Deranging Bloyster

From Pikmin Fanon
Deranging Bloyster
Family Mollusking

The Deranging Bloyster is a species of mollusking that has wildly unpredictable behaviors.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Deranging Bloyster.

In Pikmin Galaxy Adventure

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Pikmin Galaxy Adventure
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Galaxy Adventure, a fanon game created by Legendlink.
PGA Media Banner.gif
Deranged Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Insanicus bloysterus
Family Mollusking
Areas None
Caves Bloyster Bathtub
Carry weight 40
Max. carriers 80
Seed worth 70
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 90
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Deranged Bloyster is a boss in Pikmin Galaxy Adventure. Like its cousin, the Deranging Bloyster, it uses its tongue to attack. The Deranged Bloyster also seems to be mad because it has erratic movement patterns. Olimar notes that it seems to be angry about something. To kill it, toss Purple Pikmin onto its back, which causes it to flip over, and then warm its belly with them or Knight Pikmin.


Olimar's notes

This creature's erratic movements imply that it is mad. But... what is it mad about? Did I disturb its afternoon nap...?

Louie's notes

Boil this creature in a hot frying pan, then serve with pikpik carrots. Delicious!

In Pikmin: The After Years

Zero Two Avatar.gif
The After Years
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The After Years, created by Gamefreak75.
Zero Two Avatar.gif
Deranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Deranging Bloyster.jpg
Scientific name Molluschid predatoria insanium
Family Mollusking
Areas None
Caves Submerged Field, Remembrance Ravine, Galactic Warpzone (dark variant)
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 50
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Deranging Bloyster is a boss encountered in Pikmin: The After Years. It is similar in appearance to the Ranging Bloyster but is cross-eyed, green in color, and has a purple tail. It moves at the same speed as the Ranging Bloyster. Since it is cross-eyed, it will go to whichever leader it pleases. Its eyes will turn blue if going after Olimar or pink if it's going after his wife. This attack is unpredictable, however, as it may go after the inactive leader rather than the active one. After the Deranging Bloyster has taken enough damage, its eyes' illuminating ability will be disabled and the creature will simply groan and target a random leader. Listening to the groans carefully will decipher its pattern and will reveal which leader it is after. A low groan will mean that it will go after Olimar and a high-pitched groan will mean that it's going after his wife. It also has a new attack, one that could wipe out an entire Pikmin army: when it is down to half health, it'll start to go insane, sticking out all of its tentacles and spinning in an erratic matter. Avoid and stay clear of this attack by staying away, or hiding in an alcove because this attack cannot reach smaller areas. Just toss Pikmin on its gill-like appendage and retreat when it attacks. This beast has as much health as its cousin, but it also has an unpredictable attack pattern. Purple Pikmin cannot stun this beast, making this a long and tough battle. Just stay clear of its attack and toss Pikmin on top of it and it should die in no time. The Deranging Bloyster's name is a combination of the words derange, meaning insane, and Ranging Bloyster.

The Deranging Bloyster also has a dark matter-infused variant, which is known as the "Dark Deranging Bloyster". The Dark Deranging Bloyster appears only in the Galactic Warpzone, the final cave, and it is an even stronger version of the Deranging Bloyster that has much more health, faster and deadlier attacks, and the ability to use a new, unique attack in addition to its existing ones.

In Pikmin: Wide World

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"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
Deranging Bloyster The icon used to represent this boss.
PWW Deranging Bloyster.png
A Deranging Bloyster in its neutral state.
Family Mollusking
Areas None
Dens None
Weight 7
Max. carriers 14
Seed worth 45
Poko value P3 Poko icon.png × 20
Sparklium worth P4 Sparklium icon.png × 35
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Deranging Bloyster is a mollusking appearing in Pikmin: Wide World. It is the wildly unhinged relative of the Ranging Bloyster, but, unlike it, lacks an immature counterpart. Commonly found alone on dry land or in water, it peacefully explores a rather large territory, occasionally stopping for some time to take in its surroundings. If on dry land, it leaves a short-lasting slime trail in its wake. Its tail occasionally sways or twitches. It generally has little interest in Pikmin, leaders with inactive beacons, and most smaller enemies and vegetation, but will attempt to devour them should they linger directly in front of it for too long, releasing a dismissive grumble before lashing its branching tongue out at them. However, light sources such as a leader's beacon or a bioluminescent lifeform will invoke a far bigger reaction from a Deranging Bloyster; its eyes may light up a random color, it may emit several kinds of vocalizations, or both while it excitedly slithers toward and tries to eat its target after a shrill, maniacal warning cry. Both the color of its eyes and the vocalizations it emits have no correlation to its target and change each time it picks a new target. It may also pick targets arbitrarily, such as pursuing a more distant one even if there is already one closer. If it is physically unable to consume its target, either because it is too large or out of reach, a Deranging Bloyster will obsessively inspect it or gaze in its direction before groaning and losing interest in it. It will usually develop an interest in smaller targets again once they are within reach. Should a Deranging Bloyster capture a leader with its tongue, it will chew, swallow, and then forcefully regurgitate them, inflicting damage to the leader while chewing and regurgitating them. Because the Deranging Bloyster eats leaders instead of spitting them out before it swallows them, Pikmin it pulls into its mouth can not be saved unless the creature dies before then. Because of its physiology, leaders, Pikmin, and some enemies can walk up a Deranging Bloyster's back, although it will shake them off after standing there for some time, almost instantly if at least a part of them glows.

