Elongated Mockiwi

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 06:09, 1 August 2023 by Glubbfubb (talk | contribs)
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Elongated Crushblat" article for more official information.
Hey Pikmin icon.png
Elongated Mockiwi The icon used to represent this enemy.
HP Elongated Mockiwi.png
Appearance in Hey! Pikmin.
Scientific name Pseudoactinidia podimacris
Family Mockiwi

The Elongated Mockiwi is a fairly slow, docile mockiwi that has extremely long legs. Despite its gentle nature, it can inadvertently kill Pikmin by crushing any that are under its large feet when it takes a step. It wanders about, stopping to turn around when it reaches a boundary of its territory. Pikmin that are thrown at its feet or legs simply rebound off of them without harming the creature, but throwing them at its feathery knee joints enough times will cause the creature to fall down. After a while, it shakes off attacking Pikmin, stands up again, and continues its walk.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Elongated Mockiwi.

In Pikmin Evolution

Pikmin Evolution icon.png
"An Evolution Revolution."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Evolution, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Evolution icon.png
Elongated Mockiwi The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Pseudoactinidia podimacris
Family Mockiwi
Habitats Fields
Diet Seeds, juice, syrup
Rarity Uncommon
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 9
Seed worth 7
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 6
Collectable resources Thick down, syrup
Attacks Crushes and eats Pikmin
Weaknesses Ice icon.png

The Elongated Mockiwi is an enemy that appears in Pikmin Evolution. It has the same design as its last appearance, though depending on the area it is found in the Mockiwi could have red, orange, lime green, cyan, or indigo plumage. It is a usually neutral creature, not actively attacking your Pikmin unless actively triggered into doing so. Rather it prefers to spend its time foraging for food such as seeds, pellets, or nectar and crouch down so it can pick up and swallow these items with its beak. The only danger it poses at that point is the fact that it could accidentally crush your Pikmin with its sharply clawed feet, but it tends to flee sheepishly if it does so, so its not an intention danger. What will set it off is when it is fighting over the berry from a Hanging Cocoberry as that is its favorite food due to liking the syrup it drops. In this state the Mockiwi will actively try to hard your Pikmin while fighting over the berry. The Elongated Mockiwi attacks by stomping its feet into the ground and trying to crush your squad by walking through them, as such large squads are unrecommended from fighting this enemy. The weakpoint is the main body up top and to reach it you need to swarm the leg joints with your Pikmin, while this does only meager damage it causes the Mockiwi to lower its head, allowing your Pikmin to attack that area for heavy damage. Be careful though as in this state the Mockiwi will rapidly peck on the ground, eating any Pikmin in its way while also shaking any Pikmin on its body, sometimes it may even pluck out a Dirtwyrm to sick at your squad while performing its pecking attack, distracting you from the main enemy. The best way to defeat the Elongated Mockiwi is to chill it with ice, such as from a cyan syrup, since its legs are quite skinny its weak to the cold and so freezing these legs will cause it to drop its head down instantly rather than after some damage from the previously mentioned swarming. When killed the Elongated Mockiwi will drop face first into the ground and spit out any pellets it may have eaten, it also has a high chance of dropping a syrup matching the color of its plumage, which is just a neat bonus reward for the chaos this enemy causes. Funnily enough when carried its legs will drag behind your carriers due to being so long, a undignified way to go.



In Pikmin Z

Pikmin Z
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Z, a fanon game created by Sapphire7.
Elongated Crushblat The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Pseudoactinia podimacris
Family Mockiwi
Areas Aves Isle
Caves None
Carry weight 20
Max. carriers 40
Seed worth 20
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

The Elongated Crushblat is a PC-exclusive mockiwi in Pikmin Z, found only at Aves Isle. It is a unique mockiwi species that has evolved to reach food other species are unable to. Many enemies leave the Elongated Crushblat be, it being too big to be considered prey to most. The method to defeat an Elongated Crushblat consists of throwing Pikmin at the creature's leg feathers until it topples over, and then throwing Pikmin at its head. The Elongated Mockiwi's diet consists entirely of vegetation, and it has no known predators.