Ultra-sweet spray

From Pikmin Fanon
Ultra-sweet spray

Ultra-sweet spray is a type of spray that is notably saccharine.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of ultra-sweet spray.

In Pikmin 18,000,000,011

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The world's most hated game.
This article or section is pertaining to Pikmin 18,000,000,011, a fanon game created by PikminKartSuperCircuit.
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The ultra-sweet spray is the last spray encountered in Pikmin 18,000,000,011. The effect of using it is that it doubles the leaders' stats for 40 seconds but at the cost of halving their stats for 3 minutes afterward.

The only enemy that makes it impossible to use the ultra-sweet spray is Bloodlust.

In Pikmin Sunshine

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Another Adventure
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Sunshine, a fanon game created by MaxMaker.
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In Pikmin Sunshine, ultra-sweet spray is the alternative to ultra-spicy spray. It flowers Pikmin upon use, and makes them work faster for its duration.

In Pikmin V

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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin V, a fanon game created by En Passant.
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In Pikmin V, ultra-sweet spray is a pink spray that will instantly flower all Pikmin in the squad on use, taking this functionality from the ultra-spicy spray. Along with ultra-spicy spray, it is the most common type of spray that can be collected. Sprays only become available once Brittany has been recovered, and the Burgeoning Spiderworts that produce their berries aren't found until the Forest of Seeming region is entered afterward.

In Pikmin X: Deep Freeze

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Pikmin X: Deep Freeze
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin X: Deep Freeze, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
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Ultra-sweet spray is a spray in Pikmin X: Deep Freeze that is highly concentrated nectar, and so takes on a yellow color. Using it creates a cloud of gas that pacifies enemies and makes them stop attacking for a while should they walk into it. Additionally, Pikmin enveloped in the sweet cloud will have their maturities advanced to the flower stage. Ultra-sweet spray is never yielded from eggs and can only be obtained from Burgeoning Spiderworts that bear yellow berries, making it the rarest spray to be found.

In Pikmin: Connection of the Worlds

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The worlds connect.
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Connection of the Worlds, a fanon game created by PikFan23.
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Ultra-sweet spray in Pikmin: Connection of the Worlds is a rare but equally as useful spray. It can be accumulated by collecting five of its berries from any Burgeoning Spiderwort that happens to yield them by chance, or by finding doses of the spray from breaking eggs, or by flipping over a Diamond Beetle at least once. When used, a dose of ultra-sweet spray will heal a fourth of the current leader's health. Its use is recommended only if the S.S. Dolphin 2.0 is inaccessible.

In Pikspore

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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikspore, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
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Ultra-sweet spray is a cyan spray in Pikspore. It may be obtained either by collecting ten cyan berries from a Burgeoning Spiderwort that yields them, or from a drop of it on the ground. Doses of ultra-sweet spray may be found by destroying eggs, killing Honeywisps and cyan Unmarked Spectralids, or defeating any petrified enemy. Using ultra-sweet spray will release a wave of sweet-smelling gas that wafts through the air, distracting enemies in the cloud into forgetting about Pikmin and leaders, to allow for an easier escape, or weaken an enemy. The gas dissipates after thirty seconds.

User versions

Below this point is where users place their version of ultra-sweet spray.

TheFalconDrop99's version

See: User:TheFalconDrop99

Super-sweet spray is similar to ultra-spicy spray in that, while its effects last, it makes Pikmin stronger but slower and Purple Pikmin weaker but faster. Its name is derived from Pikmin 4's Dandori Battle difficulty settings.