Like most other molluskings, the Deranging Bloyster is a large, slimy, sluglike creature with a plantlike tail at its backside terminating in a gill-bulb. Additionally, the relatively small tail has three equidistant leaf-like appendages at its tip forming a triangle shape at the bulb. Its body is a ghastly blue color, has a high hump, and tapers to an edge at its flattest parts. Each Deranging Bloyster has unique, dark blue markings on its blue body. Its tail is purple with pink details, and its gill-bulb is a light lavender. In its massive mouth is a long, slender, green tongue that branches off into six separate tongues partway through that flail around to catch prey. The creature has a pair of small, blue-rimmed eyes supported by tall, thin eyestalks. The eyes themselves are black when the creature is completely idle but turn white and light up when it detects a target and then change to a random color when actively pursuing them. When targeting leaders with active beacons, its eyes will turn a color representing one of them, but the color will only ever match a leader they represent by chance. Additionally, an eye color matching a leader's signature color will not appear until that specific leader becomes playable.

While rather ignorant of almost anything except light, a Deranging Bloyster is exceedingly dangerous because of its unpredictable behavior and erratic movement patterns. Relying on a Deranging Bloyster's eye color and calls to discern its target is unfeasible as it randomly chooses either or both with each target, including previous ones, adding further confusion and chaos. While disabling the leaders' beacons may seem like the best strategy, it is quite the contrary, as the Deranging Bloyster will constantly flick attacking Pikmin off of itself, making it practically invulnerable unless it is distracted with light. Not only that, but Pikmin that are in darkness for too long will begin to panic. A Deranging Bloyster's most vulnerable part is its gill-bulb. Its main body can be attacked by Pikmin and leaders alike for much less damage, but throwing a Purple Pikmin pound on the creature's back will inflict a decent amount. Throwing Pikmin onto a Deranging Bloyster's gill-bulb is not necessary, as they instinctively know to jump up at and onto it. A Deranging Bloyster defends itself by rather violently shaking Pikmin off its body, throwing them everywhere in the process. Upon death, a Deranging Bloyster will unleash a loud, distorted scream while stiffening up and dramatically shrinking in size. After this, it adopts a dried, shriveled appearance. The moment it finishes shrinking, its remains can be carried by its gill-bulb. After its defeat, before it begins shrinking, a Deranging Bloyster will regurgitate the remains and sparklium of any creatures, besides Pikmin, it ingested, alongside anything else it may have swallowed.

In ultra-spicy difficulty, Deranging Bloysters can make nearby Pikmin panic with a piercing scream if it sustains too much damage in a short time. Additionally, leaders that a Deranging Bloyster swallows must manually struggle within its body until it spits them out. They take continuous damage from the creature's digestive acids while trapped inside unless they are wearing Antacid Polish, but can hit it from within to inflict minimal harm and are shielded from explosions and other forms of external damage. Trapped leaders automatically crawl out once the creature dies.

The Deranging Bloyster's old icon.


  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): Deranging Bloysters are wildly unpredictable and light is their trigger. Pay close attention and keep on the move!
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): A Deranging Bloyster's warning cry when it sees light will scare nearby Pikmin into a panic.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #3 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): Leaders trapped in a Deranging Bloyster's stomach are safe from harm aside from its stomach acid.

Olimar's comments

PWW Captain Olimar icon.png Although it may initially appear as harmless as most other molluskings, the deranging bloyster is an extremely dangerous predator due to its unpredictable behavior. The moment it detects glowing objects or prey, which it obsesses over, it goes berserk. It rushes towards them, choosing to use eye colors, verbal calls, or both simultaneously to petrify its target. Eventually, the creature enthusiastically devours its helpless prey by pulling them into its mouth with its long, branching tongue. Before entering the presence of a deranging bloyster, it is wise to deactivate any sources of light in one's possession.

Shacho's comments

PWW President icon.png The color of this creature's slimy skin is eerie and I don't much like it. My skin would be the same color if Olimar and Louie hadn't paid off the All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks before they did me in and left my body in the Hocotate swamp.

Marie's comments

PWW Marie icon.png I really do not recommend having one of these as a pet. At all. I don't believe I need to explain why, especially to those who have themselves fended off against a deranging bloyster.

Louie's comments

PWW Louie icon.png Every morsel of the beast is chewy and bitter. Feed only to disliked in-laws.

Dolphin Lander's comments

PWW Dolphin Lander icon.png Never before have I witnessed a creature like the deranging bloyster. I fear it, although it does not target me. The color of its skin is grim, like that of dead flesh.