyed in a variety of ways: Rock Pikmin throws, Purple Pikmin pounds, rocks, fire, explosions, and other suitable forms of blunt force. While Rock Pikmin throws and Purple Pikmin pounds will inflict damage to the main body, doing this in water will almost certainly doom them even if there are Blue Pikmin on standby to toss them to shore. Fire and explosions are most effective for breaking open the gill-bulb's coating and will also severely injure the creature. Mine rocks are their ultimate weakness, as the fire can be extinguished by water. After the coating is destroyed, a Tropical Bloyster's tender gill-bulb can be attacked for major damage, usually finishing the beast off if fire or explosions were used. When under attack, a Tropical Bloyster has two ways of defending itself: violently shaking attacking Pikmin off of its body or, in water, producing a cloud of poison that covers an area around it before fading away. Upon death, a Tropical Bloyster will moan before tensing up and then shrinking dramatically, adopting a dried and shriveled appearance. At this point, its remains can be carried by its gill-bulb.

In ultra-spicy difficulty, the Tropical Bloyster's gill-bulb's coating is more difficult to damage as it is more of a stony substance than a woody one. Thus, destructive forces such as explosions and Purple Pikmin pounds are effective, while Rock Pikmin throws and fire are not.


  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): The Tropical Bloyster secretes an acute poison through its skin, but its tail is safe to touch.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (all difficulties): To defend itself while in water, a Tropical Bloyster might produce a cloud of poison.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #3 (all difficulties): A Tropical Bloyster's gill-bulb is protected by a woody shell. Destroy it to gain an advantage!
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #4 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): The Tropical Bloyster's gill-bulb is a tough nut to crack. Try using some explosives.

Olimar's comments

PWW Captain Olimar icon.png The tropical bloyster frequents bodies of saltwater in search of prey, feeding on plantlife in the meantime. It constantly secretes toxins through its porous skin and it has an armored gill-bulb. When threatened, it may squirt poison into the water around it, forming a dangerous cloud around itself.

Shacho's comments

PWW President icon.png This colorful creature creates some very potent poison... I'm sure someone on Hocotate would like to get their hands on it! I just hope it's not for something terrible... On second thought, maybe not.

Marie's comments

PWW Marie icon.png If it wasn't for its potent poison, I'd say the tropical bloyster would make for a fine pet. It's very visually appealing, for sure!

Louie's comments

PWW Louie icon.png Inedible. Can only be safely eaten if sliced paper-thin.

Dolphin Lander's comments

PWW Dolphin Lander icon.png Tropical bloysters are such beautiful creatures! They're one of my favorite lifeforms on PNF-404 because of their vibrant, unique appearance.

User versions

Below this point is where users place their version of the Tropical Bloyster.

Spiral Tail's version

See: User:Spiral Tail
Tropical Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Tropical Bloyster.png
Scientific name Molluschid veneficus
Family Mollusking
Areas Spiral Tail's Islands
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 25
Attacks Eats and poisons Pikmin

Tropical Bloysters, close relatives of Toady Bloysters, spend most of their time basking in shallows or meandering about in search of their next meal. They are highly fond of Pikmin and are found most often in shallow, warm-watered tide pools or beaches near Onions, where unusually large concentrations of Pikmin are, though they have been known to feed on Blue Bulborbs. Tropical Bloysters are social creatures and are found usually in groups ranging from three to five individuals, and have been known to feed on local plant life when small prey fails to present itself.

Though the only known photo of a Tropical Bloyster can be seen on the right, specimens have been noted to be much more elongated and otherwise sleek-looking by those visiting the Spiral Tail Island chain. Multiple color variants have been observed in the wild, with the vast majority falling into pastel shades of red, green, blue, and gold, though albino specimens have also been observed.

Tropical Bloysters are known for their mild toxin, which can cause effects in Pikmin and other small creatures ranging from dizziness to, in cases of extreme exposure, death. Tropical Bloysters secrete poison through pores located on the surface of their skin.

A dedicated leader should be able to take down a single Tropical Bloyster with relative ease, though they are not typically found alone. Due to the watery nature of the beachside areas and inlets that they inhabit, it's usually best for a leader to focus on taking down one bloyster at a time using ultra-bitter spray and Blue Pikmin for maximal effect. If left in the water, the gill-like organ on the back of a Tropical Bloyster is actually capable of splitting into several very small Tropical Bloyster polyploids, which eventually grow into adult bloysters.

Even though they live primarily underwater, Tropical Bloysters have a strong sense of smell while out of the water and infrequently travel along the shorelines in search of sweet-scented objects, and have been known to attempt to ingest everything from flowers to burning therapeutic candles.