Toady Bloyster

From Pikmin Fanon
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This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Toady Bloyster" article for more official information.
Pikmin 2 icon.pngPikmin 3 icon.pngPikmin 4 icon.png
Toady Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
P4 Toady Bloyster.png
Appearance in Pikmin 4.
Scientific name Molluschid minionicus
Family Mollusking

Toady Bloysters are slug-like creatures that creep along the ground in search of food, and upon discovering Pikmin, emit a loud call reminiscent of that of a cow-calf before lashing out their pseudopodia-like tentacles. Any Pikmin hit by the tentacles stick, and are ingested if the bloyster is not killed before it can finish chewing. As slow as they may be, a bloyster is capable of causing a very large and sudden drop in the number of Pikmin a leader has at their disposal. In Pikmin 2, its only weakpoint is the gill-like organ on its rear, although Purple Pikmin pounds can harm it anywhere on its body. It has seven distinct tentacles and will shake off Pikmin when sufficiently harmed. In Pikmin 3, its tail remains the primary target, although its body can be attacked by any Pikmin type to inflict far less damage. It has one tentacle that splits into six and will eject panic-inducing ink when sufficiently harmed.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Toady Bloyster.

In Pikmin 251

Pikmin 251
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 251, a Pikmin 2 ROM hack created by PikHacker.
Toady Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Mollusking
Areas Foreboding Forest
Caves Subterranean Sands, Endless Abyss, Perilous Pipeline
Challenge Mode stages Shaded Cove, Ceramic Cellar, The Gauntlet
Battle Mode stages None
Carry weight 8
Max. carriers 15
Seed worth 30
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 15
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Toady Bloyster can be seen in Pikmin 251. Its behavior is unchanged from how it is in Pikmin 2.


Olimar's observations

Being a smaller, weaker, version of a more powerful creature, the Toady Bloyster is quite strange. It's also extremely uncommon to see. Although, it does seem a bit more common this time compared to the last. That's good to know, since these small bloysters almost were an endangered species!

Cookin' with Louie

Pan-sear with herbs and oil until lightly crusted on the outside and rosy on the inside. Complement the savory flavors with a light and buttery creme sauce.

In Pikmin 3 (Flish version)

Pikmin 3 (Flish version)
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 3 (Flish version), a fanon game created by Flish.
Toady Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Mollusking
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikmin 3, Toady Bloysters are far more common and weaker. Unlike Ranging Bloysters, they can not eat Purple Pikmin, because they are too heavy to pull into their mouth.

In Pikmin Forever

KHA Logo.png
Pikmin Forever
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Forever, a fanon game created by Scruffy.
KHA Logo.png
Toady Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Mollusking
Seed worth 10 (tail)
5 (body)
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikmin Forever, Toady Bloysters have an appearance much like they do in Pikmin 3, except a bit bigger. Each bloyster has different tail markings, with one bloyster having reddish streaks on its orange tail and another having a yellow hue with a yellow spiral on its orange tail. Pikmin can be thrown onto its body and latch onto it, attacking it, but if enough Pikmin are thrown onto its tail, they weigh down its tail until it touches the ground, making the tail jerk violently upwards, launching the Pikmin everywhere and hitting the Toady Bloyster on its back, inflicting considerable damage to it in the process. Twenty to forty normal Pikmin or two to four Purple Pikmin can weigh down its tail, though this depends on each specimen. Toady Bloysters will generally stay in moist areas like ponds but can be lured to other areas. They can climb up ledges, and leave a trail of slime wherever they go. These enemies can migrate in some areas in groups of one to four to a total of three locations on each large map. When defeated, they will droop their tail before shrinking down considerably, about the size of a pellet, and take on a burnt brown coloration and appear crisp. Their tail gives five metal units or ten Pikmin, and their body gives five Pikmin and can not be salvaged for metal.

In Pikmin: Decayed Leaf

P2 Olimar icon.png
"You… your evil subordinate, your greedy boss, and this invasive Pikmin infestation will all die here TODAY!!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Decayed Leaf, a fanon game created by Soundwave.
PDL Overlord banner icon.png
Toady Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Molluschid minionicus
Family Mollusking
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 20
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 2
Attacks Eats and poisons Pikmin

The Toady Bloyster is a returning enemy appearing in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. It retains its original design throughout the Pikmin games. The Toady Bloyster is mainly found inside water, although it can also be found moving around on land. The Bloyster moves much faster in water than in land, moving double the speed it would on land. If a Pikmin or captain lingers in front of the creature, it will emit a cow-like bellow before thrusting out numerous tendrils that split off into dozens of smaller tendrils. This deadly attack can catch up to 25 Pikmin if not careful. However, due to their weight, Weighted Pikmin seemingly cannot be eaten by Toady Bloysters. Blue Pikmin are best suited for taking out Bloysters due to their speed. They can attack the tail of the Bloyster, as that deals the most damage. If attacked constantly, the Toady Bloyster will release a noxious cloud of poison that can choke Blue Pikmin and Weighted Pikmin alike. If killed, the main body of the Bloyster melts away, leaving the small, berry-like tail to return to the Onion.

