Blue Bulbmin

From Pikmin Fanon
Blue Bulbmin
Parasitic Pikmin host
Family Grub-dog

The Blue Bulbmin is a blue-backed, potentially semiaquatic bulborb infected by a parasitic Pikmin.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of Blue Bulbmin.

In Pikmin I

PI Blue Bulbmin juvenile icon.png
"This is how you cut a xan cake."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin I, a fanon game created by Dwarf Orange Bulborb.
PI Bulbmin juvenile icon.png
Blue Bulbmin (adult) The icon used to represent this .
PI Blue Bulbmin adult.png
Scientific name Pikminidae parasitafuchsium cobaltiaqua
Family Grub-dog (host)
Pikmin (parasite)
Weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Attacks Eats Pikmin
Seeds 10
Blue Bulbmin (juvenile) The icon used to represent this .
Dark blue
PI Blue Bulbmin juvenile.png
Scientific name Pikminidae parasitafuchsium cobaltiaqua (juvenile)
Resistance Water icon.png Bubble icon.png Sunset icon.png
Attack power Slightly above average (1.1x)
Candypop bud Cobalt-Bulby Candypop Bud
Carrying strength 2
Note: all or most of this information may be fanon information.
Kingdom Therobotania
Phylum Pikosimilis
Class Ambuloracidis
Order Pikucorona
Family Pikmin
Genus Parasitafuchsium
Species Cobaltiaqua

The Blue Bulbmin is the result of a parasitic Pikmin infecting a Blue Bulborb. However, they can also nest in Onions, specifically the Cobalt Blue Bulbonion. It is stronger than other Bulbmin.


Olimar's notes (adult)

This parasitic Pikmin has infected a Blue Bulborb host but becomes powerless over the host if no peacock blue juice has been consumed by the parasite in 3 days. This peculiar Bulbmin can travel in groups of 2 adults maximum and 12 juveniles per adult. It is as ferocious as the normal Blue Bulborb.

Louie's notes (adult)

I have been advised to not cook this specimen, or else I will get beaten up.

Olimar's notes (juvenile)

This specimen infects a Blue Bulborb at the larval stage, where it then will take over. It will then feed on small plants or clovers; this is to give the body enough nutrients to grow. After exiting the larval stage and albino Blue Bulbmin stage, it will sniff out its parent(s) and stick with them until its teenage years, when it will separate from its parent(s) and go hunt by itself. At this stage, it will feed on small animals like sheargrubs more than plants, to get more protein to grow into a strong adult.

Louie's notes (juvenile)

I have been advised to not cook this specimen, or else I will regret it.

In Pikmin: Revenge of the Darkfreeze

PRotD Darkfreeze.png The Darkfreeze is back...
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Revenge of the Darkfreeze, created by SilverPikmin.
PRotD Darkfreeze.png
Blue Bulbmin (adult) The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-dog
Attacks Eats Pikmin
Blue Bulbmin (juvenile) The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Resistance Fire, water, electricity, poison
Attack Average
Mobility Average (land)
Above average (liquid)
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

In Pikmin: Revenge of the Darkfreeze, Blue Bulbmin have a twenty-five percent chance to appear in place of regular Bulbmin wherever they are found underground. Blue Bulbmin are simply a blue recolor of regular Bulbmin, with an orange stem and yellow petals. Like other Bulbmin types, Blue Bulbmin can not be taken aboveground. However, they are immune to all elemental hazards, making them a useful multitasking ally. As an added bonus, Blue Bulbmin are also slightly faster when submerged in liquid such as water.

In Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator

Nuvola warning.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
Nuvola warning.png
Blue Bulbmin (adult) The icon used to represent this enemy.
Blue Bulbmin.jpg
Scientific name Parasiticus pikminicus puteulanus
Family Grub-dog
Areas The Portal
Caves Aqua Labyrinth, Dark Forest Cave, Black Hole
Carry weight 7
Max. carriers 10
Seed worth 10
Attacks Eats Pikmin
Blue Bulbmin (juvenile) The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Resistance Fire, water, electricity, poison
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

Blue Bulbmin are a completely optional Pikmin variety hidden deep within Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator. These ultra-rare creatures are led by Blue Bulbmin leaders, similar to regular Bulbmin. If a squad of Blue Bulbmin is able to be tracked down and defeated, five juvenile Blue Bulbmin are able to be assimilated into a squad if there is enough space in it. Be warned, however, that adult Blue Bulbmin are formidable foes. Resistant to all elements, juvenile Blue Bulbmin can leave the dungeon as well. There are four separate Blue Bulbmin leaders scattered in deep dungeons throughout the world, giving a maximum of twenty Blue Bulbmin that can be held in the ship at a time.