
From Pikmin Fanon
Family Amphituber

The Bullhop is a species of large, stocky amphituber.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Bullhop.

In Pikmin 5: Apex Predator

Pikmin 5: Apex Predator
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 5: Apex Predator, a fanon game created by Green Crawbster.
Bullwog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Unknown
Areas Lover's Garden
Carry weight 500
Seed worth 625 (easy)
500 (normal)
375 (hard)
Health 135,000
Attacks Crushes, eats, and hits Pikmin, creates puddles

The Bullwog is an apex predator in Pikmin 5: Apex Predator. It is the hidden overworld boss in the Lover's Garden, and the source of the Bullpoles in the area. Its arena is muddy with a lily pad in the center on a mound of mud, which the player initially jumps on for a better view. Upon doing so, the mound is revealed to conceal the Bullwog, which throws the player and their squad off its back and begins the fight. The first phase of the fight is no different from any other amphituber except slightly slower. When it jumps, a shadow will be cast onto the ground, indicating where it will land, after which Pikmin can be thrown on it. Even though the Bullwog moves slowly, it is large enough to flatten an entire squadron if it lands directly on it. The second phase starts when the Bullwog inflates its vocal sac and produces a croak that scares Pikmin. At this point, the Bullwog will thrust out its long tongue to swallow Pikmin. After the initial tongue attack, the Bullwog will start hopping around again, but at various distances: a high jump that covers less distance but lands more quickly, and a long jump that covers more distance but lands more slowly. When the Bullwog lands from a jump, a water-filled indentation will be left behind, endangering non-Blue Pikmin that enter. If too many Pikmin are standing at the Bullwog's side when it lands, it will swing its limbs out and knock Pikmin to the ground. However, if Pikmin are in front of its mouth when it lands, the Bullwog will use its tongue. It will occasionally croak as well, but the vocal sac will inflate beforehand, giving fair warning for the Pikmin it is about to make panic. When the Bullwog is at its final third of health, the Bullwog stands on its hind legs and croaks. Its final phase makes it a serious hazard, as it moves faster and its hops get stronger. The Bullwog's high jump almost immediately hits the ground as soon as it hits its peak and now happens multiple times in succession. The Bullwog additionally starts long jumping with an open mouth, increasing the range in which it can kill Pikmin. Also, the Bullwog can flip on its back, killing all non-Rock Pikmin that attack it from behind. Finally, the Bullwog, if standing in a puddle, can swing its limbs around, flinging water droplets, mimicking the Monster Pump. Once all of its health is gone, it will try to croak one last time but collapse and die.


Olimar's notes

The Bullwog is a newly discovered invasive species of wollywog infamous for its all-consuming appetite. Pikmin, bulborbs, other wollywogs, and anything that cannot immediately kill the Bullwog have all been found inside the stomach during autopsies. Rumor has it Bullwogs will even eat other Bullwogs, but no evidence has been found yet that confirms this.

Louie's notes

Remove the beast's stomach and sauté the meat with generous spices for 30 minutes. After, cut the stomach into smaller bags and put the ground meat in along with cheese, lettuce, olives, and sour cream. It's the perfect food for when you're on the go!

In Pikmin: Ultimate Doom

WraithOmniverseLogo.pngUltimate Doom
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Ultimate Doom, a fanon game created by Zoadra.
Bullywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Amphituber
Areas None
Caves Aquatic Nest
Attacks Crushes Pikmin, creates shockwaves

The Bullywog is a boss in Pikmin: Ultimate Doom that only appears on sublevel seven of the Aquatic Nest. The Bullywog's skin is colored light brown, its eyes are yellow, and it has two blue stripes on each side of its body with a bulbous, red mass on its back. It has four fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot. Its hind legs are shorter than its arms. It is very stocky for an amphituber, and one of its adaptations includes a tough clay-like skin that only a heavy attack can penetrate. After roughly ten seconds, the skin regrows in the exposed areas. It also can leap into the air, much like most amphitubers, except its leap is much shorter and it releases a shockwave upon hitting the ground. The Bullywog's name is a portmanteau of the words "bully" and "Wollywog".

When this creature catches sight of Pikmin, it will charge to an attack. It hops quickly and eventually leaps into the air, sending a shockwave after the fall. If it lands on sand, it will send a shockwave of it that will kill all but Tan Pikmin; if it lands on water, it will send a wave of water to the edge of the body if close enough, drowning all but Blue Pikmin; if it lands on rock, it sends a shockwave that launches all but Purple Pikmin away, scattering them around and exposing them to any hazard in the Bullywog's arena. After the initial leap attack, it will try to grab Pikmin and slam them into the ground, killing them, and then repeats its attack cycle.

Disarm every threat in the surrounding area so that the Bullywog's ground pound on rock doesn't send an unfortunate group of Pikmin to a hazard. Avoid its attacks and their aftereffects. Pikmin that the Bullywog grabs can be saved by attacking the creature. Only Purple Pikmin can break through the Bullywog's tough hide, but any Pikmin type can damage the soft tissue underneath until the hide regenerates.


Olimar's notes

The Bullywog is a particular specimen I encountered in the Aquatic Nest. It has brute strength and is easily enraged by the sight of my Pikmin squad. Interesting, because it pays no attention to Louie or myself. Such hatred for Pikmin alone needs to be further researched...

Louie's notes

Marinade in hot sauce and cook for twelve hours. Then the skin will taste and look like a soft taco shell!