In Pikmin: Redemption

Nuvola warning.png
WraithOmniverseLogo.png PR Logo.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Redemption, created by Sir Pikmin.
Nuvola warning.png
Toady Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Mollusking
Seed worth 20
Attacks Eats Pikmin

Toady Bloysters in Pikmin: Redemption give yield twenty Pikmin seeds and are a little bit easier to defeat. They are also more common aboveground.

In Pikmin: Wide World

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
Toady Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
PWW Toady Bloyster.png
Family Mollusking
Weight 4
Max. carriers 8
Seed worth 15
Poko value P3 Poko icon.png × 4
Sparklium worth P4 Sparklium icon.png × 3
Battle point value P3 Soul icon.png × 20
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Toady Bloyster is a mollusking appearing in Pikmin: Wide World as the immature form of the Ranging Bloyster. It explores its medium-sized territory, typically alone, on land or in water. As it explores, it occasionally stops in place to idle. On land, a Toady Bloyster leaves a short-lasting slime trail as it moves. Its tail periodically quivers or sways. Leaders and Pikmin are usually not of its interest unless they linger directly in front of it for some moments, whereupon it will unleash an aggravated bovine sound before lashing out its slender, branching tongue to eat them. Any leaders it pulls into its mouth will be chewed up, swallowed, and then forcefully regurgitated, them taking damage as they are chewed and spat out. As leaders are swallowed along with any Pikmin in the creature's mouth, Pikmin can not be saved unless it is killed before it can swallow them. Additionally, leaders, Pikmin, and some enemies can walk up onto the back of a Toady Bloyster, although it will eventually shake them off if they stay on.

The most basic of molluskings, the Toady Bloyster is a large, pink, sluglike creature with a hump in the middle of its body and a plantlike tail at its backside. Each one has a unique pattern of purple markings covering its slimy body. The flattest points of its body taper to an edge. It has small black eyes mounted on red-rimmed eyestalks. Its large mouth contains a slender blue tongue that branches into six partway through. Its tail is primarily green with yellow details, and at the tip are 3 leaf-like appendages of similar colors arranged in a triangle shape. The spherical gill-bulb on the end of its tail is beige, speckled, and wrinkled.

Toady Bloysters are passive creatures that can usually be ignored. They don't go out of their way to attack Pikmin and leaders, but won't pass up a chance to feed on them. Attacking a Toady Bloyster's gill-bulb will inflict much more damage than attacking its body. Throwing Pikmin onto its gill-bulb is not necessary, as they know to jump up at and onto it. Landing Purple Pikmin pounds on its back will inflict decent damage. To get attacking Pikmin off, it will violently shake its body, mostly its tail. Upon death, a Toady Bloyster will moan and its body will stiffen up and shrink dramatically, adopting a dried and shriveled appearance. Its remains can be carried by its gill-bulb.

In ultra-spicy difficulty, a Toady Bloyster under attack by a particular leader's or Captmin's Pikmin for long enough will begin to go after them specifically. When the offender comes by, the Toady Bloyster's eyes will light up and turn their signature color regardless of whether their beacon, or lack thereof, is active or disabled. The Toady Bloyster will then chase down the offender even beyond the usual boundaries of its territory, approximately twice its usual size. Upon reaching this point, it will resume normal behavior and begin to return to its usual territory. If the Toady Bloyster is harassed by another leader or Captmin for long enough, it will forget about its previous assailant and begin to pursue them instead.


  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #1 (all difficulties): Toady Bloysters don't care about much, but don't stay in front of them for too long.
  • PWW Data file icon.png Data file #2 (ultra-spicy difficulty only): A Toady Bloyster will go on the offensive against a leader that continually harasses it.

Olimar's comments

PWW Captain Olimar icon.png Although it always travels in herds, the toady bloyster is often seen alone while hunting. Because of poor vision and mental lethargy, its attacks on prey are delayed. The creature's tail functions as gills, which allows it to survive in water, its preferred habitat.

Shacho's comments

PWW President icon.png If it weren't for the slime disappearing so quickly, I would bottle it and bring it back to Hocotate. It makes a great lubricant!

Marie's comments

PWW Marie icon.png Toady bloysters are naturally passive, so taming them is relatively simple. They don't seem to care about much, if anything, at all. Because of their bad eyesight and sluggish mental processes, they often can not very well discern its owner from food, so caution is advised to be exercised during feeding time.

Louie's comments

PWW Louie icon.png Extract the tongue and discard the rest of the body. Cut the tongue into thick slices, and sear on a grill. Reminiscent of calamari in taste and texture.

Dolphin Lander's comments

PWW Dolphin Lander icon.png Toady bloysters may be dense, but there's something admirable about them. Maybe it's because of the general ignorance they display to most anything around them. I wish some people were more like that... Oh yeah, and why are they called "toady" bloysters, anyway? They don't exactly seem to be serving anything.